Reversed Payment Report

You can use the Reversed Payment Report to find payments (either insurance or patient payments) that were reversed during a given date range, or to find payments posted during a selected date range that have been reversed.

This documentation contains the following sections:

Filter Options

  • Select Providers/Select Offices: You can use these filters to show only reversals associated with the selected providers/offices. This filter is based on the provider and office listed in the reversed payment.

  • Use Reversal Date/Use Payment Posted Date: You can use these radio buttons to choose to filter the report based on the date the payment was reversed (Use Reversal Date), or the date the payment was originally entered into the computer (Use Payment Posted Date).

  • Showing: Today/This Month/This Year: You can use this pop-up menu to automatically populate the Start/End Date fields to run the report for the current date, the last month, or from January first of the current year.

  • Start/End Date: If you do not wish to use the pop-up menu to automatically populate the start and end date, you can manually enter a date range here.

After setting your filters, click the Apply button to see your results.

Results Columns

The Reversed Payment Report results are broken down into two sections. The first section of the report shows patient payments that have been reversed.

  • Reverse Date: This is the the payment was reversed.

  • Primary Last, First: The first column lists the name listed in the Primary tab of the patient's account, last name first.

  • Account #: The Account # column lists the MacPractice account number associated with the payment/reversal.

  • Reverse Amount: This column lists the dollar amount of the reversed payment.

  • Reference #: The Reference # column will always display Reversed Payment on this report.

  • Payment Amount: This column lists the total amount of the original payment. On the Reversed Payment report, this should be the same as the Reverse Amount.

  • Payment Date: The final column lists the date the original payment was entered into the computer. It is important to note that this is the posted date of the payment, not the procedure date associated with the payment.

Below the patient payment reversals, you will see the insurance payment reversals. The Reversed Amount To Insurance Payments breakdown has all of the same information as the Reversed Amount To Patient Payments area, but adds the Carrier column which displays the insurance carrier the original payment was associated with.