Patients by Portal Access Report
Reporting for All Patients
This report allows you to find all patients with a Portal User assigned to their account. You can filter the results by provider, office, and relationship of portal user to the patient, as well as searching by a certain date range and the type of date for the inquiry.
For example, by setting a start and end date that include the last month and setting the date type to "Appointment Date", you can find all patients with an appointment in the last 30 days with a Portal User. From there, you can narrow the results down further by age, gender, label, or even restrict it to patients with charges on their ledger.
Results will display the patient account number, the name, age, gender and date they became a new patient. Click the triangle next to their patient number, or the Expand All button on the bottom, to see the name of the Portal User. Some patients may have several people with access, such as a child with both parents as portal users.
Searching Per Patient
If you are simply looking for which Portal Users can view a single patient's information on the Patient Portal, you can find this information in the Patient's Account tab.
Searching Per User
This report, and the Patient Account tab, search for Portal Users based off of the patient. If you would like to find all of the accounts that a Portal User manages, go to References, select the Patient Portal User.
If you would like to know how to setup portal users, you can read this article.