Posted Date Day Sheet Report

This report will give you information on charges, payments, taxes, adjustments, write-offs, refunds, deposits, unapplied amounts and finance charges for any given posted date. While the report initially will only show a summary of this information, you can double click on the date to show additional details. The summary and the detailed reports will be covered in more detail below.

The Posted Date reflects the date the transaction was entered into MacPractice and cannot be edited. If you want to change the identifying dates for transactions, this can be done using the Procedure Date. Please see documentation on the Procedure Date Day Sheet report for more information.

This documentation contains the following sections:

Filter Options

When you first select the Posted Date Day Sheet, you have the opportunity to filter the results you want to see.

NOTE: If you change your filters, the results in the table below will not change until you click the Apply button.

You can filter the report information by provider and office by selecting specific providers/offices in the lists at the top. The report will give you information only for the providers and offices selected.

For production, the Provider/Office pulls from the information listed in the New Charge window. For tax, it is based on the provider in the Charge window for which tax is charged.


For positive adjustments, the provider and office information pulls from the Provider/Office listed on the charge associated with the positive adjustment.


For deposits, negative adjustments and refunds, the Provider/Office pulls from on the Provider/Office listed in the Payment window.

For finance charges, the Provider/Office pulls from the provider listed in the patient's Account tab; however, the provider and office may be overridden by editing the finance charge directly on the patient's Account Ledger.


Show Menu and Start/End Date

The Show menu allows you to quickly select a time period for which to view summaries. The options under this menu are Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, Last 60 Days, and Last 90 Days. Selecting any of these options automatically fills out the appropriate Start and End dates.

If you prefer, you also can manually enter dates into the Start Date and End Date fields. This will show summaries for all the days between the Start and End dates.
NOTE: Even days with no activity will show up in a report. If a day has no activity you will see 0.00 listed in all columns of the summary.

Once you have set the appropriate filters, click the Apply button to see results.


Initially, you will be presented with a line summarizing all transactions for the day. The first column shows the posted date of all transactions. The posted date reflects the day the items were entered into MacPractice and cannot be edited.

The second column, after the Posted Date column, shows production for the day. Production reflects all charges entered for the day. Taxes, finance charges and positive adjustments are not counted as production. If you are using any of the Provider and/or Office filters, production will be filtered based on the provider listed in the Charge window. 

  • Tax: Reflects the amount of sales tax charged that day. The rate at which items are taxed is set in the References ability, by selecting Tax Rate from the sidebar. Click the plus button to create additional sales tax rates. Whether or not tax is charged is determined by whether or not the Taxable checkbox is checked in the Charge window. The rate charged is determined by the rate selected from the pop up menu. Like production, information on tax is filtered by the Charge provider.

  • Adjustments (+): Shows all positive adjustments made for the day. The associated provider is based on the provider listed in the Charge window for the charges associated with the adjustment.

  • Write-Offs: This column gives the total of all write-offs entered for the day for all payments. This information is filtered by the provider listed on the payment associated with the write-off.

  • Refunds: Shows the total of all refunds and reversed payments issued that day. This column filters by the provider listed in the Payment window of the payment associated with the refund. The associated provider is the provider listed when the refund was issued. If the provider was changed after the refund was issued, the refund will maintain the previous provider.

  • Deposits: Reflects all payments entered for the day and is filtered by the provider listed in the Payment window. The deposits total reflects both applied and unapplied amounts.
    NOTE: Negative adjustments and write-offs do not count towards deposits.

  • Unapplied: Shows you the amount of payments entered for the day that were not applied towards a charge. This associated provider is based on the provider listed in the Payment window.

  • Finance Charge: Reflects all finance charges charged for the day. The finance charge is filtered by the provider selected on the patient's Account tab; however, the provider and office may be overridden by editing the finance charge directly on the patient's Account Ledger. 

  • Gross Adjustment (-): This column reflects all negative adjustments entered for the day. This column counts both applied and unapplied negative adjustments.

Detailed View

You can double click the summary line in the Posted Date Day Sheet report to bring up a detailed view of activities from that day in a new window. This window will show you which patients and accounts had transactions entered. There are several filters that can be applied to the Detail view if you want to see only transactions of a certain type. These are detailed in the View Options menu. When you first open the report, it will default to View All. 

View All

The View All selection under the View Options pop-up menu will show you all activity from that day. In this view, you will be able to see all transactions entered, including:

  • Procedures

  • Payments

  • Adjustments (+/-)

  • Write-Offs

  • Claims Created

  • Statements Printed

  • Refunds and Reversed Payments

Using the Sort By menu, you can choose to sort the view by Account (patient's account number), Name (patient's name for procedures and primary's name for payments), or the order the transactions were entered into the system. 

You also can filter the results to show only a single user's actions, by selecting that user from the View User menu.

In the main portion of the detail window, you will see a breakdown of that day's activity.

  • Number: The first column in this view shows you the account number associated with the transaction. If the transaction was associated to a specific patient, it will show the full account number for that patient (such as 123-1). If the transaction was associated to the account as a whole, in the case of payments and negative adjustments, it only will show the main account number (such as 123).

  • Patient/Primary Name: The next column shows the name associated with the transaction. It will show the patient's name for patient-specific transactions, and the primary's name for any payments or negative adjustments, as these are applied at the account level. The primary's name will even be shown if it is a payment from the secondary's insurance.

  • Transaction: The third column gives you a description of the transaction. If the transaction was a procedure, it will show the procedure code. If the transaction was a payment, it will tell you what kind of payment it was, (such as Insurance, Check, Cash, and so on).

  • Proc. Date: The fourth column displays the procedure date entered for the transaction. This date pulls from the Procedure Date field for all transaction types. While the Procedure Date field generally defaults to the Posted Date, it can be manually overridden.

  • Prov: The next column shows you the provider and office associated with the transaction, using the unique two character ID code entered in the Provider or Office reference.

  • Charge: This column shows the total charge of the procedure.

  • Pri. Allowed: Here, the Allowed Amount from the patient's Primary Insurance for the charge is displayed.

  • Tax: Any applicable Tax assigned to the charge appears in this column.

  • Total Payment Amount: This is the total amount that was posted on this day.

  • Adj.(+): The total amount that was Positively Adjusted on this day.

  • Adj.(-): The total amount that was Negatively Adjusted on charges posted on this day, regardless of when the negative adjustment itself was actually posted.

  • Refund: If any refunds were posted, they will appear in this column.

  • Write-Off: Any Write-Offs that may have been posted will appear here.

  • User ID: This is the ID of the User associated with the line item.

For procedures, this will reflect the provider and office entered in the New Charge window.

For payments, this will reflect the provider and office entered in the Payment window.

NOTE: Statements, claims, write-offs, positive adjustments and reverse payments will not have a provider listed.

  • Charge: The Charge column shows the dollar amount of the fee charged for that transaction. Only procedures will have a charge listed.

  • Total Payment Amount: The next column shows the amount of all payments with the selected posted date.

  • Adj. (+): The Adj. (+) column shows the amount of any positive adjustments posted on the selected date.

  • Adj. (-): The Adj. (-) column shows the applied portion of any negative adjustments posted on the given date.

  • Refund: The Refund column shows all refunds created on the selected date.

  • Write-Off: The Write-off column shows the amount of any write-offs entered for the day.

  • User ID: The User ID column shows the two character unique User ID of the user who entered that item.

The bottom of the report shows a total for each of the columns.

Below this is information on the total deposit for the day, which is a total of all payments. The Accounts Receivable information always reflects the current A/R in your MacPractice database. Even if you are viewing a past day's report, the A/R reflects all transactions entered in the database. In MacPractice the A/R amount listed here is based on the following formula:

Below the preliminary A/R, you can see how much of the money owed is from production and how much is from finance charges. For this one instance, positive adjustments are counted as production. It also will break down what is owed by patient and insurance portions. The Finance Charge Balance reflects the total amount of finance charges open. This will match your A/R report, but may be different than your Day Sheet.

The report then subtracts the unapplied balance from the total owed, for the net A/R. If you are unsure about your A/R, you can use the following formula to determine the amount:


You can double click the summary line in the Posted Date Day Sheet report to bring up a detailed view of activities from that day in a new window. This window will show you which patients and accounts had transactions entered.

There are several filters that can be applied to the Detail view if you want to see only transactions of a certain type. These are detailed in the View Options menu. When you first open the report, it will default to View All.

Selecting Charges from the View Options menu will show you all charges entered that day.

  • Number: The first column in this view show you the full account number for the patient the charge was entered under.

  • Patient/Primary Name: The second column displays the patient's name.

  • Procedures: The third column lists the procedure code.

  • Proc Date: The fourth column shows the procedure date entered for the transaction. The procedure date is determined by the procedure date entered in the New Charge window.

  • Description: The fifth column displays the short description of the charge, such as "Exam" or "Xrays".

  • Tooth/Surface (DDS Only): In MacPractice DDS, you will see a column that shows the tooth and surface associated with the procedure, if applicable.

  • Prov: The next column, labeled Prov, shows the unique user ID of the provider that performed the charge, and the office associated with the charge, as set in the New Charge window.

  • Fee: The Fee column shows the fee charged for that service.

  • Pri. Allowed: Here, the Allowed Amount from the patient's Primary Insurance for the charge is displayed.

  • Tax: Any applicable Tax assigned to the charge appears in this column.

  • User ID: The User ID column shows the unique two character user ID of the user who entered that item.

The bottom of the report shows a total for the charges entered that day. This total should match the production total for the day when you run the Production by Posted Date report, as long as you use the same filters/date range for each report.


You can double click the summary line in the Posted Date Day Sheet report to bring up a detailed view of activities from that day in a new window. This window will show you which patients and accounts had transactions entered. There are several filters that can be applied to the Detail view if you want to see only transactions of a certain type. These are detailed in the View Options menu. When you first open the report, it will default to View All.

Selecting Payments from the View Options menu will show you all payments entered that day.

As with the other views of the Day Sheet, you can use the Sort By menu to sort the report by Account (patient's account number), Name (the primary's name for payments), or the order the transactions were entered into the system.

You also can filter the results to show only a single user's actions, by selecting that user from the View Users menu. The user is determined by the username/password given at log in, on the terminal the transactions were entered.

  • Payment Types & Credit Card Payments: You can choose to filter the payment report by a given payment type by selecting it from the Payment Type menu. This menu only will show payment types used that day. For example, if you have a day where you only have insurance and check payments, these will be the only two options in the menu. There is a separate menu to include or exclude credit card payments from the report (center menu at the top of the window). This menu will appear whether or not there were credit card payments entered for the given day.

  • Number & Guarantor: The first and second columns in this view show you the account number the payment was entered under, and the primary on the account.

  • Transaction: The third column lists the type of payment, such as: Check, Cash, Insurance, and so on.

  • Proc Date: The fourth column displays the procedure date entered for the transaction. The procedure date is determined by the procedure date entered in the Proc. Date field in the Payment window.

  • Acct. Pr/Of: The next column shows the unique user ID of the provider and office listed in the Payment window. You can find a Provider's User ID in References > Users, and you can find the Office ID in References > Offices.

  • Description: The Description column displays additional information on the payment, including the type of payment, reference or check number, and in parenthesis the total amount of the payment.

  • Refund: The Refund column shows how much of that payment has been refunded or reversed. If none of the payment has been refunded, this will read 0. The refund column in the Payment view uses the payment date, while the refund or reversal in the Refund view uses the date of the refund.

  • Applied: The next column lists how much of the payment is currently applied to charges. This only will show payments that were posted today, so if a payment was posted last week and was only applied today, it will not show up on this report.

  • Unapplied: The Unapplied column will show you how much of the payment has been left unapplied.

  • Total Payment Amount: The next column displays the full amount of the payment entered, regardless of what is refunded, applied or unapplied. The Refund, Applied, and Unapplied columns should all add up to the amount shown in the Total Payment Amount column. This amount also should match the amount in parenthesis in the Description column.

  • User ID: Finally, the User ID column shows the unique user ID of the user who entered that item.

The bottom of the report shows a total for the payments entered that day. The total payments should match the total for that day when you run the Gross Receipts report, assuming there are no providers that were active when the day sheet was created, and have since been archived or made inactive.

You also can expand each payment to show additional detail. To expand a line, click the triangle to the left.

The expanded view of the report shows you detail about how the payment was applied.

  • Number & Patient: The first columns in the expanded view show the account number and patient name for the patient whose charge the payment is applied to.

  • Incident: The next column gives the incident name of the charge the payment is applied to.

  • Date Applied: The Date Applied column shows the date this payment was applied. The date applied may not be the same as the date the payment was posted. If an amount was left unapplied for more than a day or if a payment was unapplied and reapplied, this date will change.

  • Amount Applied: The next column shows the amount of the payment that was applied to that charge. The amount applied is the amount entered in the Payment column for a given charge.

  • Pay To: The Pay To column displays the code of the procedure the payment was applied to, followed by the the short description.

  • Proc Date: The second to last column in the detail view shows the procedure date of the charge, as listed in the New Charge window.

  • PROV: Finally, the PROV column shows the provider and office associated with the charge. This is the unique user ID and office ID of the Provider/Office entered in the Charge window.

Beneath the list of patient payments is a table that breaks down the payment types by provider. Across the top are the payment types, with the column on the far right side shows the total applied towards charges for that provider. Below the table is a list of totals showing how much was applied of each payment type. The far right corner shows all payments applied that day.


You can double click the summary line in the Posted Date Day Sheet report to bring up a detailed view of activities from that day in a new window. This window will show you which patients and accounts had transactions entered. There are several filters that can be applied to the Detail view if you want to see only transactions of a certain type. These are detailed in the View Options menu. When you first open the report, it will default toView All.

The Write-Offs filter will display only write-offs entered with insurance payments that day.

  • Write-Off Types: The Write-Off Types menu allows you to filter the report to show only write-offs of a certain type. The write-off type is determined by the plan type set in the Insurance Company reference.

If there is a plan set for the patient, the plan type pulls from the Plan tab.

  • Number: The first column in this view shows you the full account number for the patient associated with the payment the write-off was entered for, such as 123-1.

  • Patient/Primary Name: The second column shows the patient's name.

  • Transaction: The third column tells you what type of write-off it is. The write-off type is based on the Plan Type under References, from Insurance Companies in the sidebar and under the Company Info tab. For example, if the plan type is Commercial Insurance, you will see a CommIns Write-off. If the Plan Type is Blue Cross/Blue Shield, you will see a BCBS Write-off. Keep in mind that if you are using insurance plans, information on the plan level will override information on the Company Info tab.

  • Proc Date: The fourth column displays the procedure date entered for the insurance payment associated with the write-off. The procedure date is determined by the procedure date entered in the Proc. Date field in the Payment window.

  • Description: The next column is titled Description, but it will always be blank for write-offs.

  • Amount: The sixth column shows the amount of the write-off, as entered in the Insurance Payment window.

  • User ID: The User ID column shows the two character unique user ID of the user who entered the charge that is tied to the write-off.

The bottom of the report shows a total for the write-offs and also displays a total for write-offs associated with each plan type.

It also will show the write-offs made for each provider. The provider breakdown is determined by the provider listed in the payment window for the insurance payment the write-off is associated with.


You can double click the summary line in the Posted Date Day Sheet report to bring up a detailed view of activities from that day in a new window. This window will show you which patients and accounts had transactions entered. There are several filters that can be applied to the Detail view if you want to see only transactions of a certain type. These are detailed in the View Options menu. When you first open the report, it will default to View All.

The Adjustments view will show all adjustments made for the day, including both positive adjustments and negative adjustments.

  • Adjustment Types: The Adjustment Types menu allows the report to be filtered by the type of adjustment. From this menu, you can choose to view positive adjustments or negative adjustments. Choosing Negative Adjustments will show you only negative adjustments entered.

  • Number: The first column in this view shows you the account number where the adjustment was made. For positive adjustments, it will show the full account number for that patient, such as 123-1. For negative adjustments, it only will show the main account number, such as 123.

  • Patient Primary: The second column shows the name associated with the transaction. It will display the primary's name for any negative adjustments, as these are applied at the account level. The patient name will be shown for positive adjustments.

  • Transaction: The next column lists the transaction type, either Positive or Negative adjustment.

  • Proc. Date: The Proc. Date column shows the procedure date entered for the adjustment. For negative adjustments, the procedure date is determined by the date entered in the Proc. Date field in the Adjustment window.

For positive adjustments, it is the procedure date of the charge the adjustment is associated with, as shown in the New Charge window.

  • Description: The seventh column shows you the description of the adjustment. This is entered as the Adjustment Type when entering the adjustments.

  • Adj. (+): The next column, labeled Adj. (+), shows the amount of any positive adjustments on the report.

  • Adj. (-): The Adj. (-) column shows the applied portion of any negative adjustments that were posted on the selected date. If the adjustment is not fully applied, this number will differ from the number in the Gross Adj. (-) column, which shows the full negative adjustment amount.

  • Gross Adj. (-): The Gross Adj.(-) column shows the total amount of all negative adjustments entered on the selected date, regardless of if they are applied to anything or not.

  • User ID: Finally, the User ID column shows the two character unique user ID of the user who entered that item.

The bottom of the report shows a total for the positive adjustments, applied negative adjustments, and the gross negative adjustments. The Expand All checkbox at the bottom of the page is dimmed in this view.

Deposit Slip

You can double click the summary line in the Posted Date Day Sheet report to bring up a detailed view of activities from that day in a new window. This window will show you which patients and accounts had transactions entered. There are several filters that can be applied to the Detail view if you want to see only transactions of a certain type. These are detailed in the View Options menu. When you first open the report, it will default to View All.

The Deposit Slip will show you deposit information for the day. Assuming you are running the report for the same date range and provider filters, and are also not excluding credit card payments or EFT payments, the amount of your deposits should match the Gross Receipts report for the day.

  • Payment Types & Credit Card Payments: You can choose to filter the deposit slip by a given payment type by selecting it from the Payment Type menu. This menu only will show payment types used that day. For example, if you have a day where you only have insurance and check payments, these will be the only two options in the menu. There is a separate menu to include or exclude credit card payments from the report. This menu will appear whether or not there were credit card payments entered for the given day.

  • Exclude EFT: At the bottom of the report window is a checkbox to Exclude EFT. This will exclude any payments for which the Electronic Funds Transfer box is checked in the Payment window.

  • Primary Name: The first column in this view shows you the name of the primary listed on the account. Payments entered from the Bulk Insurance Payment Manager will not display a primary name, and will instead say Bulk Insurance.

  • Account #: The second column will display the patient's Account #. Payments entered from the Bulk Insurance Payment Manager will not display an account number, and this field will be blank.

  • Transaction: The third column tells you what kind of payment it was, such as Insurance, Check, Cash, and so on.

  • Reference, Carrier: The fourth column shows the reference number entered for the payment. For insurance payments, it shows both the reference number, and the insurance company associated with the payment.

  • Payment Pr/Of: The fifth column displays the provider and office associated with the payment, using the provider's unique user ID and the office's ID, as listed in References.
    Total Payment Amount: The Total Payment Amount column shows the full amount of all payments. This includes both applied and unapplied amounts.
    Payment Excluding CC Refund: The final column of the report displays the amount of the payment, minus any refunds that were issued via credit card. To refund a payment via credit card, simply check the By Credit Card checkbox in the Refund window, as illustrated below.

The bottom of the report shows a total for all payments. Below this is a table of payment totals by type. This table will list all payment types entered in References, under Payment Types, whether or not they were used on the selected date.

Expanded View:
You can click the triangle next to any of the primary names to see expanded information on how the payment was applied.

  • Number & Patient: In the expanded view, the first column lists the account number associated with the item(s) the payment was applied to. If the payment was associated to a finance charge, it will list the main account number. If it was associated with a patient's transaction, it will list that patient's specific number, for example: 123 for an account transaction or 123-1 for a patient transaction. The second column will display the patient name associated to the transaction. This column will be blank for finance charges.

  • Incident: The third column will show the incident of the charge the payment was applied to. If the payment was applied to a finance charge, this will be blank.

  • Date Applied: Next is the date this payment was applied. If the payment was unapplied and re-applied, it will show the date of the most recent application.

  • Amount Applied: The fifth column displays the amount of the payment that was applied.

  • Pay To: The sixth column lists the code of the item the payment was applied towards, with the short description of the charge in parentheses.

  • Proc. Date: The second to last column lists the procedure date for the charge.

  • PROV: The final column lists the provider/office ID associated with the charge. This will not necessarily be the same Provider/Office associated with the payment. For finance charges, this column will be blank.

In the lower right corner of the Deposit Slip is an Export button. Click this button to export your deposit slip information to MYOB.


You can double click the summary line in the Posted Date Day Sheet report to bring up a detailed view of activities from that day in a new window. This window will show you which patients and accounts had transactions entered. There are several filters that can be applied to the Detail view if you want to see only transactions of a certain type. These are detailed in the View Options menu. When you first open the report, it will default to View All.

The Refund view will show you any refunds or reversed payments posted on the selected date. This report will include refunds issued for both negative adjustments and payments.

  • Number & Patient: The first two columns in this view show you the account number and name for the patient the refund was issued under, determined by which patient's ledger you were in when the refund was issued. An unapplied portion will show across all patients on an account, so a refund can be issued from the ledger of any patient in an account with an unapplied amount. Because of this, you may see a refund listed under John Doe's name for an payment that was applied to Jane Doe's transactions.

  • Code: The third column in this view will show either Refund or Reversed Payment.

  • Amount: The fourth column shows the amount the refund was for. This amount defaults to the total unapplied amount on the payment, but can be edited manually when creating the refund.

  • Prov/Office: The fifth column shows you the provider and office associated with the payment at the time the refund was issued, using the provider's unique user ID, and the office ID, as listed in References. If the payment's provider is changed after the refund is issued, it will show the information as it was listed when the refund was originally created. You cannot set a Provider/Office for the refund separately.

  • Refunded Transaction: The Refunded Transaction column shows you the adjustment type for refunds associated with negative adjustments. For refunds associated with payments, it shows you the type, reference number if applicable, and total amount of the payment. This report does not show the reference number associated with the refund.

  • Payment Date: The seventh column, Payment Date, shows you the posted date of the payment the refund is associated with.

  • Payment Amount: The final column, Payment Amount, shows the total amount of the payment the refund is associated with.

The bottom of the report shows a total of all refund amounts.