Patients Report

You can use the Patient report to generate lists of patients by provider, color label, age, or sex. This report does not include Archived Patients.

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Filter Options



  • The Provider and Office filters will filter the report based on the provider and office listed in the Patient tab. If these fields are set to None, it will pull from the Provider and Office listed in the Account tab.

  • The New Patient Start Date and End Date fields can be used to display patients.

  • You can use the Sex menu to filter the report by the patients' sex.

  • The Start Age and End Age fields can be used to filter the report to show only patients within a given age range.

  • The Label menu is used to filter the report by the color label assigned to the patient in the Patients ability sidebar.

  • Check the All Phones checkbox to display all phone numbers listed for a patient. If the box is unchecked, only the first phone number will be listed.

  • Check the With Charges checkbox to display only patients who have transactions entered in their ledgers.

Click Apply to see your results.

Results Columns

  • Patient #: Patient's MacPractice account number.

  • Patient Last, First: Patient's name

  • Age: Patient's age

  • Sex: Patient's sex

  • New Patient Date: New Patient Date entered in the Patient tab.

  • Phone1: First phone number listed in the Patient tab.

  • Ethnicity: Ethnicity listed in the Reporting sub-tab of the Patient tab.

  • Race: First race listed in the Reporting sub-tab of the Patient tab.

  • Office/Provider: The Office ID and User ID of the provider and office listed in the Patient tab.

At the bottom of the report, there are two buttons:

  • Make List - This button will add the patients' names in the List in the drawer.

  • Export - Click the Export button to export the patients' names and emails in a tab delimited file.