Ledger Preferences

The Ledger preference allows you to customize the Ledger view and actions.

General Tab

  • Sort Ledger Transactions by: Allows you to sort ledger transactions by Posted Date or Procedure Date. This does not change the order transactions will print on the statement. This is a local preference, meaning it can be set differently for each MacPractice Client.

  • Schedule a Follow-Up Appointment After Charge: When checked, MacPractice will display a prompt asking to create a follow-up/recall appointment after saving charges with a follow-up/recall.

  • Enable Ledger Tooltip: When enabled, a yellow tooltip will pop up with additional information about transactions if you hover the mouse over them. The information in the tooltip is not editable.

  • Account Ledger

    • Show Incident Nodes Under Account Ledger: Allows you to view either a list of Patients or Incidents associated with the account when the account ledger node is expanded. You can then click the patient/incident name to view the transactions associated with them.

    • Show Archived Incidents In Account Ledger: Allows you to view all archived incidents for the patient in the account ledger.

    • Highlight Ledger Items of Archived Incidents With User-defined Color: Allows you to highlight items in archived incidents for visual clarity.

    • Show Account Transactions By Date Entered: Allows the account ledger table to be sorted by the date entered and it does not subtotal transactions by incident.


New Charge Tab

  • Set the first selected field when adding new charges: Allows you to choose whether to start with the Procedure Date or Code field when creating a new charge.

  • Show Modifiers In MacPractice DDS: Allows you to enable the ability to enter modifiers in the DDS flavor of MacPractice.

  • Exactly Matched Code Only: When this preference is enabled, MacPractice will only pull the exact code entered. For example, if 1234 is entered, it will show 1234, but not 1234.10.

By default, the payment and insurance windows will NOT appear when procedures are entered into Charting. This preference can be enabled within Preferences under Ledger in the New Charge tab. Deselect the Ignore These Settings In The Charting Ability checkbox. This will enable the payment and insurance windows after procedures are entered in the Charting ability, provided that the respective After Entering New Charges checkboxes are also checked.

  • After Entering New Charges

    • Show Payment Window: When enabled, the Payment window will appear after saving new charges.

    • Default Payment Type: Allows you to set a Default Payment Type that will be selected when adding a payment to a patient's ledger if "Show Payment Window" is enabled.

    • Show Print Statement/Insurance Claim: When enabled, the Print Statement/Insurance Claim window will appear after saving new charges.

    • Ignore these settings in the Charting Ability: When enabled, MacPractice will ignore these settings when using the Charting ability.

  • Add Diagnosis Code From New Charge: Allows diagnosis codes entered from the new charge window to be added to the Clinical > Problem List tab.

  • Always pull facility from incident: Allows facilities that are entered in the incident to be automatically added to new charges for that incident.

  • A charge can only have either a Facility or a Lab, but not both: Checking this box will not allow a charge to be saved that has both a Facility and a Lab entered. You only will be able to save one or the other; this can be useful when creating claims for certain insurances.

  • Validate Anesthesia Times: When enabled, will make sure that scheduled anesthesia times don't overlap. Enabling this preference may cause a delay when saving charges.

Payment Tab - General Tab

  • Set Provider and Office In New Payment Window: Allows you to set which provider and office you want to have set by default when creating a payment.

    • Use Account Provider/Office: Will pull the provider/office set in the Account tab

    • Use Patient Provider/Office: Will pull the provider/office set in the Patient tab

    • Use Default Provider/Office (see Preference > Provider/Office): Will pull the provider/office set in the Provider/Office Preference

    • Use Charge Provider/Office: Will pull the provider/office in the selected charge. If no charge is selected, the provider and office of the oldest charge will be used.

  • "Amount" and "Check#" location: Allows you to change the location of the fields when entering your payment. To take effect, a restart of MacPractice is needed when this is changed.

  • Color Code Charges With Ins. Portion in Ins. Payment Window: Allows you to change the color that charges with an insurance portion are shown in insurance payments; charges that have an insurance portion will be represented with the selected color.

  • Color Code Charges With Pat. Portion In Pat. Payment Window: Allows you to change the color of charges with a patient portion are shown in patient payments; charges that have a patient portion will be represented with the selected color.

Payment Tab - Patient Payment Tab

  • Use AuthpayX for Credit Card Payment: Allows you to scan credit card information using AuthpayX.

  • AuthPayX Application Path: Sets the path used for AuthPayX. AuthPayX software and hardware will need to be installed and configured before any set up can be started in MacPractice. For more information on configuring AuthPayX, please click here.

  • Auto Apply After Entering Amount (Patient Payment Only): Allows the program to auto-apply the entered payment amount to charges after tabbing; this will only affect new payments.

Payment Tab - Insurance Payment Tab

  • Add EOB Columns to Insurance Payments: Sets the Use EOB Column checkbox to be checked by default in new insurance payment windows.

  • Enable Provider Adjustment Ability in Insurance Payment Window: Allows a checkbox to show when creating insurance payments that allow the user to create provider level adjustments. Provider level adjustments are usually not related to specific charges that the payer received, such adjustments are financially independent from the formula for determining benefit payments on behalf of the beneficiary receiving care. Consequently, providers must be able to post these types of adjustments to the general ledger, rather than to the patient's account receivable.

  • Enable Insurance Appeal: When checked, MacPractice will alert the user when an insurance company uses an allowed amount that is lower than the database record saved in the Insurance reference > Plans > Allowed, when making an insurance payment.

  • Auto calculate the write off when provider participates with the carrier: MacPractice will calculate the write-off for you if the provider participates with the insurance carrier.

  • Enable the "Apply To All" button for insurance payments: In MacPractice Gen 9, we added a preference to show the "Apply to All" button in relation to Insurance Payments. Without this preference enabled, the "Apply To All" button is hidden when applying payments.

Incident Tab

  • Default Incident Name: Allows you to choose an incident name (created in References under Incidents) which will automatically populate for new incidents.

  • Set the first selected field when adding new incident: When creating a new incident, the first selected field will depend on this setting; you can choose between Incident Name or Incident Date.

  • Set incident date to the date of the first transaction: Automatically sets the incident date to the date of the first transaction entered in the incident.

  • Display both CMS and ADA Claim view (requires restart): This will enable the user to view both CMS and ADA Claim tabs when selecting an incident; useful if your office sends both CMS and ADA paper claims.

  • Incident Prior Authorization: After creating charges, an alert will show when the remaining visits (set in the Incident window under the Prior Auth. tab) are below the number entered in this box. Valid input range is between number 0 to 9. No alert will show if the field is blank.

  • Show Orthodontics checkbox: Allows the Orthodontics checkbox to display in Ledger > Incident.

  • Show Attorney tab in incidents: Allows you to input and edit information in the Attorney tab in Incidents.

Treatment Tab

  • Create a Treatment Plan When Adding a New Incident: Allows a treatment plan to be created after creating a new incident; if you do not want to have treatment plans show automatically, leave this box unchecked.

  • Preserve the Treatment's Insurance Estimates When Moving to Transactions: Allows treatments to preserve the allowed amount and insurance estimates when moving a treatment to transactions; otherwise, MacPractice recalculates the estimates with the current allowed and percentage coverage. In either case, the estimated deductible and coverage are validated against the actual remaining.

  • Choose a background color for Treatment ledger and Charting: When checked, you will be allowed to select a color for your treatment plan background, to help you differentiate it from the Transactions area of the ledger.

  • Procedure Date When Moving a Treatment To Transaction: Allows for the procedure date set in the treatment plan to be retained when the treatments are moved, or keep the date the treatment was created as long as it meets the criteria of the preference.

Others Tab

  • When adding new comments: Controls the default settings for new comments in the ledger.

  • Remember Last Adjustment Type: Allows you to specify whether MacPractice should remember the last Adjustment Type used in new adjustments. The last remembered type is cleared upon quitting or logging out of MacPractice.

Test Tab

  • Check Database Integrity After Ledger Actions: When this feature is enabled, MacPractice will perform a database integrity check after each ledger action, such as posting a new charge, payment, and so on.

    • Note: Enabling this preference may cause slowness in MacPractice; disable this check to improve performance.