Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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Table of Contents

How can I access Preferences?


Navigate to the MacPractice Menu. Below "Update MacPractice..." you'll see "Preferences" listed. 


What are Global and Local Preferences?


Each Preference category will be listed here, with Global and Local Preferences listed.


Ability Preferences allow the user to determine what Abilities are currently purchased on the license. There are options within the Abilities Preferences that will allow you to re-enter or re-fetch your MacPractice license.

Ability Preferences are Global.


Local Preferences

  • Import Folder drop down

  • Switch To New Record on Import

  • Importing Options (Assign Status, Import Path, Enable Import Folder)

  • Beep when import is completed

  • Delay Between Pollings

  • Do not automatically associate imported files to patients


  • Display Attachments Newer than _____ Days Old

  • Patient photo size

  • Patient attachment size


All Claims Preferences are Global Preferences. 


  • Paper Claim procedure order

  • eClaim procedure order

  • Self-Refer Medicare Part B Claims

  • Automatically close new claim if provider does not Accept Assignment

  • Show Cross Overs in eClaims

  • Display eClaim counts on tabs

  • Display procedure codes in eClaim table.

  • Allow up to 12 Diagnoses per Charge



Local Preferences

  • Summary View Widgets Order and Color. Located in the Clinical Tab > Gear Icon

    • These settings are MacPractice User-Specific

  • Zoom - Set when using the Clinical Tab

    • This is a Local setting, remembered per OS User


All Clipboard Preferences are Global.


  • Unlock Pin

  • Clip Label

  • Hide Race and Ethnicity from Demographics intake


All Coding Preferences are Global. 


  • Problems: SNOMEDCT, ICD-9-CM, ICD-10-CM

  • Assessments: SNOMEDCT, ICD-9-CM, ICD-10-CM

  • Medications: RxNorm, FDB, NDC

  • Allergies: RxNorm, FDB

  • Allergy Reactions: SNOMEDCT

  • Immunizations: CVX

  • Goals: SNOMEDCT

  • Labs: LOINC

  • Family History: SNOMEDCT

See also: Code mapping for information on configuration. 

Contract Billing

All Contract Billing Preferences are Global.
Global Preferences

  • Checklist Tab

    • Include Recurring Contract Charges in Production By Default

    • Charge Via Contract on New Chartings Under Incident With an Active Contract

  • Other Tab

    • Automatically Post Contract Charges X Days Before Due Date

Database Access

Database Access Preferences govern whether a computer with a client package of MacPractice can connect to the server. Follow the link for more details.

Database Access Preferences are Global.

Digital Rad. Bridges

All Digital Rad. Bridges Preferences are Local.


  • Bridge Settings

  • Bridge Import Folder

Digital Radiography

All Digital Radiography Preferences are Local Preferences.


  • General Tab

    • Check file type before importing files, in auto import folders

    • Display Full Screen Views On ____

    • Auto Import Folder

    • Default Layout

    • Default Preset

  • Colors Tab

    • Visit Layout

    • Thumbnails

  • Image Tab

    • Always use numbers in file name as Image Layout number

    • Default Image Pixels per unit

    • Open Images with

    • Cache image files, with cache size of ____ Megabytes

  • Device Tab

    • Elected Device

    • Suni - Sensitivity, Threshold, Integration, Use Image Correction, Use Histogram Stretch


All EMR/EDR Preferences are Local Preferences.


  • General Tab

    • Default font

    • Printer Margins

    • Fit on one page

    • Keep palettes on top of other windows

    • Hide dotted Line Between Form Sections

    • Use checkbox with regular size

    • Print page numbers for EMR forms

    • Print Page numbers for narrative

    • Print Header on EMR Forms

    • Print Header on Narrative

    • Show unique form ID in sidebar

    • Default Records To Load

  • Data Tab

    • When a new form is created for a patient, how should the new sections be filled in?

    • Filled with same form first

    • Ignore signature boxes when pulling data forward.

  • Others Tab

    • Default View Below Form:

    • Color For Abnormal Items in Popups

    • Description Before Diagnosis code in PopUp

    • When Double clicking on an item in the clinical ledger:

    • Show demographics screen on kiosk

EMR/EDR Bridge

This Preference category is used to configure an EMR/EDR Bridge, such as ComChart or SpringCharts.


Global Preferences

  • Enable Renewal Requests


All ERA Preferences are Global Preferences.


  • Use Remittance Date for Payment Proc. Date

  • Open All ERA Payments In Manager

  • Disable Automatic Appeal In ERA Payments

  • Print new page per patient

  • Prevent patient link on ERA report

  • Enable Printing With No Background

  • Do Not Auto Calculate Write-Offs for ERAs with a Zero Allowed Amount


All eStatements Preferences are Global Preferences.


  • FTP Connection (User/Password/FTP Host)

  • Save PDF to Database When Printing eStatements


FastAttach Preferences are Global Preferences.


  • Facility ID

  • Serial Number

  • Attachment Image Size


Local Preferences

  • Updox Username

  • Updox Password

  • Updox Integration Key


  • Default Attachment Status


HL7 Preferences are primarily Local. Furthermore, you can only add new HL7 Preferences from the Server Computer.


All Inventory Preferences are Global.


  • Default retail item procedure type:

  • Default retail item procedure category:

  • When item data differs from inventory data:


Labels are Global Preferences.

Global Preferences

  • All Label Titles


All Labs Preferences are Local Preferences.


  • Lab Name

  • Sends Preliminary Results

  • Incoming/Outgoing File Folders

  • Number of seconds to delay before checking change in file size

  • Default Form

  • Default Assigned To User

  • Rejected File Folder

  • OneTouch EMR Export Folder


Local Preferences

  • General Tab

    • Sort Ledger Transactions by Posted Date/Procedure Date

    • Schedule a Follow-Up Appointment After Charge

    • Enable Ledger ToolTip

    • Show Incident Nodes Under Account Ledger

    • Patient/Incident Ledger

    • Show Archived Incidents In Account Ledger

    • Sort Account Transactions by Date Entered

  • New Charge Tab

    • Set the first selected field when adding new charges (Procedure Date/Code)

    • Exactly Matched Code Only

    • After Entering New Charges, Show Payment Window

    • After Entering New Charges, Show Print Statement / Insurance Claim

    • Add Diagnosis Code From New Charge

    • Always Pull Facility from Incident

    • A Charge Can Only Have Either a Facility or a Lab, but not both

  • Payment Tab

    • General Sub-Tab

      • Set Provider and Office in New Payment Window

    • Patient Payment Sub Tab

      • Use AuthPayX for Credit Card Payment

      • Auto Apply After Entering Amount

  • Incident Tab

    • Set the first selected field when adding new incident

    • Set incident date to the date of the first transaction

    • After creating Charges, Show Alert when remaining visits is below X.

    • Show Attorney Tab In Incidents

  • Others Tab

    • When Adding New Comments

Additional Settings

View Options - Located in the Ledger > View Menu is a Local setting, not a Preference

  • Column Order - Located in the Ledger, not a Preference

    • Columns may be resized and reordered, saved as a Local setting


  • New Charge Tab

    • Show Modifiers on MacPractice DDS

    • Enable To Date before entering a Code

    • Validate Anesthesia Times

    • Enable Additional Units for Anesthesia

    • When Scaling Items on a Fee, Round (Up/Down)

    • After entering new charges: Ignore these settings in the Charting Ability

  • Payment Tab

    • General Sub-Tab

      • Amount and Check # location

      • Color Code Charges With Ins. Portion in Ins. Payment Window

      • Color Code Charges with Pat. Portion in Pat. Payment Window

    • Insurance Payment Sub-Tab

      • Add EOB Columns to Insurance Payments

      • Enable Provider Adjustment Ability in Insurance Payment Window

      • Enable Insurance Appeal

      • Auto-Calculate the write off when provider participates with the carrier.

      • Enable the "Apply To All" button for Insurance Payments

  • Incident Tab

    • Default Incident Name

    • Display both CMS and ADA Claim View (DDS Only)

  • Treatment Tab

    • Create a Treatment Plan When Adding a New Incident

    • Hide Treatment Plan Nodes in Incident Sidebar

    • Preserve the Treatment's Insurance Estimates When Moving to Transaction

    • Draw Treatment Background with Color

    • Procedure Date when Moving a Treatment to Transaction

  • Others Tab

    • Remember Last Adjustment Type When Creating New Negative Adjustment

  • Test Tab

    • Check Database Integrity After Ledger Actions

  • Color - Located in References, not a Preference.


Local Preferences

  • Set the Required Severity of a message for it to be logged to the Console.


Local Preferences

  • Menu Commands

Optical Bridges

Local Preferences

  • Key Bridge On (Bridge Number/Chart Number/Patient Number)

  • Bridge Import Folder


Local Preferences

  • Silence the Alert Sounds

  • Disable Tooltips

Patient Ability

Local Preferences

  • General Tab

    • Automatically Save Address and Phone Change

    • Include Patient SSN on Patient Demographic Printout

    • Include Account Balance on Patient Demographic Printout

    • Set Provider and Office When Entering New Patient

    • Automatically Update Names

  • Alerts Tab

    • No Alert on Procedure Type Selection

    • Confirm Switching Insurance Plans

    • Alert on Incomplete Coverage In Insurance Plans

    • Show created date for patient alerts and allergies

    • Show smoking decision rules

  • Insurance Tab

    • Show Related Insurance after entering Employer

  • Misc Tab

    • Search for patients with names (Include the Input String/Start with the input string)

    • Include inactive patients

    • On Patient Double Click (Load Sidebar with patients in acct/Load default module/Toggle Drawer)

    • Show Archived Patient Node in Sidebar

    • Show New Patients (Patients without charges/treatments)

  • Duplicate Patients Tab

    • Show Duplicate Patient Warning

    • Social Security Number

    • Birthday

    • Name


  • General Tab

    • Automatically Load Patients in Sidebar

    • Default Referral Type

  • Misc Tab

    • Automatically Assign Chart Numbers

    • Use "New Patient Date" For New Referrals, Insurances

    • Use Current Date for a new Diagnosis

    • Don't delete archived patient appointments  

Patient Check In

Local Preferences

  • Welcome Message

Global Preferences

  • Show office welcome message on Patient Check In

Patient Selector

MacPractice User Specific


MacPractice User Specific 


Global Preferences

  • Show in Provider Pop Up Menus

  • Set Default Provider/Office for Ledger Payments, Bulk Insurance Payments, and Report


Local Preferences

  • Show negative amounts with parenthesis

  • Print as web page

  • Show Filter Selections in the Report

  • Export report as: (Text file/HTML file/PDF file)


  • Automatically run the View, Download, Transmit report every day at ___

Restorative Charting

Local Preferences

  • Load Initial Dental data in the background on startup


  • Tooth Surface Format (Print surfaces as is on claim or treatment plans)

  • Highlighting Colors - Set in the Dental Tab > Gear Icon, not a Preference

    • These settings are Global. This includes "Color Code Clinical Note Text"

MacPractice User Specific 

  • Charting Preferences - Set in the Dental Tab > Gear Icon

    • Hide Material Colors, Incisal View, Draw an X on Extracted Teeth, and more.


Local Preferences

  • Calendar Tab

    • Time Interval per block / Local Time Interval

    • Time Interval Column Format

    • Show hour lines

    • Single click action in small calendar

    • Auto-refresh after _____ Mins

    • Fit calendar to view on startup

    • Do not show Recall/Follow-up date alert if patient does not have insurance

    • Remember row and column sizes

    • Set HIPAA view on startup

    • Hide Resources on Days They Are Marked as Not Available

    • Hide the Following Days:


  • Ledger Tab

    • Default Incident sidebar selection

    • When adding treatments in 'Advanced View,' set 'Treatment Procedure date' to the 'Appointment Date'

    • In Scheduling Sidebar, show node for appointments With Treatments

  • Appointment Display Preferences (located in Schedule > Appointment Display node):

    • Text Color

    • Unavailable Times

    • Hour Line Color

    • Half Hour Line Color


  • Appointments Tab

    • Allow overlaps with appointments/blocked timeslots

    • Show Indicator on overlapped appointments

    • Automatically create account alert when missed appointment

    • Default status

    • Default type

    • After adding charges with Followup, allow them to be tied with existing appointments _____ days before the Followup date

  • Transparencies Tab

    • Automatically update default transparencies

  • Transparencies (This is a setting in Transparencies, not a Preference)

    • These may be checked or unchecked on a Local basis

    • Right click to apply this setting Globally 

  • Online Tab

    • Allowing scheduling out to x (interval)

    • User to receive online appointment notifications ___

    • Online Scheduling Time Slots

  • Appointment Display Preferences (located in Schedule > Appointment Display node):

    • Appointment Colors

    • Appointment Text

  • Resource Order (located in the the Schedule sidebar itself. This is not a preference)


Global Preferences

  • Automatically logout after _____ minutes of inactivity

  • Enable Emergency Access Password

  • Enable MacPractice to remember previously logged in user credentials

  • Log print action for each patient with info being printed

Server Backup

These Preferences govern and control Server Backups. These options are only available on the Server Computer.


Local Preferences

  • Sidebar Font

  • Simple Sidebar

  • Auto-Load Records

  • Show Patient Name Prefix


  • Hide additional patient data while on Many

Time Clock

Local Preferences

  • Show Time Clock Icon in Status Bar

  • Hours worked beyond X hours/day also count as overtime


  • Pay Period Frequency

  • Initial Payroll Start Date

  • X minutes of paid break per every X hours

  • X hours/week until Overtime


Local Setting 

  • The selection and order of the toolbar icons is a Local setting. This is set in the toolbar itself, not a preference


Local Preferences

  • Password

Global Preferences

  • Profit Recovery Client Number

  • Accelerator Client Number

  • Host

  • Username

Treatment Plan


  • Print Appointment Information on Treatment Plan

  • When a procedure fee has been updated after the procedure was added to a treatment plan

  • Print Treatment Phase Subtotals on Treatment Plan



  • Remember Last Ability and View/Use the Following Settings

  • Default Ability

  • Default View

  • Load top window view if possible

  • Remember Last Window Size

  • Remember Drawer State