Common TSYS Error Messages

Common TSYS Error Messages

This article discusses error messages that can occur when using our TSYS Payment Transaction integration. For more information on our TSYS offerings, please refer to this guide here.

We never want to see error messages, but they do provide us information regarding any problems we may be facing. This section can help you interpret what these error messages mean when using TSYS in MacPractice. If you are EVER in doubt, contact MacPractice Support and we can assist you.

Common MacPractice Errors

These messages would be issued from MacPractice itself when adding or working with card payments. We'll list a few messages, and then describe the general theme and suggested troubleshooting steps after listing out the potential messages. Review the bullet points for a message similar to the one you're seeing. The sub-bullet will describe the error message in further detail.

  • Unable to parse response from device

    • Device has sent a response that MacPractice does not expect or is garbled.

  • Invalid response received from device

    • Device has sent a response that MacPractice does not expect or is garbled.

  • Machine Identifier Missing

    • UUID is somehow missing

These three errors above have to do with the communication being received from the PAX Device. This may indicate a faulty connection or a malfunctioning PAX Device. Troubleshooting steps could include unplugging the PAX Card Reader and re-plugging it in (both power and ethernet connection) and reconnecting the PAX Card Reader via the TSYS Preferences and Setup instructions. If problems persist, please contact TSYS for further information.

  • Unable to save (card receipt) to database

    • Unable to save something to the database usually means that there is an connection issue between MacPractice client and MacPractice Server and/or database.

  • Unable to create ledger item

    • Unable to create something in the database usually means that there is an connection issue between MacPractice client and MacPractice Server and/or database.

  • Unable to connect to database to (retrieve connection time, update PAX device connection)

    • Unable to connect to the database usually means that there is an connection issue between MacPractice client and MacPractice Server and/or database.

  • Unable to retrieve (connection time, card selection type) from database

    • Unable to retrieve information from the database usually means that there is an connection issue between MacPractice client and MacPractice Server and/or database.

For the above errors, the common thread between them all is a connection problem between a MacPractice Client computer and the MacPractice Server computer. Troubleshooting steps would include confirming the computer you're using is connected to your network, checking to ensure the Server Computer is running with MacPractice started, and restarting your Server and Client computers.

PAX Card Reader Messages

The following table describes errors and messages that the PAX Card Reader itself will produce in various situations. For more detail on some of these issues, please contact TSYS Support.

Error Code

Error Message

PAX/TSYS Description


Error Code

Error Message

PAX/TSYS Description





The transaction was approved for the amount requested



Host Error (See Host Specific Errors)

The transaction was declined for a number of reasons at the financial institution. Contact TSYS with assistance.



Time out

The device has timed out while awaiting for the card information to process the transaction or timed out while waiting for a response from TSYS/Host.  Timeout settings can be adjusted with TSYS on the firmware. This can also be adjusted on the PAX device itself.



User Aborted

The user or patient pressed cancel on the PAX device (Or a transaction was cancelled or halted in MacPractice)



Batch Failed




Duplicate transaction, if the terminal returns this error code the operator should confirm if this is a new transaction. The ECR can resend the pack with “Dup Override Flag” set.

This can indicate that the transaction is identical to a previously made transaction. It could also be an indicator  that there is an issue with retaining certain data. We strongly recommend contacting TSYS for more elaboration on what could cause this message, and inform MacPractice Support of the issue.



  1. The transaction is voided

  1. The auth transaction is completed.

Already Voided - This indicates that the transaction has already been voided, rendering it null. If this is not anticipated, contact MacPractice Support and we can investigate further.


Already Completed - This indicates that the transaction in question has already been completed. Contact TSYS for more detail. 



  1. The transaction is not found or unknown error.

  1. When cancel connecting host, terminal will return “USER ABORTED” to ECR.

  1. If the transaction cannot do void transaction, terminal will return “CANNT VOID”

The most common one we will see is NOT FOUND which means the transaction is not found on the device or the batch is already closed. User Aborted could indicate a user cancelled a command or transaction in progress. The best course of action is to contact TSYS for any of these messages.



PIN Debit is not enabled on the account

Client will need to reach out to TSYS to enable PIN Debit.



The office may be set up with the wrong integration platform on TSYS's end

In this situation, the office may need to contact TSYS at integratedcustomercareoma@globalpay.com

in order to be transitioned to the appropriate platform.
MacPractice Build 12.11 utilizes the Sierra Platform.
MacPractice Build 12.15+ utilizes the TransIT Platform.

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