User Alert Responses Report

The User Alert Responses Report lists the Clinical Alerts triggered through the Clinical Decision Rules reference, as well as the User Alert Response Type and response comments submitted.

Filter Options

  • Filter Users: Use the Users filter to limit the results of the report by the users listed in the MacPractice database. These Users are defined in the Users node in the References Ability.

  • Start/End Date: Use the Start and End Date range to limit the report results to responses submitted within a specific date range.


Results Columns

Unexpanded Results

  • Alert Name: The Alert Name lists the specific Clinical Decision Rule that was triggered.

  • Count: The Count column lists the number of times each of the Alerts was triggered within the date range.

Expanded Results


  • User Last, First (ID): This column lists the User's first and last name, along with the ID entered within the User's record in the User node of the References ability.

  • Response: The Response column lists the response that was selected from the Clinical Decision Rule Alert.

  • Alert Time: The Alert Time column lists the time and date in which the alert was triggered. 

  • Patient Last, First: This column list the patient for which the alert was triggered, by last and first name.

  • Response Comment: This column lists any additional comments submitted along with the alert response. Comments can be required for any specific Alert Response with the Requires Comments checkbox in the User Alert Response Type reference.