Day View All Report

The Day View All Report lists all of a posted date or procedure date daily transactions and can be filtered to include statements and history.

The Day View All Report also includes a Grand Totals result table, which displays the grand totals for a charges, payments, adjustments, refunds, and so on.

This documentation contains the following sections:

Filter Options

  • Providers: Filters by the Provider on the day's transaction

  • Offices: Filters by the Office on the day's transaction

  • Procedure Date: Sets the date of the daily results (uncheck "Use Posted Date" to use Procedure Date)

  • Use Posted Date: When checked the report will use the specified date as a Posted Date

  • Exclude Statements: Excludes Statement entries as report results

  • Show History: Adds the day's user history to the report results

Results Columns

  • Procedure/Posted Date: The Procedure or Posted Date of the day's result

  • Number: The Account Number related to the entry

  • Patient/Primary Name: The Patient/Primary name related to the Account result

  • Code: The code or transaction type related to the result

  • TH/SU: The relevant tooth and surface for this procedure.

  • Description: A description of the result's code or transaction

  • Prov: The provider tied to the charge or item.

  • Charge: Any charge on the transaction result

  • Tax: Any tax on the transaction result

  • Payments: Any payments on the transaction result

  • Pos. Adj.: Any positive adjustment on the transaction result

  • Neg. Adj.: Any negative adjustment on the transaction result

  • Refund: Any refund on the transaction result

  • Write-Off: Any write-off on the transaction result (based off the insurance payment's write off)

  • Phone #: The account phone number

  • User ID: The ID of the MacPractice User to last update the transaction

Grand Totals

The Grand Totals section of the Day View All Report displays types of charges and their respective totals within three columns:


  • Type: The type of transaction or entry

  • Day Sheet Day: The Grand Total for the specified day

  • Day Sheet Month-To-Date: The Grand Total from the first of the month to the specified day