Laboratories Reference Node

The Laboratories Reference category contains any Laboratories available when adding a Lab to a Charge in a patient's Ledger.


You can select a Lab reference in the sidebar, or you can add or remove a Lab reference by selecting the Laboratories node in the sidebar, and then clicking either the Green Plus or Red Minus.

You will need to set a Lab Name before saving a reference.

This Reference is made up of two tabs, the Demographics Tab, and the Lab Codes Tab. Let's cover each in turn.

Demographics Tab

The Demographics Tab details the demographic information for the currently selected Lab Reference. Some fields, such as the Lab Id, National Provider ID, Referring Lab/Referring Lab CLIA, and Requisition URL/Username/Password can impact eClaim submission if this Lab is added to a charge. Please consult with MacPractice's EDI department 

  • Street Address: The Address of the Lab in question.

  • Suite: The address's suite, if any.

  • City: The city where the lab is located.

  • State: The state where the lab is located.

  • Zip: The zip code of the address in question.

  • Phone: The Lab's phone number.

  • Fax: The Lab's Fax number, if any.

  • Lab ID: The Lab's associated Lab ID. 

  • Secondary Lab ID: The Lab's associated Lab ID. 

  • National Provider ID: The National Provider ID (NPI) associated with this Lab.

  • Referring Lab/Referring Lab CLIA: The checkbox allows you to set this Lab as a Referring Lab, and the CLIA field allows you to set the CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) number.

  • Lab Case Contact Person: The Case Contact Person for the Lab.

  • Accounting Contact Person: The Accounting Contact Person for the Lab.

  • Requisition URL/Username/Password: These fields assist with interfacing with a Lab with a Requisition URL. 

Lab Codes Tab

The Lab Codes tab allows you to define particular Procedure codes that, when selected in the Charge Window in the Ledger, will automatically add the Lab to the Charge.


The fee schedule selected under the Lab Codes tab of the Laboratories reference determines which  codes will be available when you click the plus button. Then, you can simply select or search for the codes you wish to associate with this Lab.