Portal - Export to Patient

Adding the patient portal ability to your MacPractice license includes the ability to export a Clinical Summary to the patient portal. This summary will follow the Consolidated-Clinical Document Architecture (C-CDA) format as defined by ONC for certified software. These health records do not automatically post to the patient portal. Instead, the clinical summary must be exported from MacPractice. This clinical summary can be exported four different ways from MacPractice. Choose the best option that fits your office workflow. Remember, this export should be one of the last things to happen on the patient's chart. 

Note: In order to receive this Clinical Summary the patient must be set up with portal access. 

Ledger Incident Menu

The clinical summary can be exported through the incident menu in the ledger tab. Simply click the incident menu, navigate to Export Incident and select To Patient. This will action will immediately prompt asking the user to select the Options for Exporting.

Claim Creation

The clinical summary can be exported through the claim creation window in the ledger tab. Simply check the box to Export Clinical Summary to the Patient Portal. Checking this box means that MacPractice will prompt the user to export the clinical summary via a second window after the claim creation process has been completed. This is the most automated option within MacPractice. This box will remain checked on the computer until a user deactivates this preference. This preference is set per computer.

Clinical Tab

The clinical summary can be exported through the Clinical Ability. Before a summary can be exported, an incident must be selected from the top left corner of the clinical tab. Once an incident has been selected, use the Export Incident Popup in the top right corner to export To Patient. This will action will immediately prompt asking the user to select the Options for Exporting.

EHR Ability

The clinical summary can be exported through the EHR Ability by selecting an incident in the sidebar.  Simply click the Export Incident menu and select To Patient. MacPractice will immediately prompt asking the user to select the Options for Exporting.

Export Options 

The export options are the exact same no matter how the user chooses to export a clinical summary. MacPractice will initially ask the user to code map all diagnosis codes to SNOMED, and all medication and allergy codes to Rx Norm. This code mapping window will only be displayed if there are codes on the patient's chart that have not been previously mapped. Code mapping is required if you want the item to display on the clinical summary. If you do not map an item, it will not be included on the summary that is sent to the patient.

After the patient's chart has been mapped to the correct code system, MacPractice will display the Export Window. Notice that the window is broken into a few parts. The column on the left will allow the user to hide unique sections from the exported sumary. These checkboxes must remain on by default, but can be changed per export. Notice how information is hidden from the summary as the boxes are unchecked. The clinical summary will be displayed in the main view of this screen. 

MacPractice will also allow the user to print out a copy of the summary if desired. The Reason for Disclosure popup can be changed if desired. However, Health Care Operations is the most common reason for exporting a clinical summary. Once the settings have been selected, click the Export button to finalize this process and send the summary to the patient portal.Â