Insurance Estimating - Quick Reference
For a quick Insurance Estimating reference, use this worksheet to configure and troubleshoot insurance estimating.
On the Guarantor (Primary or Secondary)
| Enter the Insurance. |
| Enter the Subscriber and Group ID, if applicable. |
| Select the Plan. |
| Verify the Start Date is before the first procedure date. |
| Verify the Renewal Date. |
| Do not enter an End Date unless coverage terminates. |
On the Patient
| Verify the Annual Coverage. |
| Verify the Deductible. |
| Verify the insurances are correctly ordered (Primary first) in the Insurance tab. |
On the Plan
Coverage Tab
| Verify that the Annual Coverage is correctly set. |
| Verify the Participate status. |
| Verify that the Percentage is set per Procedure Type. |
Allowed Tab
| Verify that the Allowed amounts are correctly entered. |
| If not, use the Update Fees menu to select "Copy from Other Plans". |
If estimates are incorrect
| Verify the patient has a plan. |
| Verify the procedures are set to the correct Procedure Type. |
| Verify the patient has Remaining Coverage under the Patient > Insurance tab. |
| Verify the charge is applied to the patient's deductible or copay. |
| Verify the coverage percentage and allowed amount are correct. |