Perio - Notation Points

The Notation Points Panel is used to choose the information that will be gathered and recorded into MacPractice. This panel will show the user which notation is currently being charted. It will also allow the user to Quick Toggle to another notation point. This means that the user is quickly charting one pocket in the selected notation and instantly move back to the previous notation line. 

Click the gear in the top right corner of this panel to activate and deactivate notation lines within the perio record. Simply check or uncheck a notation to add or remove it from the record. Click the ? on the right to see the instructions for entering this notation point. 

For example, some office like to mark bleeding as true or false while other offices like to record bleeding on a scale of 0-4. The different steps for recording both of these options are different and each can be seen in this notation panel. 

Notation points can also be re-ordered. Simply click and drag until the desired layout has been created. If needed, use the button Reset To Default Order to start with a fresh order. If needed Abbreviations can also be used instead of full names. 

The Notation Points are separated by Surface (Arch) Notation Points and Tooth Notation Points. See the Glossary for a list of Notation Point definitions.

  • Surface (Arch) Notation Points: Notation points for the surface (facial or lingual) or arch notations display at the top of the Notation Point Settings.

    • Gingival Margin/Recession (GM): Noted by a range between -5 - 15. Keyboard Shortcut: G

    • Probing Depth (PD): Noted by 0 - 15. Keyboard Shortcut: P

    • Clinical Attachment Loss (CAL): Calculated from Probing Depth + Gingival Margin

    • Bleeding (BLD): True or False (1 or 0) or 0 - 4. Keyboard Shortcut: B

    • Suppuration (SUP): True or False, Noted by 1 or 0. Keyboard Shortcut: S

    • Attached Gingiva (AG): Noted by a range between 0 - 5. Keyboard Shortcut: A

    • Plaque (PLQ): True or False, Noted by 1 or 0. Keyboard Shortcut: Q

    • Calculus (CALC): True or False, Noted by 1 or 0. Keyboard Shortcut: C

    • Furcation (FURC): Noted by 1 - 4. Keyboard Shortcut: F

  • Tooth Notation Points: Notation points for the entire tooth that have no facial or lingual difference (mandibular and maxillary only) display at the bottom of the Notation Points Settings.

    • Mobility (MOB): Noted by 1, 1+, 2, 2+, and 3. The plus comes before the digit when entering. Keyboard Shortcut: O

    • Abscess (ABSC): True or False, Noted by 1 or 0. Keyboard Shortcut: H

    • Bone Loss (BL): True or False, Noted by 1 or 0. Keyboard Shortcut: L

    • Sensitivity to Heat (HEAT): True or False, Noted by 1 or 0.

    • Sensitivity to Cold (COLD): True or False, Noted by 1 or 0.

    • Sensitivity to Pressure (PRES): True or False, Noted by 1 or 0.

    • Prognosis (PROG): Noted by 5-Good, 4-Fair, 3-Questionable, 2-Poor, and 1-Hopeless.