EMR / EDR Pull Fields
Pull Fields are Form Elements that can be added to a Form Section that allows you to pull in information from a patient's account. This can be used in conjunction with other Form Elements to help you assemble useful patient forms with information already detailed out from their account and patient data.
Pull Fields can be accessed from the Forms Palette with a Form Section selected. You can access the Forms Palette by pressing Command-Shift-K on your keyboard, or by navigating to the EMR/EDR Menu and selecting "Toggle Palette". With a Form Section selected, the Pull Fields will be at the bottom of the Forms Palette:
Adding a Pull Field
To add a Pull Field to a Form Section, simply click and drag that Pull Field into the selected Form Section. This will create a Form Element for that Pull Field, which will then pull in the patient's information once a form is generated from a template that includes this Form Section.
Dynamic Pull Fields
It is important to note that Pull Field elements will typically have a "Dynamic Pulled Field" checkbox in the Inspector. If this is checked, this will dynamically update this field if the pull field data has been updated.
This can have some significant consequences, as the pull field will ALWAYS update the form if the patient's data changes.
For some fields, this is good. For example, if you added a Birthday pull field to a form, and later need to correct the patient's DOB, if the Birthday pull field has Dynamic Pulled Field checked then the form will automatically update that field will update without intervention.
For some fields, this is not desired behavior and can cause serious headaches. If you were to add a Age by Person pull field, and set it to dynamic, the patient's age on the form would automatically update, and not stay true to the patient's age at the time the form was filled out.
As a result, MacPractice Support recommends using caution when checking Dynamic Pulled Field on your Pull Fields. When in doubt, either don't check it, or consult with MacPractice Support prior to use.
List of Pull Fields
Let's break down what Pull Fields are available. Pull fields are listed in the order in which they appear in the EMR/EDR Ability's Forms Palette.
Patient Pull Fields
Person: The fields in the Person category all relate to the information entered into the Patients Tab of the Patients Ability.
Salute: Patient's prefix (plus a period). For example, Mr., Mrs., Ms.
Suffix: Patient's suffix (plus a period). For example, Jr., Sr.
Last: Patient's last name
First: Patient's first name
Middle: Patient's middle name
Nickname: Patient's nickname
Maiden: Patient's maiden name
Ssn: Patient's Social Security number
Medicare Exp Date:
Address 1: Patient's Street Address
Address 2: Suite/Apt. Number
City: Patient's city
State: Patient's state
Zip: Patient's zip
Country: Patient's Country
Full Address: Patient's Full Address including street, suite/apt, city, state, and zip
One Line Address: Patient's Full Address as a single line
Birthday: Patient's DOB as entered in the Birth Date field under the Patient tab.
Death Date: As entered in the Reporting sub-tab of the Patient tab
Pop Sex: Patient's gender (sex menu)
Pop Phone 1, 2, 3: Selection from the first, second, or third phone pop-up menu (Home, Work, Mobile, Other)
Phone 1, 2, 3: Patient's phone number from the first, second, or third pop-up menu
Phone 1, 2, 3 Ext: Patient's phone number extension from the first, second, or third pop-up menu
Email: Patient's email address
Employer 1, 2, or 3: As entered in the Primary or Secondary tab where 1 is the first entry, and so on
Flag Signature On File: Pulls whether the Signature on File checkbox on the Patient Primary Tab is checked or not.
Flag Release Of Info: Pulls whether the Release of Info checkbox on the Patient Primary Tab is checked or not.
Pop Native Language
Birthtime: As entered in the Birth Time field, accessible from the "Details" button by Birth Date in the Patients tab.
Birth Order: As entered in the Birth Order field, accessible from the "Details" button by Birth Date in the Patients tab.
Birth State: As entered in the Birth State field, accessible from the "Details" button by Birth Date in the Patients tab.
Birth Facility: As entered in the Birth Facility field, accessible from the "Details" button by Birth Date in the Patients tab.
Flag Consents Data Release: Pulls whether the Consents Data Release checkbox on the Patient Primary Tab is checked or not.
Deathtime: Pulls from the "Time of Death" field in the Alerts sub-tab of the Patients Tab of the Patients Ability.
Age For Person:
Age For Person Year Only:
First Space Last For Person
Formatted Sex For Person
Account: These pull fields relate to the Patient's Account information, mostly located in the Account Tab of the Patients Ability.
Primary Person: This category contains Person pull fields for the Primary on the patient's account, located in the Primary Tab of the Patients Ability.
Secondary Person: This category contains Person pull fields for the Secondary on the patient's account, located in the Primary Tab of the Patients Ability.
Send Statements
Financial Status+
Flag Exempt Finance Charge
Flag Past Due
Statement Message
Send Monthly Statement
Statement Cycle+
Previous Account Num
Percent Discount
Flag One Time Msg
Flag Expand
One Time Message
Account Alert Tie+
Chart Num
Bridge Num
Provider: These pull fields relate to a Provider's information, primarily set in the References Ability > Users, under the Provider Tab.
Office: These pull fields relate to a Office's information, primarily set in the References Ability > Office.
Feeschedule: These pull fields relate to the Fee Schedule set for the patient in the Patients Tab of the Patients Ability.
Pop Marital Status
Pop Employment
New Patient Date
Flag Special Insurance
Flag Family Planning
Flag Epstd
Primary Patient Relationship
Secondary Patient Relationship
Pop Hipaa Release
HIPAA Release Date
Patient Notes
AutoRemind Notification Type:
Communication Method:
Patient Status
Created By Module
Pop Patient Exception Code
Pop Native Language
School Name
Graduation Date
School Address
Flag No Allergies
Allergy Updated Date
Flag No Problems
Problem List Updated Date
HIE Consent
Race Declined to Specify
Flag No Meds
Financial Class Ref Value Set Code
Publicity Code Ref Value Set Code
Flag Special Risk Group
Publicity Effective Date
Patient Created
Patient Update
Flag Created Online
Created By Patient Portal User:
Touch Md Num
HL7 Preference:
Data Protection Status
Data Protection Effective Date
Patient Alert Tie
Patient Custom Tie
Patient Diagnosis Tie
Patient Recall Tie
Patient Referrals Tie
Emergency Contact
Patient Person Ins Tie
Patient Full Name
Smoking Status
Smoking Start Date
Smoking End Date
Smoking Status Updated Date
Smoking Cessation Counsel Offered
Smoking Cessation Counsel Offered Date
Appointment Pull Fields
Appointment Type
Last updated
Status Last Updated
Created User
Updated User:
Rescheduled appointment:
Flag Archived
Autoremind Uuid
Autoremind Status:
Flag Autoremind
Flag Scheduled Online
Created By Patient Portal User:
Account Pull Fields
Primary Person:
Secondary Person:
Send Statements
Financial Status:
Flag Exempt Finance Charge
Flag Past Due
Statement Message
Send Monthly Statement
Statement Cycle:
Previous Account Num
Percent Discount
Flag One Time Msg
Flag Expand
One Time Message
Account Alert Tie:
Person Pull Fields
Salute: Patient's prefix (plus a period). For example, Mr., Mrs., Ms.
Suffix: Patient's suffix (plus a period). For example, Jr., Sr.
Last: Patient's last name
First: Patient's first name
Middle: Patient's middle name
Nickname: Patient's nickname
Maiden: Patient's maiden name
Ssn: Patient's Social Security number
Medicare Exp Date:
Address 1: Patient's Street Address
Address 2: Suite/Apt. Number
City: Patient's city
State: Patient's state
Zip: Patient's zip
Country: Patient's Country
Full Address: Patient's Full Address including street, suite/apt, city, state, and zip
One Line Address: Patient's Full Address as a single line
Birthday: Patient's DOB as entered in the Birth Date field under the Patient tab.
Death Date: As entered in the Reporting sub-tab of the Patient tab
Pop Sex: Patient's gender (sex menu)
Pop Phone 1, 2, 3: Selection from the first, second, or third phone pop-up menu (Home, Work, Mobile, Other)
Phone 1, 2, 3: Patient's phone number from the first, second, or third pop-up menu
Phone 1, 2, 3 Ext: Patient's phone number extension from the first, second, or third pop-up menu
Email: Patient's email address
Employer 1, 2, or 3: As entered in the Primary or Secondary tab where 1 is the first entry, and so on
Flag Signature On File: Pulls whether the Signature on File checkbox on the Patient Primary Tab is checked or not.
Flag Release Of Info: Pulls whether the Release of Info checkbox on the Patient Primary Tab is checked or not.
Pop Native Language
Birthtime: As entered in the Birth Time field, accessible from the "Details" button by Birth Date in the Patients tab.
Birth Order: As entered in the Birth Order field, accessible from the "Details" button by Birth Date in the Patients tab.
Birth State: As entered in the Birth State field, accessible from the "Details" button by Birth Date in the Patients tab.
Birth Facility: As entered in the Birth Facility field, accessible from the "Details" button by Birth Date in the Patients tab.
Flag Consents Data Release: Pulls whether the Consents Data Release checkbox on the Patient Primary Tab is checked or not.
Deathtime: Pulls from the "Time of Death" field in the Alerts sub-tab of the Patients Tab of the Patients Ability.
Age For Person:
Age For Person Year Only:
First Space Last For Person
Formatted Sex For Person
Forms-Specific Pull Fields
These fields relate to information regarding the Form itself.
Form Created Time
Form Last Updated Time
Form Created User
Form Created Date
Form Procedure Date
Form Last Updated Date