Digital Radiography/Imaging Preferences

When you go into your MacPractice Preferences > Digital Radiography you can customize the way the Digital Radiography or Imaging ability functions.

This preference area is divided into 4 tabs:

General Tab


The General tab is where you can set all defaults in your Digital Radiography ability.

  • Default Layout for New Visits: You can use this menu to select the default layout for new visits in the Digital Radiography/Imaging ability. You can also import or export layouts that were previously created in MacPractice.

  • Default Preset: Allows your office to set a predefined set of alterations that will be performed on every image that is imported into the Digital Radiography/Imaging ability. For example, you can set an image to be rotated, adjust the contrast or brightness, and so on. You can also import and export presets previously created in MacPractice. For more information on importing and exporting presets, please see our documentation on this process. For more information click here.

  • Display Full Screen Patient Visits On: Allows you to specify which display device should display the full screen view. A secondary monitor or display may be used for patient communication.

  • Disable Tool Tips in Digital Radiography: You can use this checkbox to enable or disable the tooltips that appear when you mouse over an image.

  • Auto Import Folders: Allows you to set up an import folder; any images placed in this folder will be imported into MacPractice. Once the image has been imported into MacPractice, the original file will be deleted.

  • Image Layout Well Placement: This is used when images are imported into a DR visit.

  • -Use Number in File Name: If a file that is imported has a number that matches the layout box number, it will be placed in the corresponding layout box. If the number doesn't match, it will not be placed in a layout box and will only be viewable in the Thumbnail view.

  • -Do Not Associate To Layout Well: Any image imported will not be tied to a layout box and will be seen only in the Thumbnail view with an image number of 0.

  • File Scan and Change Interval: Use these options to change the default intervals for File Scan and File Scan Change.

  • By default the Check file type before importing files, in auto import folders is enabled. This preference checks to make sure the files that you are trying to import are valid image file types.

There are several options you can set for each auto-import folder:

  • Enabled: Allows you to enable or disable the import folders by checking/unchecking the check box.

  • Image Type: You can select a default image type that will be assigned to all images that are imported from the folder.

  • Path: Shows the exact path where the folder is located on the hard drive.

  • Ignore File extensions: Allows your office to input certain file type extensions you do not want to be automatically imported. For example, if you wanted your office to ignore all tiff files, you would enter *.tiff in this field. The star (*) allows for any filename to be ignored with the associated file type extension.

Image Tab

  • Subtitle Displays: This allows a subtitle choice between Capture Date and Description.

  • Default Tool: The tool selected in this pop-up menu will be selected by default when you open an image in the Editing view.

  • Open Images with: This is a purchased option which allows images to be opened in a program other than MacPractice such as Osirix, Preview, or any other image viewing program.

  • Default Font: Allows you to change the default font for image annotations.

  • Use GPU To Render Image: When checked, MacPractice may render images more quickly, but quality may decrease.

  • Line Measure Tool Displays Angles: If checked, the angle measurement will be displayed at the point two ruler (measurement) lines intersect.

  • Stroke Weight: Enter the default weight (width) of the lines for image annotations.

  • Handle Diameter: The diameter (in pixels) of the "handles" that appear around an annotation. The handles are the small gray circles that can be used to move, resize, or stretch an annotation.

  • Sharpen Layout Previews: This slider allows you to adjust how images will appear in the layout view. This setting does not affect images in the thumbnail bar or edit window. You can either adjust the slider manually, or enter a value (0-2). A higher number results in greater sharpening. A setting of zero disables this feature.

  • Measurement Calibration: Allows you to set the default calibration for the measuring tool in the Adjustments Palette. More than one device can have a pixel measurement calibration number. If the client has a purchased integration (such as Planmeca or Suni) they will be listed within and you can adjust and use the needed pixel number for measuring each device. All the DR preferences are local so they all need to be adjusted on a per machine basis. A generic device will be listed as 'Other Device'€. The pixels can be calibrated under this device if an image is added via a camera or sensor other than Planmeca's or Suni's.

  • Maximum File Import Image Size: Set the maximum size of which an image can be imported.

  • Maximum Thumbnail Image Size: Set the maximum size for a thumbnail image.

Device Tab

If you have purchased Suni or Planmeca integration, you can use the pop-up menu to select your device. You can see  what the current driver you have installed on the computer.

  • None: If selected, you will have to manually select the device you wish to use when entering your Digital Radiography ability.

  • Planmeca Device: Enables Planmeca integration, and adds the Pan, Intra, Ceph, buttons to your Digital Radiography ability.

  • Suni Device: Enables Suni integration. When selected, you will see a number of different preference options appear, including Sensitivity, Threshold, and Integration. You will also see the driver versions you are using for your device and the minimum recommendations.
    NOTE: the information shown here is only default setting and may need to be adjusted from office to office for best image quality.

With the Suni Device selected, you will have additional settings:

  • Sensitivity: You can set how much exposure is needed to take a picture. Some buildings have more background radiation than others, and environmental factors may trigger extra images to be imported. MacPractice and Suni recommend setting the sensitivity to 7x initially, and only reducing the setting if extra images are imported.

  • Threshold: This value is used internally to prevent noise interference with the device while the SUNI device is armed in the x-ray detection mode. The lower the threshold value, the better the x-ray usage, but the less immunity to the noise interference. If the threshold is set too low, it is more prone to cause a self-trigger phenomena. If a self-trigger is experienced, you should increase the threshold value by 16 (a step) for SUNIRAY device or 2 (a step) for Dr. SUNI Plus device, until no self-trigger is observed in the device. The default threshold setting is 160 for SUNIRAY device and 15 for Dr. SUNI Plus device. The threshold range of both SUNIRAY and Dr. SUNI Plus devices is from 1 to 255. Usually you should use its default value.

  • Integration Time: Integration time is designed to accommodate the x-ray exposure and to prevent the moving of an image in the device while x-ray is still activated, which could cause a fuzzy image. The default setting is 300 ms for Dr. Suni Plus device, and 350 ms for SUNIRAY device. If you need more than 300 ms exposure time for an x-ray image, you should increase the integration time. The range of integration time is from 200 ms to 1000ms. Also if you experience a fuzzy image while using a pulsed (AC-head) x-ray source, the integration time should be increased by a step of 50 ms until no fuzzy image is observed. Usually you should use its default integration time value.

  • Use Image Correction: Image correction does a histogram stretch, which enhances the contrast of an image. The darkest gray regions of the image are made black, and the lightest gray regions are made white. This setting should be turned on at all times when capturing diagnostic x-rays. It may be useful to turn it off temporarily in order to calibrate the settings of your x-ray head. Once a good image is made with image correction turned off, it may be turned back on for additional contrast.

  • Use Auto Filters: This feature applies a Median 3x3 and Histogram Stretching to captured images. Use Auto Filters is toggled on by default and turning off this feature requires the assistance of MacPractice Support.

Color Tab

The Color tab allows you to change the appearance of:

  • Background

  • Layout Item Text

  • Item Text Background

  • Empty Layout Item

  • Selected Item Border

  • Capture Location Border

  • Thumbnails: Background

  • Image Editing: These settings affect the appearance of annotations and the background color of the Image Editing window.

To change any of the colors, click the color box to bring up your color palette, make your color selection from your palette once selected exit out of the palette and close Preferences to have the color take affect.