Production By Day Report
The Production by Day report shows information for charges posted during the selected time period, broken down by month, as well as the transactions (such as payments or adjustments) associated with those procedures.
Because of this, the payment information on this report will not match your other reports in MacPractice.
Example: A patient comes in for an exam in March. The exam is posted as a charge to the ledger. Insurance pays on the exam, but the payment is not received or posted until April. If you run the Production by Month report for March, the insurance payment for the exam will be counted in the Insurance Payment column, since it was applied to a procedure performed in March. However on the Gross Receipts report, the insurance payment would show under April's receipts, as that is when it was entered in the database.
This documentation contains the following sections:
- 1 Filter Options
- 2 Results Columns
- 2.1 Unexpanded
- 2.2 Expanded
Filter Options
As with many other reports, this report can be run with a variety of filters. For this report, all filters are based on the information listed in the charge window.
Note: The report will say "Production by Posted Date" if the box for 'Use Posted Date' is selected. If this box isn't checked, the report will read "Production by Procedure Date"
Select Providers/Offices: Filters the report based on the provider/office listed in the charge window.
Select Procedures: Filters the report to show only information for the selected procedure code(s).
Select Fee Schedules: Filters the report based on the fee schedule associated with the procedure.
Select Facilities: Filters the report based on the Facility entered in the charge window.
Posted Start Date/End Date: Filters the report based on the date the procedures were entered into MacPractice.
Include $0.00 Charges: If checked, includes charges with a fee amount of 0.00 in the report.
Show In Procedure Break Down: Allows you to select whether you will see the procedure code or short description in the "Detail" column of the expanded results.
Results Columns
After you have set your filters, click the Apply button to see your results.
Posted Date: Lists the date the procedures were entered into MacPractice.
Count: Lists the total number of charges entered on that date.
Count %: The percentage of the total procedure count that was entered on that date.
Fees: Shows total fees entered for the charges posted on the selected date.
Fee %: The percentage of all fees that date's production represents.
Lab Costs: Displays a total of lab costs for all fees posted on that date that were associated with a lab.
Patient Last, First: Lists the name of the patient the transaction was entered under.
Procedure Date: Lists the procedure date of the charge.
Code or Description: Shows the code or description for the procedure, depending on which you have selected in the filters area.
Prov.: Shows the user ID of the provider listed on the procedure.
Fees: Shows total fee for the procedure.
Pri. Allowed Amounts: The primary allowed amount for procedures for this patient on this day, based on the patient's Primary Insurance Company.
Tax: Shows tax charged for those fees.
Lab Costs: Displays a total of lab costs associated with a lab.
Lab Fee: Displays the actual fee associated to the lab.
Neg. Adj: Shows any negative adjustments applied towards the charge. It does not matter when the negative adjustment was entered, or applied. If it is tied that procedure, it will show up here.
Pos. Adj: Shows any positive adjustments associated with that procedure. Again, it does not matter when the positive adjustment was entered, as long as it is associated with the charge.
Write Off: Shows any write-offs associated with the insurance payment tied to this procedure . Like all things on this report, it only matters that they are associated with the procedure. The write-off's posted/procedure date does not count.
Patient/Insurance Paid: Reflects payments applied towards the charge. These numbers will not match deposits, gross receipts, or earned receipts, as each of those reports figure their date range on different criteria.
Payment: Reflects payments applied towards charges performed in the month. These numbers will not match deposits, gross receipts, or earned receipts, as each of those reports figure their date range on different criteria. However, it should equal the sum of the Patient Paid and Insurance Paid columns.
Open: Shows the unpaid amount for the charge.
Tooth/Surface: In MacPractice DDS, there will be a final column that displays the tooth number and surface associated to the charge.