Claim Creation Window
The Claim Creation window is used to enter the details of the claim before sending it to the eClaims ability or printing it out on paper. This window will allow the user to select the correct insurance company and the correct Diagnosis Code System. To access this window, select a charge or multiple charges in the ledger and choose "Create Insurance Claim" from the Print menu.
Claim Creation Options
At the top of the Claim Creation window, you will have a few options to choose from:
Claim Table
Within the Claim Creation Table, you can make additional adjustments to the claim to insure it is properly generated before it is printed or electronically submitted to the clearinghouse.
Procedures Tab
This tab is great to quickly preview all of the procedures and procedure information before it is printed on the claim.
Just Print, Don't Save Checkbox
By default, MacPractice will save a PDF of every claim created to the patient's ledger. We recommend keeping this PDF in case the claim needs to be reprinted or viewed in the future. To view the claim, simply double click on the line.
However, you may choose to disable this feature for a claim; for instance, if you are simply printing it for the patient or doing a test print to verify information on it. In the claim creation window, uncheck the box and the claim will generate, but a copy will not be saved.
If you are choosing not to save PDFs because of space, please consider a database utility that would delete PDFS of claims that have been closed and are past a certain age.
Encounter Form Number
If you add an encounter form number to this field, the Encounter Form within the Encounter Tracker can be marked as "Received" directly from the Claim Creation Window.
The Encounter Form Number is listed in the Serial # column within the Encounter Tracker entry line.