Deleted Patients Report

The Deleted Patients Report is designed to show details for all patients that have been deleted from the database.

This report mirrors the Archived Patients Report, including the following filter options: Provider, Office and Start and End Dates.


The report displays the results in the following columns:

  • Patient #: This column provides the patient ID as displayed in the Patients ability.

  • Patient Last, First: The next column shows the patient's name (last name, first name).

  • New Patient Date: The New Patient Date column displays the new patient date, as entered in the Patient tab in the Patient ability.

  • Phone Number: This column lists the patient's first phone number.

  • Office/Provider: The next column displays the office and provider, as set in the Patient tab. If one or both of these options is set to None in the Patient tab, the office and provider will be pulled from the options selected in the Account tab.

  • Deleted By User: The Deleted By User column provides the first and last name of the user who archived the selected patient's account.

  • Deleted Time: This column details the specific time and date that the user deleted the patient's account.

  • Deleted From Machine: Finally, the Deleted From Machine column provides the IP address of the computer used to delete the patient.

The bottom of the report provides a total number of patients deleted.