Appointments Report

The Appointments Report finds appointments that were scheduled to occur between the selected Start and End Dates.

Filter Options

  • Status: Filters the report by the Status of the appointment.

  • Type: Filters the report by the Appointment Type of the appointment.

  • Resources: Filters the report by the Resource of the appointment.

  • Appt. Sched. Start/End Date: Filters the report by the date range in which appointments were scheduled.

For information on the checkboxes on Scheduling reports, please see the Checkboxes section.

Under the status, type, and resource filters, there are four tabs (Patient, Appointment, Production, Online Scheduling), each have multiple checkboxes which will reflect different results based on which are checked. With no checkboxes selected, only one column will appear in the report: the Patient's name.

The patient’s name is also a link to the patient's account.

Patient Tab

  • Patient #: Displays the patient's account number.

  • Chart #: Displays the patient's chart number, as entered in the Patient tab.

  • Phone: Displays the first phone number listed under the Patient screen.

  • Date of Birth: Displays the patient's date of birth as set in the Patient tab.

  • Age: Displays the patient's current age.

  • Email: Displays the patient’s current Email address.

Appointment Tab

  • Date: Displays the date the appointment is scheduled.

  • Status: Displays the current status of the appointment, such as Confirmed, Cancelled, Missed, and so on.

  • Type: Displays the appointment type, such as Follow-up, New Patient, and so on.

  • Resource: Displays the resource under which the appointment is scheduled. For Cancelled, Deleted, or "To Reschedule" appointments, this displays the resource the appointment was in before removed from the schedule.

  • Provider: Displays the provider associated with the appointment.

  • Notes: Displays any notes entered in the appointment screen.

  • Created: Displays the date the appointment was created.

  • Created By: Displays the first and last name of the user that created the appointment.

  • Updated By: Displays the first and last name of the last user that updated the appointment.

  • Last Updated: Displays the date the appointment was last edited. This would include changing the time, resource, status, or any other information in the appointment window.

Production Tab

  • Prod.: Shows the total of all fees entered through the "Advanced View" of that appointment. Procedures will be counted in this even if the procedure date does not match that of the appointment.

  • Prod. Bal.: Displays the total unpaid portion (both insurance and patient) of all fees entered through the "Advanced View" of that appointment. Procedures will be counted even if the procedure date does not match that of the appointment.

  • Prod. Pat. Bal.: Displays the patient portion of all fees entered through the ledger either Patient or Schedule as long as there is an appointment created for the said patient. Procedures will be counted even if the procedure date does not match that of the appointment, as long as they were entered into the patient or schedule ledger.

  • Treat.: Displays the total fees of any treatments associated with the appointment.

  • Treat. Bal.: Displays the total unpaid portion (both insurance and patient) of all treatments associated with the appointment.

  • Treat. Pat. Bal.: Displays the total patient portion of any treatments associated with the appointment. Please note, this may not be equivalent to the total listed for the whole treatment plan or the phase.

  • Treatment Plans: Displays information on any treatments associated with the appointment.

Online Scheduling Tab

  • Scheduled Online: Displays patients who were scheduled online.

  • Existing/Pending: When selected, a column will appear displaying if a patient is already Existing within MacPractice or if their status as a patient in MacPractice is still Pending and needs to be addressed.

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