Treatment Plan Report

The treatment plan report can be used to track patients with treatment plans.

Using this report, you can find patients with treatment plans, determine whether or not they have an appointment for that treatment, and check their remaining coverage and deductible.

Filter Options

You can select a variety of filters on the Treatment Plan report.

  • Select Providers/Offices: Filters the report based on the provider/office listed in the Patient tab.

  • Select Procedures: Filters the report to show only the selected procedures. If a patient has multiple treatments in their ledger, the report will only show the selected procedures, not all procedures included on the treatment plan.

  • Treatment Status: Filters the report based on the status of the treatment.

  • Procedure/Appointment/Last Visit Date Date: There are three options for the date range on this report.

    • Procedure Date: If the Procedure Date radio button is selected, the report will filter the treatments based on the procedure date listed in the treatment window.

    • Appointment Date: If the Appointment Date radio button is selected, the report will filter the date of the appointment associated with the treatment. If Appointment Date is selected, and there is a Start/End date entered, treatments that are not associated with an appointment will not be included on the report. However, if the Start/End date is left blank, it will still bring up treatments without an appointment.

    • Last Visit Date: The Last Visit radio button allows you to filter the report based on the procedure date of the last procedure entered on the ledger.

  • Appointment Status: If you have Procedure Date selected for the date range criteria, you can use this menu to filter the report to show only patients with appointments associated to the treatment, patients without an appointment associated to the treatments, or all patients with treatment plans.

  • Remaining Deductible and Remaining Coverage: These two checkboxes each add a column to the report showing the patient's remaining deductible (as shown in the Insurance tab of the Patient screen).

  • G. Plan Renewal Date: Adds a column to the report that shows the insurance renewal date (as entered in the Plan tab of the insurance Company reference).

Treatment Plan Report - ResultsWhen you initially run the report, you will see the unexpanded results. You can click the triangle to the left of any of the account numbers to see expanded results for that patient, or use the Expand All checkbox at the bottom of the report to expand all records.

Unexpanded Results

  • Account # & Patient Last, First: Displays the patient's account number and name (last name first)

  • Total Fees: The next column shows the total fees for all treatments entered for the patient that match the report filters.

  • Carrier: The Carried column displays the patient's primary insurance carrier.

  • Remaining Deductible: The Remaining Deductible column lists the remaining deductible for the patient, as entered in the Insurance tab of the Patient screen. Note: This column will only show on the report if the Remaining Deductible checkbox is checked.

  • Remaining Coverage: The next column displays the remaining coverage for the patient, as entered in the insurance tab of the patient screen. Note: This column will only show on the report if the Remaining Coverage checkbox is checked.

  • Plan Renewal: This column will display the renewal date, as entered in the Plan tab of the insurance reference.

  • # of Treatment: The final column lists the number of procedures in the patient's treatment plan that match the report filters.

Expanded Results


  • Proc Date: The first column of the expanded view displays procedure date for the treatment.

  • Procedure: The Procedure column shows the code associated with the treatment.

  • Description: The Description column displays the short description of the treatment.

  • Fee: The next column shows the fee amount for the treatment.

  • PROV: The PROV column lists User/Office ID for the Provider/Office listed on the treatment.

  • Appointment Date: The Appointment Date column displays the date of the appointment associated to the treatment. This column will be blank if there is no appointment tied to the treatment.

  • Phone: The Phone column lists the first phone number listed on the Patient screen.

  • Patient Portion: The Patient Portion column shows the amount of the treatment's fee that is currently in the patient portion.

  • Insurance Portion: The Insurance Portion column displays amount of the treatment's fee that is currently in the insurance portion.

  • Plan Allowed: The final column displays the allowed amount for procedure, as entered in the insurance plan.