Appointment Quicklook View

In MacPractice 12.21, we have introduced the Appointment Quicklook, which is intended as a quick and easy way to view an appointment's essential details, such as the patient's contact information, outstanding balances, and insurance information directly from the Schedule without having to switch Abilities.


Accessing the Quicklook


You can access the Appointment Quicklook by clicking on an Appointment in the Schedule, and then holding down the Option key and pressing Spacebar on your keyboard.

Alternately, you can access the Quicklook by right clicking an appointment and select the "Open Quicklook" option.

When displayed, the Quicklook will display a variety of information, starting with Patient Information, and then several Sections that can be expanded or contracted by clicking the triangle to the left of the section name.

Next, we'll cover each section of the Quicklook in order from top to bottom.



Patient Information


At the top, you'll note the patient's name with their Account Number in parentheses ()s. Clicking the blue hyperlink will take you to the Patients Ability. The Patient's DOB and Age, and the first Phone Number listed in the Patients Ability will initially be displayed.


To the right of the patient's name, you can see a few icons.

The leftmost icon is an Alert indicator that displays if there is an Alert associated with this Patient. You can review Alerts in the Alerts section lower in the Quicklook.

The Red Badge icon indicates how many Orders are open associated with this Patient.

The Person Icon indicates how many patients belong to this particular Account.

If the triangle is clicked next to the patient's picture, their Account Provider, Office, Gender, and Email will also be displayed.

Below this, there's a blue link to Add Appointment Notes directly from the Quicklook.




Patient Appointments

The Patient Appointments expansion will display the appointment counts for this particular patient (missed, cancelled, to reschedule), along with the Last Appointment scheduled, and the Next appointment scheduled. You can click the blue appointment links to be taken to that particular appointment.

Recalls/Follow Ups

The Follow Ups (or Recalls if you're using MacPractice DDS) displays the three most recent Follow Ups on the patient's record.
These are color coded: Green indicates a recall with a scheduled appointment tied, Black indicates a recall with no tied scheduled appointment, and Redfor an appointment either scheduled incorrectly or before the follow-up/recall date.

Unscheduled appointments can be thus scheduled by clicking on the blue "Schedule Follow Up/Recall" link.


The Alerts section will display all patient alerts, account alerts, and allergies on the patient's record. The dates these alerts were added will display on the right hand side of the Quicklook.




The Referrals section will list all of a patient's referrals. This will list the Name and the Office/Company of the Referral. (The Example Screenshot below uses the Office/Company field to denote a Marketing Referral)

Clicking on the blue Name link will take you to that Referrer in the References Ability.

Treatments Planned

The Treatments Planned section will display all treatments and treatment plan phases that are associated with this selected appointment. 









The Quicklook will only display 10 Treatments in a given glance, but in cases where there are more present, a blue "more treatments" link will appear. When clicked, a pop-up window will appear with the remaining treatments.



Insurance and Guarantors

This section will list all insurances present on the patient account, along with the guarantors for each insurance. You can click the guarantors to be taken to their patients record in the Patients Ability if they have been added to your database.






This final section displays the Patient, Insurance, Unapplied, and Account Balances for the patient and account associated with this appointment. These are read-only and no ledger actions can be taken from the Quicklook.Â