Window Preferences
The Window Preferences contains settings that govern how the MacPractice window behaves and how much it retains when you open a new window.
Remember Last Ability and View: Allows the MacPractice window to open a new window using the last ability and view that you were using.
Use the Following Settings: Allows you to choose which ability and which view you'd like to see when opening a new window.
Default Ability: This drop down determines which MacPractice Ability is selected when opening a new window, such as the Patients Ability, the Schedule Ability, etc. This should be set to your most commonly used Ability.
Default View: This drop down determines WHERE you'll be in the Default Ability you have selected MacPractice Ability when opening a new window. For example, if you have selected Patients as your Default Ability, you could set the Default View to Ledger to immediately be taken to the Ledger when opening a new window.
Load top window view if possible checkbox: When checked, creating a new window will be the same view/ability as the currently active window. If unchecked, the new window is what is specified here in preferences.
Remember Last Window Size: If checked, when you open a new MacPractice window, that new window will be the same size as your most recent MacPractice window.
Remember Inspector State: If checked, when you open a new MacPractice window, the state of the Inspector View (previously referred to as the drawer) in the most recently open window will be used.
Auto-hide the main window toolbar in full-screen mode: This checkbox hides the window toolbar when in a full-screen mode.