Insurance Tracer Form Pull Fields
Insurance Tracer pull fields are to be used with the 'Insurance Tracer' Form Type and will pull data onto paper form templates. Insurance Tracers pull field categories include:
Custom Fields
Account Balance 120 Days: This will display the total past due Account Balance for any charges that are between 121 and 150 days old as determined by the selected charge'(s) procedure date.
Account Balance 120 Plus Days: This will display the total past due Account Balance for any open charges that are over 120 days old as determined by the selected charge'(s) procedure date.
Account Balance 150 Plus Days: This will display the total past due Account Balance for any open charges that are over 150 days old as determined by the selected charge'(s) procedure date.
Account Balance 30 Days: This will display the total past due Account Balance for any open charges that are between 31 and 60 days old as determined by the selected charge'(s) procedure date.
Account Balance 60 Days: This will display the total past due Account Balance for any open charges that are between 61 and 90 days old as determined by the selected charge'(s) procedure date.
Account Balance 90 Days: This will display the total past due Account Balance for any open charges that are between 91 and 120 days old as determined by the selected charge'(s) procedure date.
Account Balance Current: This will display the total Account Balance for any open charges that are between 1 and 30 days old as determined by the selected charge'(s) procedure date.
Account Balance Days Overdue: This will display the age of the oldest open charge on the account.
Account Balance Insurance Portion: This will display the full balance for the account's Insurance Portion.
Account Balance Patient Portion: This will display the full balance for the account's Patient Portion.
Account Balance Total: This will display the total Account Balance (Insurance + Patient Portions).
Account Balance Total With Credit: This will display the total Account Balance less the Unapplied amount.
[Note: This total will display as a negative if the credit balance is greater than the total account balance.]
Account Patient - Unapplied: This will display the total Patient Portion less the Unapplied amount.
[Note: This total will display as a negative if the Unapplied amount is greater than the total Patient Portion.]
Account Patient Portion 120 Days: This will display the total past due Patient Portion balance for any open charges that are between 121 and 150 days old as determined by the selected charge'(s) procedure date.
Account Patient Portion 120 Plus Days: This will display the total past due Patient Portion balance for any open charges that are over 120 days old as determined by the selected charge'(s) procedure date.
Account Patient Portion 150 Plus Days: This will display the total past due Patient Portion balance for any open charges that are over 150 days old as determined by the selected charge'(s) procedure date.
Account Patient Portion 30 Days: This will display the total past due Patient Portion balance for any open charges that are between 31 and 60 days old as determined by the selected charge'(s) procedure date.
Account Patient Portion 60 Days: This will display the total past due Patient Portion balance for any open charges that are between 61 and 90 days old as determined by the selected charge'(s) procedure date.
Account Patient Portion 90 Days: This will display the total past due Patient Portion balance for any open charges that are between 91 and 120 days old as determined by the selected charge'(s) procedure date.
Account Patient Portion Current: This will display to total Patient Portion balance for any open charges between 1 and 30 days old as determined by the selected charge'(s) procedure date.
Account Patient Portion Total: This will display the total Patient Portion balance.
Account Unapplied Amount: This will display the account's total Unapplied amount.
Accounting Alert 1: This will display the first Alert record listed in Patients > Account > Alerts. This data will pull from the 'Alert Description' field located in the selected alert's Reference.
Accounting Alert 2: This will display the second Alert record listed in Patients > Account > Alerts. This data will pull from the 'Alert Description' field located in the selected alert's Reference.
Accounting Alert 3: This will display the third Alert record listed in Patients > Account > Alerts. This data will pull from the 'Alert Description' field located in the selected alert's Reference.
Accounting Alert 4: This will display the fourth Alert record listed in Patients > Account > Alerts. This data will pull from the 'Alert Description' field located in the selected alert's Reference.
Accounting Alert 5: This will display the fifth Alert record listed in Patients > Account > Alerts. This data will pull from the 'Alert Description' field located in the selected alert's Reference.
Accounting Alert 6: This will display the sixth Alert record listed in Patients > Account > Alerts. This data will pull from the 'Alert Description' field located in the selected alert's Reference.
Accounting Alert 7: This will display the seventh Alert record listed in Patients > Account > Alerts. This data will pull from the 'Alert Description' field located in the selected alert's Reference.
Accounting Alert 8: This will display the eighth Alert record listed in Patients > Account > Alerts. This data will pull from the 'Alert Description' field located in the selected alert's Reference.
City: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'City' field located in Patients > Primary.
Country: This will reflect the data as entered in 'Country' field located in Patients > Primary.
Date of Birth: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Birth Date' field located in Patients > Primary.
Employer Address: This will display the Street Address of the first Employer record entered in the Employers table located in Patients > Primary. This data will pull from the 'Street Address' field located in the selected employer's Reference.
[Note: If the Primary Guarantor does not have an employer entered in the Employers table this will then pull from the first Employer record entered in the Employers table located in Patients > Secondary.]
Employer City: This will display the City of the first Employer record entered in the Employers table located in Patients > Primary. This data will pull from the 'City' filed located in the selected employer's Reference.
[Note: If the Primary Guarantor does not have an employer entered in the Employers table this will then pull from the first Employer record entered in the Employers table located in Patients > Secondary.]
Employer Name: This will display the Name of the first Employer record entered in the Employers table located in Patients > Primary. This data will pull from the 'Employer Name' filed located in the selected employer's Reference.
[Note: If the Primary Guarantor does not have an employer entered in the Employers table this will then pull from the first Employer record entered in the Employers table located in Patients > Secondary.]
Employer State: This will display the State of the first Employer record entered in the Employers table located in Patients > Primary. This data will pull from the 'State' filed located in the selected employer's Reference.
[Note: If the Primary Guarantor does not have an employer entered in the Employers table this will then pull from the first Employer record entered in the Employers table located in Patients > Secondary.]
Employer Suite: This will display the Suite number of the first Employer record entered in the Employers table located in Patients > Primary. This data will pull from the 'Suite' filed located in the selected employer's Reference.
[Note: If the Primary Guarantor does not have an employer entered in the Employers table this will then pull from the first Employer record entered in the Employers table located in Patients > Secondary.]
Employer Zip Code: This will display the Zip Code of the first Employer record entered in the Employers table located in Patients > Primary. This data will pull from the 'Zip Code' filed located in the selected employer's Reference.
[Note: If the Primary Guarantor does not have an employer entered in the Employers table this will then pull from the first Employer record entered in the Employers table located in Patients > Secondary.]
Financial Status: This will reflect the account's Financial Status as entered/selected from the 'Financial Status' drop down field located in Patients > Account.
Home Phone: This will reflect the data as entered in a 'Phone' field located in Patients > Primary.
[Note: The 'Phone' field's adjoining 'Type' popup MUST be set to "Home Phone".]
Installment Amount: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Installment Amount' field located in Patients > Account > Statements.
Installment or Balance Amount: This will reflect either the Account Balance or the Installment Amount as entered in the Account tab, depending on which is less. When displaying the account balance the unapplied amount will be taken into account.
[Note: this total will display as a negative if the credit balance is greater than the total account balance.]
Last Account Payment Amount (No Adj): This will display the amount of the most recent patient payment that has been posted the the Ledger.
Last Account Payment Amount (w/ Adj): This will display the most recent patient payment or negative adjustment that has been posted to the Ledger.
Last Account Payment Date (No Adj): This will display the date of the most recent patient payment that has been posted to the Ledger.
Last Account Payment Date (w/ Adj): This will display the date of the most recent patient payment or negative adjustment that has been posted to the Ledger.
Last Insurance Payment Amount: This will display the amount of the most recent insurance payment that has been posted to the Ledger.
Last Insurance Payment Date: This will display the date of the most recent insurance payment that has been posted to the Ledger.
Mobile Phone: This will reflect the data as entered in a 'Phone' field located in Patients > Primary.
[Note: The 'Phone' field's adjoining 'Type' popup MUST be set to "Mobile Phone".]
Name: This will display the Full Name of the Primary Guarantor. This data will pull from the 'First Name', 'Middle Name', and 'Last Name' fields located in Patients > Primary.
[Note: This pull field will display the data as "first name, middle initial, last name (John X. Doe).]
Name, First: This will display the First Name of the Primary Guarantor. This data will pull from the 'First Name' field located in Patients > Primary.
Name, Last: This will display the Last Name of the Primary Guarantor. This data will pull from the 'Last Name (Guarantor)' field located in Patients > Primary.
Name, Middle: This will display the Middle Name of the Primary Guarantor. This data will pull from the 'Middle Name' field located in Patients > Primary.
Name, Prefix: This will display the Prefix of the Primary Guarantor. This data will pull from the 'Prefix' field located in Patients > Primary.
Name, Suffix: This will display the Suffix of the Primary Guarantor. This data will pull from the 'Suffix' field located in Patients > Primary.
Other Phone: This will reflect the data as entered in a 'Phone' field located in Patients > Primary.
[Note: The 'Phone' field's adjoining 'Type' popup MUST be set to "Other Phone".]
Percent Discount: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Percent Discount (%)' field located in Patients > Account.
Previous Account Number: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Previous Account Number' field located in Patients > Account.
SSN: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Social Security' field located in Patients > Primary.
SSN Last 4: This will reflect the last four digits of the Social Security Number as entered in the 'Social Security' field located in Patients > Primary.
State: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'State' field located in Patients > Primary.
Street Address: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Street Address' field located in Patients > Primary.
Suite: This will reflect the data as entered in 'Suite/Apt. Number' field located in Patients > Primary.
Work Phone: This will reflect the data as entered in a 'Phone' field located in Patients > Primary.
[Note: The 'Phone' field's adjoining 'Type' popup MUST be set to "Work Phone".]
Zip Code: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Zip Code' field located in Patients > Primary.
Number of transactions, diagnoses, and transaction offset determined by Form Rules.
[Note: Default Form Rules: Max Transactions: 6; Max Diagnosis: 4; Transaction Offset: 20.00]
Allowed Amount: This will display the Allowed Amount as found under the 'Pri Allowed' column of the Procedure table located in the selected procedure's Charge Window. This data will pull from the selected procedure's 'Allowed' field found in the Procedure Code table located in the Primary Insurance Carrier's Reference > Plans > Procedures.
[Note: 1) If the patient does NOT have an insurance plan the allowed amount will default to the selected procedure's Unit Fee.]
Code: This will display the Procedure Code selected from the 'Code' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window. This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Code' field located in the selected procedure's Fee Schedule > Fee at the time the procedure was added to the ledger.
Code & 2 Modifiers: This will display the Procedure Code selected from the 'Code' field followed by [up to] the first two Modifiers Code(s) added to the 'Modifiers' fields located in the selected procedure's Charge Window. The Procedure Code will reflect the data as entered in the 'Code' field located in the selected procedure's Fee Schedule > Fee at the time the procedure was added to the ledger.
Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Procedure Date' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window.
Description: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Short Description' field located in the selected procedure's Fee Schedule > Fee but can be edited from the Charge Window.
Diagnosis 1: This will display the first (checked) diagnosis code added to the Diagnosis Code table located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 1 Description: This will display the Description of the first (checked) 'Diagnosis Code' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 10 Description: This will display the Description of the tenth (checked) 'Diagnosis Code' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 11: This will display the eleventh (checked) diagnosis code added to the Diagnosis Code table located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 11 Description: This will display the Description of the eleventh (checked) 'Diagnosis Code' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 12: This will display the twelfth (checked) diagnosis code added to the Diagnosis Code table located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
[Note: This field will cause a DB error.]
Diagnosis 12 Description: This will display the Description of the twelfth (checked) 'Diagnosis Code' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
[Note: This field will cause a DB error.]
Diagnosis 2: This will display the second (checked) diagnosis code added to the Diagnosis Code table located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 2 Description: This will display the Description of the second (checked) 'Diagnosis Code' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 3: This will display the third (checked) diagnosis code added to the Diagnosis Code table located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 3 Description: This will display the Description of the third (checked) 'Diagnosis Code' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 4: This will display the fourth (checked) diagnosis code added to the Diagnosis Code table located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 4 Description: This will display the Description of the fourth (checked) 'Diagnosis Code' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 5: This will display the fifth (checked) diagnosis code added to the Diagnosis Code table located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 5 Description: This will display the Description of the fifth (checked) 'Diagnosis Code' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 6: This will display the sixth (checked) diagnosis code added to the Diagnosis Code table located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 6 Description: This will display the Description of the sixth (checked) 'Diagnosis Code' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 7: This will display the seventh (checked) diagnosis code added to the Diagnosis Code table located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 7 Description: This will display the Description of the seventh (checked) 'Diagnosis Code' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 8: This will display the eighth (checked) diagnosis code added to the Diagnosis Code table located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 8 Description: This will display the Description of the eighth (checked) 'Diagnosis Code' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 9: This will display the ninth (checked) diagnosis code added to the Diagnosis Code table located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis.
Diagnosis 9 Description: This will display the Description of the ninth (checked) 'Diagnosis Code' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window > Diagnosis
Discount Amount: This will display the amount the selected procedure has been discounted. This amount will be calculated by the 'Percent Discount (%)' field for the account (located in Patients > Account) at the time the selected procedure was added to the Ledger.[Note: Nonfunctional.]
Fee And Tax: This will display the sum of the fee and applied tax for the selected procedure. This data will pull from the 'Unit Fee' field located in the selected procedure's Fee Schedule (but can be edited from the Charge Window), the tax is calculated by the Tax Rate selected from the 'Tax Rate' popup located in the selected procedure's Charge Window.
[Note: 1) The 'Taxable' checkbox MUST be selected from the selected procedure's Charge Window. 2) If the 'Taxable' checkbox has not been selected, this will instead display the selected procedure's unit fee.]
Fee Schedule Name: This will display the Fee Schedule Name selected from the 'Fee Schedule' popup located in the selected procedure's Charge Window.
Insurance Portion: This will display the Insurance Portion for the selected procedure as found under the 'Pri Ins Portion' column found in the Procedure table located in the Charge Window.
[Note: 1) The 'Use Insurance Estimating' preference MUST be selected from Preferences > Insurance > General. 2) The Insurance Portion is determined by the 'Procedure Type' popup located in the selected procedure's Charge Window. This portion is calculated by the '% Insurance Pays' field located in the selected insurance carrier's Reference > Plans > Coverage for the selected Procedure Type]
Lab Cost: This will reflect the data as found/entered in the 'Lab Costs' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window.
Lab Fee: This will display the Lab Fee for the selected procedure given the following scenarios.
This will display the Unit Fee as entered in the 'Unit Fee' field located in the selected procedure's Fee Schedule record, but can be edited from the Charge Window.
This will display the sum of the Lab Code Fee that has been added to the Lab Code table and the Unit Fee of the selected procedure (both located in Charge Window). The Unit Fee will pull from the 'Unit Fee' field located in the selected procedure's Fee Schedule record, and the Lab Code Fee will pull from the 'Fee' field located in the selected (CDA) Lab Code's Reference (Both can be edited from the Charge Window).[Note: 1) Nonfunctional. 2) The 'Add Lab Fees To Patient Portion' checkbox (located in the Charge Window) MUST be selected.]
Modifier 1: This will reflect the data as entered in the first 'Modifiers' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window.
Modifier 2: This will reflect the data as entered in the second 'Modifiers' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window.
Modifier 3: This will reflect the data as entered in the third 'Modifiers' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window.
Modifier 4: This will reflect the data as entered in the fourth 'Modifiers' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window.
Original Fee: This will display the selected procedure's Original Fee whenever a discount or positive adjustment has been applied. This data will pull from the selected procedure's 'Original Fee' column located in Patents > Patient > Ledger.[Note: Nonfunctional.]
Patient Portion: This will display the Patient Portion as displayed under the selected procedure's 'Patient Portion' column located in Patients > Ledger > Transactions.
Procedure Fee: This will display the Fee for the selected procedure. This data will pull from the 'Unit Fee' field located in the selected procedure's Fee Schedule record located in References > Fee Schedule > Fee, but can be edited from the Charge Window.
Provider First Name: This will display the First Name of the provider selected from the 'Provider' popup located in the selected procedure's Charge Window. This will pull from the 'First' field located in the selected provider's User Reference.
Provider Last Name: This will display the Last Name of the provider selected from the 'Provider' popup located in the selected procedure's Charge Window. This will pull from the 'Last' field located in the selected provider's User Reference.
Provider Middle Name: This will display the Middle Name of the provider selected from the 'Provider' popup located in the selected procedure's Charge Window. This will pull from the 'Middle' field located in the selected provider's User Reference.
Provider Professional Title: This will display the Professional Title of the provider selected from the 'Provider' popup located in the selected procedure's Charge Window. This will pull from the 'Professional Title' field located in the selected provider's User Reference.
Provider Suffix: This will display the Suffix of the provider selected from the 'Provider' popup located in the selected procedure's Charge Window. This will pull from the 'Suffix' field located in the selected provider's User Reference.
Quadrant Code: This will display the numeric code reflective of the data selected from the 'Area of Oral Cavity' popup found in the selected procedure's Charge Window located in Patients > Ledger > Transactions.
[Note: DDS only.]
Quadrant Description: This will reflect the Quadrant Description as selected from the 'Area of Oral Cavity' popup found in the selected procedure's Charge Window located in Patients > Ledger > Transactions.
[Note: DDS only.]
Remaining Amount: If the claim is outstanding and does NOT have an insurance payment this will display the Patient Portion as found under the 'Pat Portion' column located in the Procedure table of the selected procedure's Charge Window located in Patients > Ledger > Transactions. If the claim is closed or is tied an insurance payment this will then display the selected procedure's Unit Fee. This data will pull from the 'Unit Fee' field found in the selected procedure's Fee Schedule record located in References > Fee Schedule > Fee but can be edited from the Charge Window.[Note: It does not feel that this pull field should behave this way.]
Running Balance: This will display the balance that was left on the account when the procedure was posted to the ledger. This data will pull as found under the selected procedure's 'Balance' column located in Patients > Ledger > Transactions.[Note: Nonfunctional.]
Schedule Units: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Schedule Units' field found in the selected procedure's Charge Window located in Patients > Ledger > Transactions.
Surface: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Surface' field found in the selected procedure's Charge Window located in Patients > Ledger > Transactions.
[Note: DDS only.]
Tax: This will display the total Tax applied to the selected procedure as determined by the Unit Fee multiplied by the Tax Rate selected from the 'Tax' popup located in the selected procedure's Charge Window.
[Note: The 'Taxable' checkbox (located in the Charge Window) MUST be selected.]
Tooth: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Tooth' field found in the selected procedure's Charge Window located in Patients > Patient > Ledger > Transactions.
[Note: DDS only.]
Unit Fee: This will display the Fee for the selected procedure. This data will pull from the 'Unit Fee' field located in the selected procedure's Fee Schedule record located in References > Fee Schedule > Fee, but can be edited from the Charge Window.
Units: This will reflect the number of Units being applied to the selected procedure. This data will pull from the 'Unit Fee' field found in the selected procedure's Fee Schedule record located in References > Fee Schedule > Fee, but can be edited from the Charge Window.
[Note: "Units" MUST be selected from the 'Fee Calculations' popup located in the selected procedure's Fee Schedule record.]
Write Off: This will display the Write-Off amount for the selected procedure. This data will pull from the 'Pri WrtOff' column located in the Procedure table found in the selected procedure's Charge Window located in Patients > Ledger > Transactions.
Claim Date: This will display the Posted Date of the selected Claim. This data will pull from the 'Posted Date' column of the selected claim located in Patients > Ledger > Transactions.
Claim Treatment Date: This will display the Procedure Date for the first posted charge on the selected claim located in Patients > Ledger > Transactions. This data will pull from the 'Procedure Date' field located in the selected procedure's Charge Window.
First Symptom Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'First Symptom Date' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Symptom Dates.
Total Fee: This will display the combined fees for all procedures tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Unit Fee' field(s) located in the selected procedure'(s) Fee Schedule record located in References > Fee Schedule > Fee, but can be edited from the Charge Window.
[Note: Nonfunctional.]
Custom Fields
Custom Optional: This field will allow the User to manually type data directly onto a paper form when attempting to print said form. This field can be ignored and the form will print without data.
Custom Required: This field will allow the User to manually type data directly onto a paper form when attempting to print said form. This field cannot be ignored and MUST contain data before the form will be allowed to print.
Admission Source Code: This will display the numeric code reflective of the selected Admission Source found in the 'Admission Source' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Facility.
None: 0
Non-health Care Facility Point of Origin: 1
Clinic or Physician's Office: 2
Transfer from Hospital: 3
Transfer from SNF, INF, or ALF/Born in Hospital: 4
Court/Law Enforcement: 5
Information Not Available: 6
Transfer between Distinct Units of Same Hospital (Separate Claims): 7
Transfer from Ambulatory Surgery Center: 8
Transfer from Hospice Facility: 9
Admission Type Code: This will display the numeric code reflective of the selected Admission Type found in the 'Admission Type' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Facility.
None: 0
Emergency: 1
Urgent: 2
Elective: 3
Newborn: 4
Trauma Center: 5
Attorney Address: This will display the Street Address of the attorney selected from the Attorney table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Attorney. This data will pull from the 'Street Address' field of the selected attorney's Reference.
[Note: This field will cause a DB error.]
Attorney City: This will display the City of the attorney selected from the Attorney table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Attorney. This data will pull from the selected attorney's Reference.
[Note: This field will cause a DB error.]
Attorney Deposition Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Deposition Date' filed located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Attorney.
Attorney Email: This will display the Email Address of the attorney selected from the Attorney table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Attorney. This data will pull from the 'Email' field of the selected attorney's Reference.
Attorney Fax: This will display the Fax Number of the attorney selected from the Attorney table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Attorney. This data will pull from the 'Fax' field of the selected attorney's Reference.
Attorney Final Settlement Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Final Settlement' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Attorney.
Attorney Name: This will display the Name of the attorney selected from the Attorney table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Attorney. This data will pull from the 'Attorney Name' field of the selected attorney's Reference.
Attorney Notes: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Notes' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Attorney.
Attorney Notice Filing: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected the 'Notice of Filing' checkbox located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Attorney.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True" an 'X' will display when the checkbox is selected. If formatted for "False" an 'X' will display when the checkbox is not selected.]
Attorney Phone: This will display the Phone Number of the attorney selected from the Attorney table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Attorney. This data will pull from the 'Phone' field of the selected attorney's Reference.
Attorney Report Sent Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Report Sent' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Attorney.
Attorney State: This will display the State of the attorney selected from the Attorney table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Attorney. This data will pull from the 'City' field of the selected attorney's Reference.
[Note: This field will cause a DB error.]
Attorney Suite: This will display the Suite Number of the attorney selected from the Attorney table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Attorney. This data will pull from the 'Suite' field of the selected attorney's Reference.
[Note: This field will cause a DB error.]
Attorney Trial Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Hearing/Trial Date' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Attorney.
Attorney Zip Code: This will display the Zip Code of the attorney selected from the Attorney table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Attorney. This data will pull from the 'Zip Code' field of the attorney's selected Reference.
[Note: This field will cause a DB error.]
Auto Accident Related: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Auto Accident" from the 'Condition Related To' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu> Incident > Reason For Treatment.
[Note: 1) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when "Auto Accident" is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when not selected]
Auto Accident State: This will reflect the State as selected from the 'Accident State' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu> Incident > Reason For Treatment.
[Note: "Auto Accident" MUST be selected from the 'Condition Related To' popup.]
Box 10D Claim Codes: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Box 10D Claim Codes' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Other Claim Data.
Box 11B Other Claim ID: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Other Claim ID' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Other Claim Data.
Box 11B Other Claim ID Qualifier: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Box 11b Qualifier' located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Other Claim Data.
Box 23B Payment Source Code: This will reflect the data as entered in the '23B Payment Source' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Other Claim Data.
Box 25C Locator Code: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Box 25C Locator Code' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Other Claim Data.
CMS 1500 Box 19 Data: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Box 19 on CMS Claim Form' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident.
Claim Other Date Type: This will display the numeric code reflective of the selected Date Type found in the 'Other Date Type' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Symptom Dates.
[Note: 1) "Illness" or "Last Menstrual Period" MUST be selected from the 'First Symptom Date Type' popup. 2) A valid date MUST be entered in the 'Other Date' field. 3) "Auto Accident" CANNOT be selected from the 'Condition Related To' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Reason For Treatment.]Initial Treatment: 454
Latest Visit or Consultation: 304
Accident: 439
Acute Manifestation of a Chronic Condition: 453
Last X-ray: 455
Prescription: 471
Report Start (Assumed Care Date): 090
Report End (Relinquished Care Date): 091
First Visit or Consultation: 444
Claim Similar Symptom Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Other Date' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Symptom Dates.
[Note: 1) "Illness" or "Last Menstrual Period" MUST be selected from the 'First Symptom Date Type' popup.2) "Auto Accident" CANNOT be selected from the 'Condition Related To' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Reason For Treatment.]
Claim Symptom Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'First Symptom Date' Field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Symptom Dates.
[Note: 1) "Illness" or "Last Menstrual Period" MUST be selected from the 'First Symptom Date Type' popup. 2) Any option other than "Auto Accident" or "None" MUST be selected from the 'Condition Related To' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Reason For Treatment.]
Claim Symptom Date Qualifier: This will display a numeric code reflective of the data selected from the 'First Symptom Date Type' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Symptom Dates.
[Note: 1)"Auto Accident" CANNOT be selected from the 'Condition Related To' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Reason For Treatment.]Routine Service: [N/A]
Illness: 431
Last Menstrual Period: 484
Condition Related To: This will reflect the data as selected from the 'Condition Related To' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Reason For Treatment.
Date Appliance Placed: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Box 41 Date Appliance Placed' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > ADA Claims.
Date Prior Placement: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Box 44 Date Prior Placement' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > ADA Claims.
Effective Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Effective Date' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Military.
Employment Related: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Employment" from the 'Condition Related To' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Reason For Treatment.
[Note: 1) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when "Employment" is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when not selected]
Facility Address: This will display the Street Address of the facility added to the Facility table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Facility. This data will pull from the 'Street Address' field located the selected facility's Reference.
Facility City: This will display the City of the facility added to the Facility table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Facility. This data will pull from the 'City' field located the selected facility's Reference.
Facility Code 1: This will display the Facility Tax ID of the facility added to the Facility table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Facility. This data will pull from the 'Facility Tax ID' field located in the selected facility's Reference.
Facility Code 2: This will display the Secondary Facility ID of the facility added to the Facility table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Facility. This data will pull from the 'Secondary Facility ID' field located in the selected facility's Reference.[Note: Nonfunctional.]
Facility NPI: This will display the National Provider ID of the facility added to the Facility table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Facility. This data will pull from the 'National Provider ID (NPI)' field located in the selected facility's Reference.
Facility Name: This will display the Name of the Facility added to the Facility table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Facility. This data will pull from the 'Facility Name' field located in the selected facility's Reference.
Facility Phone: This will display the Phone Number of the facility added to the Facility table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Facility. This data will pull from the 'Phone' field located in the selected facility's Reference.
Facility State: This will display the State of the facility added to the Facility table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Facility. This data will pull from the 'State' field located in the selected facility's Reference.
Facility Suite: This will display the Suite Number of the facility added to the Facility table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Facility. This data will pull from the 'Suite' field located in the selected facility's Reference.
Facility Zip Code: This will display the Zip Code of the facility added to the Facility table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Facility. This data will pull from the 'Zip Code' field located in the selected facility's Reference.
First Consultation Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'First Consultation' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Symptom Dates.
First Symptom: This will display a numeric code reflective of the data selected from the 'First Symptom Date Type' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Symptom Dates.
Routine Service: 1
Illness: 2
Last Menstrual Period: 3
First Symptom Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'First Symptom Date' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Symptom Dates.
First Symptom Text: This will display the selected First Symptom depending on the following scenarios:
This will then display "Accident"
This will then display either "Illness" OR "LMP" respective of having selected "Illness" or "Last Menstrual Period" from the 'First Symptom Date Type" popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Symptom Dates.
Has Date Prior Placement: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having entered a valid date in the 'Box 44 Date Prior Placement' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > ADA Claims.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True" an 'X' will display when a valid date has been entered. If formatted for "False" an 'X' will display when a valid date has not been entered.]
Has Enclosures: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having entered data in at least one of the three fields (Radiograph(s)/Oral Image(s)/Model(s)) located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > ADA Claims.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True" an 'X' will display when data has been entered in the above field(s). If formatted for "False" an 'X' will display when data has not been entered in the above field(s).]
Has Similar Symptom Date: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having entered a valid date in the 'Other Date' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Symptom Dates.[Note: 1) "Auto Accident" CANNOT be selected from the 'Condition Related To' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Reason For Treatment. 2) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True" an 'X' will display when the above conditions are true. If formatted for "False" an 'X' will display when the above conditions are NOT true.]
Incident Date: This will reflect the Name of the Incident as selected/entered in the 'Incident Name' drop down field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident.
Incident Name: This will reflect the Incident Name as selected/entered in the 'Incident Name' drop down field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident.
Incident Type: This will reflect the Incident Type as selected/entered in the 'Incident Type' drop down located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident.
Initial Placement: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected the 'Initial Placement' checkbox located in Patients > Ledger > Incident menu > Incident > Reason For Treatment.
[Note: 1) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the checkbox is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the checkbox is deselected. 2) DDS only.]
Is Orthodontics: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected the 'Orthodontics' checkbox located in Patients > Ledger > Incident menu > Incident > Reason For Treatment.
[Note: 1) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the checkbox is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the checkbox is deselected. 2) DDS only.]
Military Branch: This will display a numeric code reflective of the data as selected from the 'Branch' popup located in the Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Military.
[Note: Not available in DDS.]None: 0
Army: 1
Air Force: 2
Marines: 3
Navy: 4
Coast Guard: 5
Public Health Service: 6
Military Branch Air Force: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Air Force" from the 'Branch' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Military.
[Note: 1) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the item is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the item is not selected. 2) Not available in DDS.]
Military Branch Army: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Army" from the 'Branch' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Military.
[Note: 1)Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the item is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the item is not selected. 2) Not available in DDS.]
Military Branch CHAMP/VA: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "CHAMP/VA" from the 'Branch' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Military.
[Note: 1) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the item is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the item is not selected. 2) Not available in DDS.]
Military Branch Coast Guard: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Coast Guard" from the 'Branch' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Military.
[Note: 1) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the item is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the item is not selected. 2) Not available in DDS.]
Military Branch Marines: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Marines" from the 'Branch' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Military.
[Note: 1) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the item is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the item is not selected. 2) Not available in DDS.]
Military Branch Navy: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Navy" from the 'Branch' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Military.
[Note: 1) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the item is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the item is not selected. 2) Not available in DDS.]
Military Branch Public Health: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Public Health Service" from the 'Branch' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Military.
[Note: 1) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the item is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the item is not selected. 2) Not available in DDS.]
Military Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Date' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Military.
[Note: Not available in DDS.]
Military Eligibility: This will display a numeric code reflective of the data as selected from the 'Eligibility' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Military.
[Note: Not available in DDS.]None: 0
Insurance Phone Call: 1
Employer Phone Call: 2
Payor Card Presented: 3
Signed Statement: 4
Military Status: This will display a numeric code reflective of the data as selected from the 'Status' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Military.
[Note: Not available in DDS.]None: 0
Social Security Number: 1
Federal ID: 2
Both: 3
Models: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Model(s)' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > ADA Claims.
Not Accident Related: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having not selected "Auto Accident" or "Other Accident" from the 'Condition Related To' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Reason For Treatment.
[Note: Functionality dependent upon pull field formatting. This field should be formatted to "True" in which case it will display an 'X' when the above items are NOT selected.]
Occupational Illness: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected the 'Occupational Illness/Injury' checkbox located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Reason For Treatment.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the checkbox is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the checkbox is not selected.]
Oral Images: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Oral Image(s)' field located in the Incident Menu > ADA Claims.
Other Accident Related: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Other Accident" from the 'Condition Related To' popup located in in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Reason For Treatment.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the item is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the item is not selected.]
Other Date Type: This will display a numeric code reflective of the data selected from the 'Other Date Type' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Symptom Dates.
Initial Treatment: 454
Latest Visit or Consultation: 304
Accident: 439
Acute Manifestation of a Chronic Condition: 453
Last X-ray: 455
Prescription: 471
Report Start (Assumed Care Date): 090
Report End (Relinquished Care Date): 091
First Visit or Consultation: 444
Partial Disability Begin Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Begin Date' field of the 'Partial Disability' section located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Disability.
Partial Disability End Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'End Date' field of the 'Partial Disability' section located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Disability.
Prior Authorization (Blank): [Note: Nonfunctional.]
Prior Authorization (None): This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Prior Authorization' field of the first Prior Authorization record listed in the Prior Authorization table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Prior Auth.[Note: This field exhibits odd behavior. This filed can only be used once per incident. Once it has been populated by a prior auth. this data can be changed and deleted, but whatever data (or lack thereof) is present will remain even if the prior auth is deleted. Subsequently any data from a new prior auth cannot be added, and it will continue to display the deleted prior auth's data. Only by archiving said incident are you able to populate new data.]
Prosthesis: This is a "True/False" pull filed that will display an 'X' respective to having selected the 'Prosthesis' checkbox located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Reason For Treatment.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the checkbox is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the checkbox is not selected.]
Prosthesis Replacement: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective of having selected the 'Initial Placement' checkbox in coordination with the 'Prothesis' checkbox located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident > Reason For Treatment.
[Note: 1) The 'Prosthesis' checkbox MUST be selected. 2) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True" an 'X' will display when when the checkbox is deselected. If formatted for "False" an 'X' will display when the checkbox is selected. 3) DDS only.]
Radiographs: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Radiograph(s)' field located in the Incident Menu > ADA Claims.
[Note: DDS only.]
Referral BC/BS: This will display the BCBS Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'BCBS' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral Blue Cross: This will display the Blue Cross Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Blue Cross' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral CHAMPUS: This will display the Champus Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Champus' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral Central Certification: This will display the Central Certification Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Central Certification' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral City: This will display the City of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'City' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Referral Commercial: This will display the Commercial Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Commercial' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral Date: This will display the Referral Date of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Referral Date' field of the selected referrer's record found in the Referrals table located in Patients > Patient > Referrals.
Referral Email: This will display the Email Address of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Email' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Referral Federal Employee: This will display the Federal Employee Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Federal Employee' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral First Name: This will display the First Name of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'First Name' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Referral HMO: This will display the Health Maintenance Organization Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'HMO' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral Is Person: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected the 'Is Person' checkbox located in the Reference > Referrer Info for the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the checkbox is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the checkbox is deselected.]
Referral Last Name: This will display the Last Name of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Last Name' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Referral Managed Care: This will display the Managed Care Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Managed Care' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral Medicaid: This will display the Medicaid Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Medicaid' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral Medicare: This will display the Medicare Part B Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Medicare Part B' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral Middle Name: This will display the Middle Name of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Middle Name' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Referral Nickname: This will display the Nickname of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Nickname' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Referral Other: This will display the Other Non-Federal Number of the referral selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Other Non-Federal' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral Other Federal: This will display the Other Federal Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Other Federal' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral PPO: This will display the PPO number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'PPO' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral Phone 1: This will display the Phone 1 Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the first 'Phone Numbers' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Referral Phone 1 Type: This will display a numeric code reflective of the Phone 1 Type (Home/Work/Cell/Fax) for the referrer selected form the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull as selected from the "Type" popup directly to the left of the first phone number field under the 'Phone Numbers' section located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Home: 0
Work: 1
Cell: 2
Fax: 3
Referral Phone 2: This will display the Phone 2 Number for the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the second 'Phone Numbers' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Referral Phone 2 Type: This will display a numeric code reflective of the Phone 2 Type (Home/Work/Cell/Fax) for the referrer selected form the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will as selected from the "Type" popup directly to the left of the second phone number field under the 'Phone Numbers' section located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Home: 0
Work: 1
Cell: 2
Fax: 3
Referral Phone 3: This will display the Phone 3 Number for the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the third 'Phone Numbers' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Referral Phone 3 Type: This will display a numeric code reflective of the Phone 3 Type (Home/Work/Cell/Fax) for the referral selected form the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull as selected from the "Type" popup directly to the left of the third phone number field under the 'Phone Numbers' section located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Home: 0
Work: 1
Cell: 2
Fax: 3
Referral Professional Title: This will display the Professional Title of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Prefix' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Referral Self Administration: This will display the Self Administration Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Self Admin' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral Self Pay: This will display the Self Pay Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Self Pay' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral State: This will display the State of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'State' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Referral Street Address: This will display the Street Address of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Street Address' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Referral Suffix: This will display the Suffix of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Suffix' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Referral Suite: This will display the Suite Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Suite' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Referral Taxonomy Code: This will display the Taxonomy Code of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Taxonomy (Specialty Code)' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Referral Title V: This will display the Title V Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Title V' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral Type: This will display the Referral Type associated with the referrer selected from the 'Referral' dropdown located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Referrer Type' drop down located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Referral Type Emergency: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected a referrer from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident with a referral type containing the word "emergency". This data pulls from the 'Referral Type' dropdown located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the selected Referral Type contains the word "emergency". If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the selected Referral Type does not contain the word "emergency".]
Referral Type Patient: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected a referrer from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident with a referral type containing the word "Patient". This data pulls from the 'Referral Type' dropdown located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the selected Referral Type contains the word "patient". If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the selected Referral Type does not contain the word "patient".]
Referral Type Phone Book: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected a referrer from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident with a referral type containing the word "Phone Book". This data pulls from the 'Referral Type' dropdown located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the selected Referral Type contains the words "phone book". If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the selected Referral Type does not contain the words "phone book".]
Referral Type Provider: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected a referrer from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident with a referral type containing the word "Provider". This data pulls from the 'Referral Type' dropdown located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the selected Referral Type contains the word "provider". If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the selected Referral Type does not contain the word "provider".]d
Referral Veterans Administration: This will display the Veterans Administration Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Vets Admin.' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral Workers Compensation: This will display the Workers Compensation Number of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Workers Compensation' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Provider IDs.
Referral Zip Code: This will display the Zip Code of the referrer selected from the 'Referral' popup located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Incident. This data will pull from the 'Zip Code' field located in the selected referrer's Reference > Referrer Info.
Return To Work Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Return To Work' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Disability.
Similar Symptom Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Other Date' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Symptom Dates.
Termination Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Termination Date' field located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Military.
[Note: Not available in DDS.]
Total Disability Begin Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Begin Date' field under the 'Total Disability' section located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Disability.
Total Disability End Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'End Date' field under the 'Total Disability' section located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Disability.
Unable To Work Begin Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Begin Date' field under the 'Total Disability' section located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Disability.
Unable To Work End Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'End Date' field under the 'Total Disability' section located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > CMS Claims > Disability.
Copay: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Copay' field found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Patient > Insurance.
Division/Section Number: This will display the Division/Section Number of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the selected carrier's 'Division/Section' field found in the Insurance table located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
[Note: The 'Use Canadian Claim Fields' checkbox MUST be selected from Preferences > Localization.]
Employer Address: This will display the Street Address of the employer selected from the 'Employer' popup found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim). This data will pull from the 'Street Address' field located in the selected employer's Reference.
[Note: An Employer record MUST be added Employers table located in Patients > Primary or Secondary.]
Employer City: This will display the City of the employer selected from the 'Employer' popup found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim). This data will pull from the 'City' field located in the selected employer's Reference.
[Note: An Employer record MUST be added Employers table located in Patients > Primary or Secondary.]
Employer Extension: This will display the Phone Extension of the employer selected from the 'Employer' popup found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim). This data will pull from the 'Extension' field located in the selected employer's Reference.
[Note: An Employer record MUST be added Employers table located in Patients > Primary or Secondary.]
Employer Group Number: This will display the Group Number of the employer selected from the 'Employer' popup found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim). This data will pull from the 'Group #' field located in the selected employer's Reference.
[Note: An Employer record MUST be added Employers table located in Patients > Primary or Secondary.]
Employer Name: This will display the Name of the employer selected from the 'Employer' popup found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim). This data will pull from the 'Employer Name' field located in the selected employer's Reference.
[Note: An Employer record MUST be added Employers table located in Patients > Primary or Secondary.]
Employer Phone: This will display the Phone Number of the employer selected from the 'Employer' popup found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim). This data will pull from the 'Phone' field located in the selected employer's Reference.
[Note: An Employer record MUST be added Employers table located in Patients > Primary or Secondary.]
Employer State: This will display the State of the employer selected from the 'Employer' popup found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim). This data will pull from the 'State' field located in the selected employer's Reference.
[Note: An Employer record MUST be added Employers table located in Patients > Primary or Secondary.]
Employer Suite: This will display the Suite Number of the employer selected from the 'Employer' popup found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim). This data will pull from the 'Suite' field located in the selected employer's Reference.
[Note: An Employer record MUST be added Employers table located in Patients > Primary or Secondary.]
Employer Zip Code: This will display the Zip Code of the employer selected from the 'Employer' popup found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim). This data will pull from the 'Zip Code' field located in the selected employer's Reference.
[Note: An Employer record MUST be added Employers table located in Patients > Primary or Secondary.]
End Date: This will display the End Date of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the selected carrier's 'End Date' field found in the Insurance table located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
Group Number: This will display the Group Number for the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Group #' field found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
[Note: When the selected Insurance record has an employer selected from the 'Employer' popup, this data will instead pull from the 'Group #' field located in the selected employer's record.]
Insurance Carrier: This will display the Name of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Insurance Company' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Company Info.
Insurance City: This will display the City of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'City' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Company Info.
[Note: If the selected Insurance record is tied to an insurance plan, this data will instead pull from the 'City' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Demographic.]
Insurance Contact Person: This will display the Name of the contact person for the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Contact Person' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Company Info.
Insurance Fax Number: This will display the Fax Number of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Contact Person' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Company Info.
[Note: If the selected Insurance record is tied to an insurance plan, this data will instead pull from the 'Plan Type' popup located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Demographic.]
Insurance Has Prior Authorization: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having chosen the selected claim's Insurance Carrier from the 'Insurance' popup for any Prior Authorization record added to the Prior Authorization table located in Patients > Ledger > Incident Menu > Prior Auth.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when a prior auth. is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when a prior auth. is not selected.]
Insurance Is ChampVA: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having chosen 'Veterans Administration Plan' from the 'Plan' popup located in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier's Reference > Claims.
[Note: 1) If the selected claim's Insurance record is tied to an insurance plan, this data will instead pull from the 'Plan Type' popup located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Coverage. 2) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the item is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the item is not selected.]
Insurance is Champus: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having chosen 'Champus' from the 'Plan' popup located in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier's Reference > Claims.
[Note: 1) If the selected claim's Insurance record is tied to an insurance plan, this data will instead pull from the 'Plan Type' popup located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Coverage. 2) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the item is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the item is not selected]
Insurance is FECA: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected 'Other Federal Program' from the 'Plan' popup located in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier's Reference > Claims.
[Note: 1) If the selected claim's Insurance record is tied to an insurance plan, this data will instead pull from the 'Plan Type' popup located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Coverage. 2) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the item is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the item is not selected
Insurance is Group Health Plan: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected 'Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)/Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO)/Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)' from the 'Plan' popup located in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier's Reference > Claims.
[Note: 1) If the selected claim's Insurance record is tied to an insurance plan, this data will instead pull from the 'Plan Type' popup located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Coverage. 2) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the item is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the item is not selected]
Insurance is Medicaid: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected 'Medicaid' from the 'Plan' popup located in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier's Reference > Claims.
[Note: 1) If the selected claim's Insurance record is tied to an insurance plan, this data will instead pull from the 'Plan Type' popup located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Coverage. 2) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the item is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the item is not selected]
Insurance is Medicare: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected 'Medicare Part B' from the 'Plan' popup located in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier's Reference > Claims.
[Note: 1) If the selected claim's Insurance record is tied to an insurance plan, this data will instead pull from the 'Plan Type' popup located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Coverage. 2) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the item is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the item is not selected]
Insurance is Other Plan Type: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected 'Other Non-Federal Programs' from the 'Plan' popup located in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier's Reference > Claims.
[Note: 1) If the selected claim's Insurance record is tied to an insurance plan, this data will instead pull from the 'Plan Type' popup located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Coverage. 2) Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the item is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the item is not selected]
Insurance Phone: This will display the Phone Number of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier located in Patients > Patient > Insurance. This data will pull from the 'Phone' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Company Info.
[Note: If the selected claim's Insurance record is tied to an insurance plan, this data will instead pull from the 'Phone' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Demographic.]
Insurance Phone Extension: This will display the Extension number of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Extension' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Company Info.
[Note: 1) If the selected claim's Insurance record is tied to an insurance plan, this data will instead pull from the 'Phone' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Demographic.]
Insurance Plan Contact Person: This will display the Name of the contact person for the insurance plan selected from the 'Plan' popup found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim). This data will pull from the 'Contact Person' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Demographic.
Insurance Plan Name: This will display the Name of the insurance plan selected from the 'Plan' popup found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim). This data will pull from the 'Plan Name' field found in the Insurance Plan table located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans.
Insurance Plan Note: This will display the Notes for the insurance plan selected from the 'Plan' popup found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim). This data will pull from the 'Notes' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Notes.
Insurance Plan Type: This will display the Plan Type for the insurance plan selected from the 'Plan Type' popup found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim). This data will pull from the 'Plan' popup located in the selected carrier's Reference > Claims.
[Note: If the selected Insurance record is tied to an insurance plan, this data will instead pull from the 'Plan Type' popup located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Coverage.]
Insurance Prior Auth Exp Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Expiration Date' field found in the Prior Authorization record with the most remaining visits located in Patients > Patient > Ledger > Incident Menu > Prior Auth. (dependent upon the selected claim's Insurance Carrier being chosen from the Prior Auth record's 'Insurance' popup).
Insurance Prior Auth Start Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Start Date' filed found in the Prior Authorization record with the most remaining visits located in Patients > Patient > Ledger > Incident Menu > Prior Auth. (dependent upon the selected claim's Insurance Carrier being chosen from the Prior Auth record's 'Insurance' popup).
Insurance Prior Auth Total Visits: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Total Visits' field found in the Prior Authorization record with the most remaining visits located in Patients > Patient > Ledger > Incident Menu > Prior Auth. (dependent upon the selected claim's Insurance Carrier being chosen from the Prior Auth record's 'Insurance' popup).
Insurance Prior Auth Visits Remain: This will reflect the data as entered the 'Remaining Visits' field found in the Prior Authorization record with the most remaining visits located in Patients > Patient > Ledger > Incident Menu > Prior Auth. (dependent upon the selected claim's Insurance Carrier being chosen from the Prior Auth record's 'Insurance' popup).
Insurance Prior Authorization: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Prior Authorization' field found in the Prior Authorization record with the most remaining visits located in Patients > Patient > Ledger > Incident Menu > Prior Auth. (dependent upon the selected claim's Insurance Carrier being chosen from the Prior Auth record's 'Insurance' popup).
Insurance State: This will display the State of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'State' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Company Info.
[Note: If the selected claim's Insurance record is tied to an insurance plan, this data will instead pull from the 'State' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Demographic.]
Insurance Street Address: This will display the Street Address of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Street Address' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Company Info.
[Note: If the selected claim's Insurance record is tied to an insurance plan, this data will instead pull from the 'Street Address' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Demographic.]
Insurance Suite: This will display the Suite Number of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Suite' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Company Info.
[Note: If the selected claim's Insurance record is tied to an insurance plan, this data will instead pull from the 'suite' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Demographic.]
Insurance Zip Code: This will display the Zip Code of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Zip Code' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Company Info.
[Note: If the selected claim's Insurance record is tied to an insurance plan, this data will instead pull from the 'Zip Code' field located in the selected carrier's Reference > Plans > Demographic.]
Item Description: [Note: Nonfunctional.]
Patient Subscriber Number: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Subscriber #' field found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Patient > Insurance.
Person Subscriber Number: This will display the Subscriber Number of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Subscriber #' field found in the selected carrier's record located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
[Note: The 'Use Canadian Claim Fields' checkbox MUST be selected from Preferences > Localization.]
Policy Holder City: This will display the City for the policy holder of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'City' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
Policy Holder Country: This will display the Country for the policy holder of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Country' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
Policy Holder Date of Birth: This will display the Date of Birth for the policy holder of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Birth Date' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
Policy Holder First Name: This will display the First Name for the policy holder of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'First Name' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
Policy Holder Home Phone: This will display the Home Phone Number for the policy holder of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from a 'Phone' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
[Note: The 'Phone' field's adjoining 'Type' popup MUST be set to "Home Phone".]
Policy Holder Last Name: This will display the Last Name for the policy holder of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Last Name' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
Policy Holder Middle Name: This will display the Middle Name for the policy holder of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Middle Name' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
Policy Holder Mobile Phone: This will display the Mobile Phone Number for the policy holder of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from a 'Phone' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
[Note: The 'Phone' field's adjoining 'Type' popup MUST be set to "Mobile Phone".]
Policy Holder Other Phone: This will display the Other Phone Number for the policy holder of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from a 'Phone' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
[Note: The 'Phone' field's adjoining 'Type' popup MUST be set to "Other Phone".]
Policy Holder Prefix: This will display the Prefix for the policy holder of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Prefix' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
Policy Holder SSN: This will display the Social Security Number for the policy holder of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Social Security' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
Policy Holder SSN Last 4: This will display the last four digits of the Social Security Number for the policy holder of the Primary Insurance Carrier carrier located in Patients > Patient > Insurance. This data will pull from the 'Social Security' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the patient's Primary Insurance Carrier).
[Note: The patient's Primary Insurance Carrier is determined by the first Insurance record listed in the patient's Insurance tab.]
Policy Holder State: This will display the State for the policy holder of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Prefix' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
Policy Holder Street Address: This will display the Street Address for the policy holder of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Street Address' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
Policy Holder Suffix: This will display the Suffix for the policy holder of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Suffix' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
Policy Holder Suite: This will display the Suite Number for the policy holder of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Suite' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
Policy Holder Work Phone: This will display the Work Phone Number for the policy holder of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from a 'Phone' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
[Note: The 'Phone' field's adjoining 'Type' popup MUST be set to "Work Phone".]
Policy Holder Zip Code: This will display the Zip Code for the policy holder of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Zip Code' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
Policy Number: This will display the Policy Number of the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Subscriber #' field found in the selected carrier's record located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon selected claim).
Remaining Coverage: This will reflect the data as displayed/entered in the 'Remaining Coverage' field found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Patient > Insurance.
Remaining Deductible: This will reflect the data as displayed/entered in the 'Remaining Coverage' field found in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Patient > Insurance.
Renewal Date: This will display the Renewal Date for the selected claim's Insurance Carrier. This data will pull from the 'Renewal Date' field located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
[Note: The year will always display as "2008" or "08" due to not being able to enter a year in the 'Renewal Date' field. To avoid this please contact a paper forms specialist.]
Start Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Start Date' field located in the selected claim's Insurance Carrier record located in Patients > Primary or Secondary (dependent upon the selected claim).
Created By ID: This will display the User ID of the logged in user responsible for having printed the Insurance Tracer form. This data will pull from the 'User ID' field located in the respective user's Reference > User Information.
Created By Name: This will display the First and Last Name of the logged in user responsible for having printed the Insurance Tracer form. This data will pull from the 'First' and 'Last' fields located in the respective user's Reference > User Information.
Created By Name, First: This will display the First Name of the logged in user responsible for having printed the Insurance Tracer form. This data will pull from the 'First' field located in the respective user's Reference > User Information.
Created By Name, Last: This will display the Last Name of the logged in user responsible for having printed the Insurance Tracer form. This data will pull from the 'Last' field located in the respective user's Reference > User Information.
Created By Name, Middle: This will display the Middle Name of the logged in user responsible for having printed the Insurance Tracer form. This data will pull from the 'Middle' field located in the respective user's Reference > User Information.
Created By Name, Suffix: This will display the Suffix of the logged in user responsible for having printed the Insurance Tracer form. This data will pull from the 'Suffix' field located in the respective user's Reference > User Information.
Created By Name, Title: This will display the Professional Title of the logged in user responsible for having printed the Insurance Tracer form. This data will pull from the 'Professional Title' field located in the respective user's Reference > User Information.
Encounter Daily Serial Number: This will display a unique numeric identifier for each Insurance Tracer form that is printed but will begin at "1" and count up each day.
Serial Number: This will display a unique numeric identifier for each Insurance Tracer form that is printed.
Time Now: This will display the current time at the moment the Encounter form was printed.
Today's Date: This will display the date of when the Encounter form was printed.
City: This will display the City of the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'City' field located in the selected office's Reference.
[Note: This field is inaccessible and can only be changed or updated by the Accounting Department.]
Extension: This will display the Phone Extension of the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Extension' field located in the selected office's Reference.
Facility City: This will display the City of the Office's facility for the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'City' field found in the Reference of the facility selected from the Facility table located in the selected office's Reference.
Facility Code: This will display the Tax ID of the Office's facility for the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Facility Tax ID' field found in the Reference of the facility selected from the Facility table located in the selected office's Reference.
Facility Code 2: This will display the Secondary Facility ID of the Office's facility for the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Secondary Facility ID' field found in the Reference of the facility selected from the Facility table located in the selected office's Reference.
Facility Name: This will display the Name of the Office's facility for the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Facility Name' field found in the Reference of the facility selected from the Facility table located in the selected office's Reference.
Facility National Provider ID: This will display the NPI of the Office's facility for the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'National Provider ID (NPI)' field found in the Reference of the facility selected from the Facility table located in the selected office's Reference.
Facility Phone: This will display the Phone Number of the Office's facility for the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Phone' field found in the Reference of the facility selected from the Facility table located in the selected office's Reference.
Facility State: This will display the State of the Office's facility for the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'State' field found in the Reference of the facility selected from the Facility table located in the selected office's Reference.
Facility Street Address: This will display the Street Address of the Office's facility for the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Street Address' field found in the Reference of the facility selected from the Facility table located in the selected office's Reference.
Facility Suite: This will display the Suite Number of the Office's facility for the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Suite' field found in the Reference of the facility selected from the Facility table located in the selected office's Reference.
Facility Zip Code: This will display the Zip Code of the Office's facility for the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'National Provider ID (NPI)' field found in the Reference of the facility selected from the Facility table located in the selected office's Reference.
Fax: This will display the Fax Number of the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Fax' field located in the selected office's Reference.
Group NPI Number: This will display the Group NPI of the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Group National Provider ID Number' field located in the selected office's Reference.
ID: This will display the Office ID of the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Office ID' field located in the selected office's Reference.
Is Person: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected the 'Office Name refers to an individual' checkbox located in the Reference for the Office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the checkbox is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the checkbox is deselected.]
Name: This will display the Name of the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Office Name' field located in the selected office's Reference.
[Note: This field is inaccessible and can only be changed or updated by the Accounting Department.]
Office Federal Number: This will display the Tax ID of the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Federal Tax ID' field located in the selected office's Reference.
Office Letter Head: This will display the City, State, and Zip Code of the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'City', 'State', and 'Zip Code' fields located in the selected office's Reference.
[Note: 1) Nonfunctional. 2) These fields are inaccessible and can only be changed or updated by the Accounting Department.]
Phone: This will display the Phone Number of the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Phone' field of the selected office's Reference.
State: This will display the State of the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'State' field of the selected office's Reference.
[Note: This field is inaccessible and can only be changed or updated by the Accounting Department.]
Street Address: This will display the Street Address of the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Street Address' field located in the selected office's Reference.
[Note: This field is inaccessible and can only be changed or updated by the Accounting Department.]
Suite: This will display the Suite Number of the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Suite' field of the selected office's Reference.
[Note: This field is inaccessible and can only be changed or updated by the Accounting Department.]
Type Of Bill: This will display the Type Of Bill data of the office selected form the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Type Of Bill' field located in the selected office's Reference.
Zip Code: This will display the Zip Code of the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim. This data will pull from the 'Zip Code' field located in the selected office's Reference.
[Note: This field is inaccessible and can only be changed or updated by the Accounting Department.]
Account ID: Upon creation, every new patient account will receive a unique numeric identifier including an additional numeric identifier for every patient tied to that account. This pull field will display the numeric account identifier that was assigned to the account at the moment of creation less the patient identifier.
Address State: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'State' field located in Patients > Patient.
Address, City: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'City' field located in Patients > Patient.
Address, Country: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Country' field located in Patients > Patient.
Address, Street: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Street Address' field located in Patients > Patient.
Address, Suite/Apt#: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Suite/Apt. Number' field located in Patients > Patient.
Address, Zip Code: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Zip Code' field located in Patients > Patient.
Age: This will display the Age of the patient as determined by the date of birth as entered in the 'Birth Date' field located in Patients > Patient.
Alert 1: This will display the first Alert record listed in Patients > Patient > Alerts. This data will pull from the 'Patient Alert Description' field located in the selected alert's Reference.
Alert 2: This will display the second Alert record listed in Patients > Patient > Alerts. This data will pull from the 'Patient Alert Description' field located in the selected alert's Reference.
Alert 3: This will display the third Alert record listed in Patients > Patient > Alerts. This data will pull from the 'Patient Alert Description' field located in the selected alert's Reference.
Alert 4: This will display the fourth Alert record listed in Patients > Patient > Alerts. This data will pull from the 'Patient Alert Description' field located in the selected alert's Reference.
Alert 5: This will display the fifth Alert record listed in Patients > Patient > Alerts. This data will pull from the 'Patient Alert Description' field located in the selected alert's Reference.
Alert 6: This will display the sixth Alert record listed in Patients > Patient > Alerts. This data will pull from the 'Patient Alert Description' field located in the selected alert's Reference.
Alert 7: This will display the seventh Alert record listed in Patients > Patient > Alerts. This data will pull from the 'Patient Alert Description' field located in the selected alert's Reference.
Alert 8: This will display the eighth Alert record listed in Patients > Patient > Alerts. This data will pull from the 'Patient Alert Description' field located in the selected alert's Reference.
Allergy Date Last Checked: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Last' field located in Patients > Clinical > Allergy.
BMI: This will display the patient's Body Mass Index (rounded to the nearest decimal) for the most recent set of vital signs added to Patients > Clinical > Vitals. This data will pull from the 'BMI' field located in the selected record's Vitals Window.
[Note: 1) Nonfunctional. 2) The most recent set of vitals is determined by the last record listed in the Vitals tab (most recent date entered in the 'Date Measured' field located in the Vital's Window).]
BP Diastolic: This will display the Diastolic Blood Pressure for the most recent set of vital signs added to Patients > Clinical > Vitals. This data will pull from the rightmost 'Blood Pressure' field (Systolic / Diastolic) located in the selected record's Vitals Window.
[Note: 1) Nonfunctional. 2) The most recent set of vitals is determined by the last record listed in the Vitals tab (most recent date entered in the 'Date Measured' field located in the Vital's Window).]
BP Systolic: This will display the Systolic Blood Pressure for the most recent set of vital signs added to the Vitals table located in Patients > Clinical > Vitals. This data will pull from the leftmost 'Blood Pressure' field (Systolic / Diastolic) located in the selected record's Vitals Window.
[Note: The most recent set of vitals is determined by the last record listed in the Vitals tab (most recent date entered in the 'Date Measured' field located in the Vital's Window).]
Birth Time: This will display the time as entered in the 'Birth Time' field located in the Details window of the 'Birth Date' field located in Patients > Patient.[Note: Nonfunctional.]
Birthday: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Birth Date' field located in Patients > Patient.
Cause of Death Code: This will display the diagnosis code reflective of the Cause of Death selected from the 'Cause of Death' field located in Patients > Patient > Alerts.
Cause of Death Description: This will display the specific description reflective of the Cause of Death selected from the 'Cause of Death' field located in Patients > Patient > Alerts.
Cessation Counseling Date: This will display the date that cessation counseling was offered to the patient for the most recently updated Cessation record listed in Patients > Clinical > Smoking (first listed record). This data will pull from the 'Date Offered' field located in the selected records's Smoking Status Window.
Cessation Counseling Offered: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected the 'Cessation Counseling Offered' checkbox located in the Smoking Status Window of the most recently updated Smoking Status record located in Patients > Clinical > Smoking (first listed record).
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True" an 'X' will display when the checkbox is selected. If formatted for "False" an 'X' will display when the checkbox is not selected.]
Chart #: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Chart #' field located in Patients > Patient.
Custom 1: This will display the first Custom record listed in Patients > Patient > Custom. This data will pull from the 'Custom Description' field located in the selected record's Reference.
Custom 2: This will display the second Custom record listed in Patients > Patient > Custom. This data will pull from the 'Custom Description' located in the selected record's Reference.
Custom 3: This will display the third Custom record listed in Patients > Patient > Custom. This data will pull from the 'Custom Description' located in the selected record's Reference.
Custom 4: This will display the fourth Custom record listed in Patients > Patient > Custom. This data will pull from the 'Custom Description' located in the selected record's Reference.
Custom 5: This will display the fifth Custom record listed in Patients > Patient > Custom. This data will pull from the 'Custom Description' located in the selected record's Reference.
Custom 6: This will display the sixth Custom record listed in Patients > Patient > Custom. This data will pull from the 'Custom Description' located in the selected record's Reference.
Custom 7: This will display the seventh Custom record listed in Patients > Patient > Custom. This data will pull from the 'Custom Description' located in the selected record's Reference
Custom 8: This will display the eighth Custom record in Patients > Patient > Custom. This data will pull from the 'Custom Description' located in the selected record's Reference.
Date: This will display the date the patient's vital signs were measured for the most recent set of vital signs added to Patients > Clinical > Vitals. This data will pull from the 'Date Measured' field located the selected entry's Vitals Window.
[Note: 1) Nonfunctional. 2) The most recent set of vitals is determined by the last record listed in the Vitals tab (most recent date entered in the 'Date Measured' field located in the Vital's Window).]
Date of Death: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Date of Death' field located in Patients > Patient > Alerts.
Display ID: Upon creation, every new patient account will receive a unique numeric identifier including a numeric identifier for every patient tied to that account. This pull field will display the full numeric account identifier and numeric patient identifier that were assigned at the moment of creation.
EPSTD (Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment): This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected the 'EPSDT' checkbox located in Patients > Patient > Insurance.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True", an 'X' will display when the checkbox is selected. If formatted for "False", an 'X' will display when the checkbox is deselected.]
Email: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Email Address' field located in Patients > Patient.
Emergency Contact 1 First Name: This will display the First Name of the first Emergency Contact record listed in Patients > Patient > Emergency. This data will pull from the 'First Name' field located in the selected record's Emergency Contact Window.
[Note: The order of the listed emergency contacts is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Emergency Contact 1 Last Name: This will display the Last Name of the first Emergency Contact record listed in Patients > Patient > Emergency. This data will pull from the 'Last Name' field located in the selected record's Emergency Contact Window.
[Note: The order of the listed emergency contacts is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Emergency Contact 1 Phone: This will display the Phone Number of the first Emergency Contact record listed in Patients > Patient > Emergency. This data will pull from the 'Phone' field located in the selected record's Emergency Contact Window.
[Note: The order of the listed emergency contacts is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Emergency Contact 1 Relationship: This will display the Relationship of the first Emergency Contact record listed in Patients > Patient > Emergency. This pull field will reflect the data selected from the 'Relationship to Patient' field located in the selected record's Emergency Contact Window.
[Note: The order of the listed emergency contacts is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Emergency Contact 2 First Name: This will display the First Name of the second Emergency Contact record listed in Patients > Patient > Emergency. This data will pull from the 'First Name' field located in the selected record's Emergency Contact Window.
[Note: The order of the listed emergency contacts is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Emergency Contact 2 Last Name: This will display the Last Name of the second Emergency Contact record listed in Patients > Patient > Emergency. This data will pull from the 'Last Name' field of the selected record's Emergency Contact Window.
[Note: The order of the listed emergency contacts is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Emergency Contact 2 Phone: This will display the Phone Number of the second Emergency Contact record listed in Patients > Patient > Emergency. This data will pull from the 'Phone' field located in the selected record's Emergency Contact Window.
[Note: The order of the listed emergency contacts is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Emergency Contact 2 Relationship: This will display the Relationship of the second Emergency Contact record listed in Patients > Patient > Emergency. This pull field will reflect the data selected from the 'Relationship to Patient' field located in the selected record's Emergency Contact Window.
[Note: The order of the listed emergency contacts is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Emergency Contact 3 First Name: This will display the First Name of the third Emergency Contact record listed in Patients > Patient > Emergency. This data will pull from the 'First Name' field of the selected record's Emergency Contact Window.
[Note: The order of the listed emergency contacts is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Emergency Contact 3 Last Name: This will display the Last Name of the third Emergency Contact record listed in Patients > Patient > Emergency. This data will pull from the 'Last Name' field of the selected record's Emergency Contact Window.
[Note: The order of the listed emergency contacts is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Emergency Contact 3 Phone: This will display the Phone Number of the third Emergency Contact record listed in Patients > Patient > Emergency. This data will pull from the 'Phone' field located in the selected record's Emergency Contact Window.
[Note: The order of the listed emergency contacts is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Emergency Contact 3 Relationship: This will display the Relationship of the third Emergency Contact record listed in Patients > Patient > Emergency. This pull field will reflect the data selected from the 'Relationship to Patient' field located in the selected record's Emergency Contact Window.
[Note: The order of the listed emergency contacts is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Emergency Contact 4 First Name: This will display the First Name of the fourth Emergency Contact record listed in Patients > Patient > Emergency. This data will pull from the 'First Name' field of the selected record's Emergency Contact Window.
[Note: The order of the listed emergency contacts is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Emergency Contact 4 Last Name: This will display the Last Name of the fourth Emergency Contact record listed in Patients > Patient > Emergency. This data will pull from the 'Last Name' field of the selected record's Emergency Contact Window.
[Note: The order of the listed emergency contacts is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Emergency Contact 4 Phone: This will display the Phone Number of the fourth Emergency Contact record listed in Patients > Patient > Emergency. This data will pull from the 'Phone' field located in the selected record's Emergency Contact Window.
[Note: The order of the listed emergency contacts is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Emergency Contact 4 Relationship: This will display the Relationship of the fourth Emergency Contact record listed in Patients > Patient > Emergency. This pull field will reflect the data selected from the 'Relationship to Patient' field located in the selected record's Emergency Contact Window.
[Note: The order of the listed emergency contacts is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Employment: This will display the numeric code reflective of the selected employment status found in the 'Employment' popup located in Patients > Patient.
Employment (Text): This will reflect the Employment Status as selected from the 'Employment' popup located in Patients > Patient.
Ethnicity: This will reflect the Ethnicity as selected from the 'Ethnicity' popup located Patients > Patient > Race/Ethnicity.
Exception: This will reflect the Exception as selected from the 'Patient Exception' popup located in Patients > Patient > CDA.
[Note: The 'Use Canadian Claim Fields' checkbox MUST be selected from Preferences > Localization.]
Exception - Is Disabled: This will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Disabled" from the 'Patient Exception' popup located in Patients > Patient > CDA.
[Note: 1) The 'Use Canadian Claim Fields' checkbox MUST be selected from Preferences > Localization. 2) Pull field formatting MUST be set to "Text".]
Exception - Is Disabled Student: This will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Disabled Student" from the 'Patient Exception' popup located in Patients > Patient > CDA.
[Note: 1) The 'Use Canadian Claim Fields' checkbox MUST be selected from Preferences > Localization. 2) Pull field formatting MUST be set to "Text".]
Exception - Is Full Time Student: This will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Full Time Student" from the 'Patient Exception' popup located in Patients > Patient > CDA.
[Note: 1) The 'Use Canadian Claim Fields' checkbox MUST be selected from Preferences > Localization. 2) Pull field formatting MUST be set to "Text".]
Family Planning: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected the 'Family Planning' checkbox located in Patients > Patient > Insurance.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True" an 'X' will display when the checkbox is selected. If formatted for "False" an 'X' will display when the checkbox is not selected.]
Fee Schedule Name: This will display the Fee Schedule Name as selected from the 'Fee Schedule' popup located in Patients > Patient.
Follow Up/Recall 1 Frequency: This will reflect the Recall Frequency number as displayed/entered in the 'Frequency' field of the first Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This data will pull from the 'Frequency In Days' field located in the selected recall's Reference but can be edited from the Recalls/Follow-ups tab.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 1 Last Visit: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Last Visit' field of the first Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date the selected recall was created on but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 1 Next Visit: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Next Visit' field of the first Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date as determined by the last visit date plus the frequency number of the selected recall but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 1 Notes: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Notes' field of the first Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 1 Type: This will display the Recall Type as found under the 'Type' column of the first Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls. This data will pull from the 'Recall' field of the selected recall's Reference.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 2 Frequency: This will reflect the Recall Frequency number as displayed/entered in the 'Frequency' field of the second Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This data will pull from the 'Frequency In Days' field located in the selected recall's Reference but can be edited from the Recalls/Follow-ups tab.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 2 Last Visit: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Last Visit' field of the second Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date the selected recall was created on but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 2 Next Visit: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Next Visit' field of the second Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date as determined by the last visit date plus the frequency number of the selected recall but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 2 Notes: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Notes' field of the second Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 2 Type: This will display the Recall Type as found under the 'Type' column of the second Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This data will pull from the 'Recall' field of the selected recall's Reference.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 3 Frequency: This will reflect the Recall Frequency number as displayed/entered in the 'Frequency' field of the third Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This data will pull from the 'Frequency In Days' field located in the selected recall's Reference but can be edited from the Recalls/Follow-ups tab.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 3 Last Visit: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Last Visit' field of the third Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date the selected recall was created on but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 3 Next Visit: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Next Visit' field of the third Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date as determined by the last visit date plus the frequency number of the selected recall but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 3 Notes: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Notes' field of the third Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 3 Type: This will display the Recall Type as found under the 'Type' column of the third Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This data will pull from the 'Recall' field of the selected recall's Reference.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 4 Frequency: This will reflect the Recall Frequency number as displayed/entered in the 'Frequency' field of the fourth Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This data will pull from the 'Frequency In Days' field located in the selected recall's Reference but can be edited from the Recalls/Follow-ups tab.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 4 Last Visit: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Last Visit' field of the fourth Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date the selected recall was created on but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 4 Next Visit: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Next Visit' field of the fourth Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date as determined by the last visit date plus the frequency number of the selected recall but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 4 Notes: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Notes' field of the fourth Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 4 Type: This will display the Recall Type as found under the 'Type' column of the fourth Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This data will pull from the 'Recall' field of the selected recall's Reference.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 5 Frequency: This will reflect the Recall Frequency number as displayed/entered in the 'Frequency' field of the fifth Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This data will pull from the 'Frequency In Days' field located in the selected recall's Reference but can be edited from the Recalls/Follow-ups tab.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 5 Last Visit: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Last Visit' field of the fifth Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date the selected recall was created on but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 5 Next Visit: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Next Visit' field of the fifth Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date as determined by the last visit date plus the frequency number of the selected recall but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 5 Notes: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Notes' field of the fifth Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 5 Type: This will display the Recall Type as found under the 'Type' column of the fifth Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This data will pull from the 'Recall' field of the selected recall's Reference.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 6 Frequency: This will reflect the Recall Frequency number as displayed/entered in the 'Frequency' field of the sixth Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This data will pull from the 'Frequency In Days' field located in the selected recall's Reference but can be edited from the Recalls/Follow-ups tab.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 6 Last Visit: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Last Visit' field of the sixth Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date the selected recall was created on but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 6 Next Visit: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Next Visit' field of the sixth Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date as determined by the last visit date plus the frequency number of the selected recall but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 6 Notes: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Notes' field of the sixth Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 6 Type: This will display the Recall Type as found under the 'Type' column of the sixth Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This data will pull from the 'Recall' field of the selected recall's Reference.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 7 Frequency: This will reflect the Recall Frequency number as displayed/entered in the 'Frequency' field of the seventh Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This data will pull from the 'Frequency In Days' field located in the selected recall's Reference but can be edited from the Recalls/Follow-ups tab.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 7 Last Visit: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Last Visit' field of the seventh Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date the selected recall was created on but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 7 Next Visit: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Next Visit' field of the seventh Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date as determined by the last visit date plus the frequency number of the selected recall but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 7 Notes: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Notes' field of the seventh Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 7 Type: This will display the Recall Type as found under the 'Type' column of the seventh recall Recall listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This data will pull from the 'Recall' field of the selected recall's Reference. [Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 8 Frequency: This will reflect the Recall Frequency number as displayed/entered in the 'Frequency' field of the eighth Recall record in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This data will pull from the 'Frequency In Days' field located in the selected recall's Reference but can be edited from the Recalls/Follow-ups tab.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 8 Last Visit: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Last Visit' field of the eighth Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date the selected recall was created on but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 8 Next Visit: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Next Visit' field of the eighth Recall record listed Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date as determined by the last visit date plus the frequency number of the selected recall but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 8 Notes: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Notes' field of the eighth Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall 8 Type: This will display the Recall Type as found under the 'Type' column of the eighth Recall record listed Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This data will pull from the 'Recall' field of the selected recall's Reference.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall Appointment: This will display the date of the scheduled Recall Appointment for the first Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall Appointment Note: This will display the Notes of the scheduled recall appointment for the first Recall record in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This data will pull from the 'Notes' field located in the Appointment Detail Window of the scheduled appointment for the selected recall.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall Appointment Time: This will display the Appointment Start Time of the scheduled recall appointment for the first Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall Appointment Frequency: This will reflect the data as displayed/entered in the 'Frequency' field of the first Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups (after being tied to a scheduled appointment). This data will pull from the 'Frequency In Days' field located in the selected recall's Reference but can be edited from the Recalls/Follow-ups tab.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall Last Recall: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Last Visit' field of the Recall record with the most recent last visit date listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date the selected recall was created on but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall Next Recall: This will reflect the date as displayed/entered in the 'Next Visit' field of the Recall record with the closest next visit date listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups. This field will default to the date as determined by the last visit date plus the frequency number of the selected recall but can be edited.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall Recall: This will display the date as found under the 'Recall Date' column of the first Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Follow Up/Recall Type: This will display the Recall Type as found under the 'Type' column of the first Recall record listed in Patients > Patient > Recalls/Follow-ups.
[Note: The order of the listed recalls is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Formatted Age: This will display the Age of the patient followed by a 'y' as determined by the date of birth as entered in the 'Birth Date' field located in Patients > Patient.
Gender Pronoun (He/She): This will display "he" or "she" respective to having selected "Male" or "Female" from the 'Sex' popup located in Patients > Patient.
Gender Pronoun (Him/Her): This will display "him" or "her" respective to having selected "Male" or "Female" from the 'Sex' popup located in Patients > Patient.
Gender Pronoun (His/Her): This will display "his" or "hers" respective to having selected "Male" or "Female" from the 'Sex' popup located in Patients > Patient.
HIPAA Release: This will reflect the data as selected from the 'HIPAA Release' popup located in Patients > Patient > Insurance.
HIPAA Release Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Date' field located in Patients > Patient > Insurance.
Heart Rate: This will display the Heart Rate as found under the 'Heart Rate' column of the most recent set of vital signs entered in the Vitals table located in Patients > Clinical > Vitals. This data will pull from the 'Heart Rate' field located in the selected entry's Vitals Window.
[Note: 1) Nonfunctional. 2) The most recent set of vitals is determined by the last record listed in the Vitals tab (most recent date entered in the 'Date Measured' field located in the Vital's Window).]
Height: This will display the Height as found under the 'Height/Length' column of the most recent set of vital signs entered in the Vitals table located in Patients > Clinical > Vitals. This data will pull from the 'Length/Height' field located in the selected entry's Vitals Window.
[Note: 1) Nonfunctional. 2) The most recent set of vitals is determined by the last record listed in the Vitals tab (most recent date entered in the 'Date Measured' field located in the Vital's Window).]
Home Phone: This will reflect the data as entered in a 'Number' field located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: The 'Number' field's adjoining 'Type' popup MUST be set to "Home Phone".]
Home Phone Extension: This will reflect the data as entered in an 'Ext' field located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: The 'Ext' field's adjoining 'Type' popup MUST be set to "Home Phone".]
Hygienist First Name: This will display the First Name of the hygienist selected from the 'Preferred Hygienist' popup located in Patients > Patient. This data will pull from the 'First' field located in the selected hygienist's Reference.
Hygienist ID: This will display the User ID of the hygienist selected from the 'Preferred Hygienist' popup located in Patients > Patient. This data will pull from the 'User ID' field located in the selected hygienist's Reference.
Hygienist Last Name: This will display the Last Name of the hygienist selected from the 'Preferred Hygienist' popup located in Patients > Patient. This data will pull from the 'Last' field located in the selected hygienist's Reference.
Hygienist Middle Name: This will display the Middle Name of the hygienist selected from the 'Preferred Hygienist' popup located in Patients > Patient. This data will pull from the 'Middle' field located in the selected hygienist's Reference.
Is Employed: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Employed", "Self-Employed", or "Active Military" from the 'Employment' popup located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True" an 'X' will display when any of these items are selected. If formatted for "False" an 'X' will display when none of these items are selected.]
Is Female: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Female" from the 'Sex' popup located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True" an 'X' will display when "Female" is selected. If formatted for "False" an 'X' will display when "Male" is selected.]
Is Full Time Student: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Full-Time Student" from the 'Employment' popup located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True" an 'X' will display when "Full-Time Student" is selected. If formatted for "False" an 'X' will display when "Full-Time Student" is not selected.]
Is Male: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Male" from the 'Sex' popup located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True" an 'X' will display when "Male" is selected. If formatted for "False" an 'X' will display when "Female" is selected.]
Is Marital Status Other: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Legally Separated", "Divorced", "Widowed", "Unknown", or "Partner" from the 'Marital Status' popup located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True" an 'X' will display when any of these items are selected. If formatted for "False" an 'X' will display when none of these items are selected.]
Is Married: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Married" from the 'Marital Status' popup located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True" an 'X' will display when "Married" is selected. If formatted for "False" an 'X' will display when "Married" is not selected.]
Is Part Time Student: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Part-Time Student" from the 'Employment' popup located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True" an 'X' will display when "Part-Time Student" is selected. If formatted for "False" an 'X' will display when "Part-Time Student" is not selected.]
Is Single: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Single" from the 'Marital Status' popup located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True" an 'X' will display when "Single" is selected. If formatted for "False" an 'X' will display when "Single" is not selected.]
Last Appointment: This will display the date of the patient's most recent past appointment, starting with the current date.
Last Appointment Time: This will display the Appointment Start Time of the patient's most recent past appointment, starting with the current date.
Last Visit: This will reflect the Procedure Date as entered in the 'Procedure Date' field located in the Charge Window of most recent charge on the patient's ledger.
Marital Status (S/M/X/D/W/P/U): This will display a letter respective to having selected "Single (S)", "Married (M)", "Legally Separated (X)", "Divorced (D)", "Widowed (W)", "Partner (P)", or "Unknown (U)" from the 'Marital Status' popup located in Patients > Patient.
Medicare Expiration: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'Medicare Expiration' field located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: "Medicare" MUST be selected from the 'SSN/Medicare' popup located in Preferences > Localization.]
Mobile Phone: This will reflect the data as entered in a 'Number' field located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: The 'Number' field's adjoining 'Type' popup MUST be set to "Mobile Phone".]
Mobile Phone Extension: This will reflect the data as entered in an 'Ext' field located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: The 'Ext' field's adjoining 'Type' popup MUST be set to "Mobile Phone".]
Name: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'First Name', 'Middle Name', and 'Last Name' fields located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: This pull field will display the data as "first name, middle initial, last name (John X. Doe).]
Name (Last, First Mi): This will reflect the data as entered in the 'First Name', 'Middle Name', and 'Last Name' fields located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: This pull field will display the data as "last name, first name, middle initial (Doe, John X.).]
Name, First: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'First Name' field located in Patients > Patient.
Name, Last: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Last Name' field located in Patients > Patient.
Name, Maiden: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Maiden Name' field located in Patients > Patient.
Name, Middle: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Middle Name' field located in Patients > Patient.
Name, Nickname: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Nickname' field located in Patients > Patient.
Name, Prefix: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Prefix' field located in Patients > Patient.
Name, Suffix: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Suffix' field located in Patients > Patient.
New Patient Date: This will reflect the date as entered in the 'New Patient Date' located in Patients > Patient.
Next Appointment: This will display the Appointment Date of the patient's next scheduled appointment in the future excluding the current date.
Next Appointment Time: This will display the Appointment Start Time of the patient's next scheduled appointment in the future, excluding the current date.
Notes: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Notes' field located Patients > Patient > Notes.
Office ID: This will display the Office ID of the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in Patients > Patient. This data will pull from the 'Office ID' field located in the selected office's Reference.
Office Name: This will display the Name of the office selected from the 'Office' popup located in Patients > Patient. This data will pull from the 'Office Name' field located in the selected office's Reference.
[Note: This field is inaccessible and MUST be changed or updated through the Accounting Department.]
Other Phone: This will reflect the data as entered in a 'Number' field located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: The 'Number' field's adjoining 'Type' popup MUST be set to "Other Phone".]
Other Phone Extension: This will reflect the data as entered in an 'Ext' field located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: The 'Ext' field's adjoining 'Type' popup MUST be set to "Other Phone".]
Patient Balance 120 Days: This will display the total past due Account Balance for any charges that are between 121 and 150 days old.
[Note: Aging is determined starting from the procedure date.]
Patient Balance 120 Plus Days: This will display the total past due Account Balance for any open charges that are over 120 days old.
[Note: Aging is determined starting from the procedure date.]
Patient Balance 150 Plus Days: This will display the total past due Account Balance for any open charges that are over 150 days old.
[Note: Aging is determined starting from the procedure date.]
Patient Balance 30 Days: This will display the total past due Account Balance for any open charges that are between 31 and 60 days old.
[Note: Aging is determined starting from the procedure date.]
Patient Balance 60 Days: This will display the total past due Account Balance for any open charges that are between 61 and 90 days old.
[Note: Aging is determined starting from the procedure date.]
Patient Balance 90 Days: This will display the total past due Account Balance for any open charges that are between 91 and 120 days old.
[Note: Aging is determined starting from the procedure date.]
Patient Balance Current: This will display the total Account Balance for any open charges that are between 1 and 30 days old.
[Note: Aging is determined starting from the procedure date.]
Patient Balance Total: This will display the total Account Balance.
Patient Portion Balance 120 Days: This will display the total past due Patient Portion balance for any charges that are between 121 and 150 days old.
[Note: Aging is determined starting from the procedure date.]
Patient Portion Balance 120 Plus Days: This will display the total past due Patient Portion balance for any open charges that are over 120 days old.
[Note: Aging is determined starting from the procedure date.]
Patient Portion Balance 150 Plus Days: This will display the total past due Patient Portion balance for any open charges that are over 150 days old.
[Note: Aging is determined starting from the procedure date.]
Patient Portion Balance 30 Days: This will display the total past due Patient Portion balance for any open charges that are between 31 and 60 days old.
[Note: Aging is determined starting from the procedure date.]
Patient Portion Balance 60 Days: This will display the total past due Patient Portion balance for any open charges that are between 61 and 90 days old.
[Note: Aging is determined starting from the procedure date.]
Patient Portion Balance 90 Days: This will display the total past due Patient Portion balance for any open charges that are between 91 and 120 days old.
[Note: Aging is determined starting from the procedure date.]
Patient Portion Balance Current: This will display the total Patient Portion balance for any open charges that are between 1 and 30 days old.
[Note: Aging is determined starting from the procedure date.]
Patient Portion Balance Total: This will display the total Patient Portion balance.
Preferred Language: This will reflect the Language as selected from the 'Preferred Language' popup located in Patients > Patient.
Primary Relationship: This will reflect the Relationship as selected from the 'Relationship to Primary' popup located in Patients > Patient.
Provider First Name: This will display the First Name of the provider selected from the 'Provider' popup located in Patients > Patient. This data will pull from the 'First' field located in the selected provider's User Reference.
Provider ID: This will display the Provider ID of the provider selected from the 'Provider' popup located in Patients > Patient. This data will pull from the 'User ID' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > User Information.
Provider Last Name: This will display the Last Name of the provider selected from the 'Provider' popup located in Patients > Patient. This data will pull from the 'Last' field located in the selected provider's User Reference.
Provider Middle Name: This will display the Middle Name of the provider selected from the 'Provider' popup located in Patients > Patient. This data will pull from the 'Middle' field located in the selected provider's User Reference.
Provider Prof. Title: This will display the Professional Title of the provider selected from the 'Provider' popup located in Patients > Patient. This data will pull from the 'Professional Title' field located in the selected provider's User Reference.
Race: This will display any Race listed in Patients > Patient > Race/Ethnicity.
[Note: The order of the listed races is determined by dragging and dropping the entries into the desired order.]
Respiration: This will display the Respiration Rate as found under the 'Respiration Rate' column of the most recent set of vital signs entered in the Vitals table located in Patients > Clinical > Vitals. This data will pull from the 'Respiration rate' field located in the selected entry's Vitals Window.
[Note: 1) Nonfunctional. 2) The most recent set of vitals is determined by the last record listed in the Vitals tab (most recent date entered in the 'Date Measured' field located in the Vital's Window).]
SPO2: This will display the Peripheral Capillary Oxygen Saturation as found under the 'Sp 02' column of the most recent set of vital signs entered in the Vitals table located in Patients > Clinical > Vitals. This data will pull from the 'Sp 02' field located in the selected entry's Vitals Window.
[Note: 1) Nonfunctional. 2) The most recent set of vitals is determined by the last record listed in the Vitals tab (most recent date entered in the 'Date Measured' field located in the Vital's Window).]
SSN: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Social Security' field located in Patients > Patient.
SSN Last 4: This will reflect last 4 digits of the SSN as entered in the 'Social Security' filed located in Patients > Patient.
School City: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'City' field located in Patients > Patient > CDA.
[Note: The 'Use Canadian Claim Fields' checkbox MUST be selected from Preferences > Localization.]
School Name: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'School Name' field located in Patients > Patient > CDA.
[Note: The 'Use Canadian Claim Fields' checkbox MUST be selected from Preferences > Localization.]
School State: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'State' field located in Patients > Patient > CDA.
[Note: The 'Use Canadian Claim Fields' checkbox MUST be selected from Preferences > Localization.]
School Street Address: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Street Address' field located in Patients > Patient > CDA.
[Note: The 'Use Canadian Claim Fields' checkbox MUST be selected from Preferences > Localization.]
School Suite: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Suite/Apt #' field located in Patients > Patient > CDA.
[Note: The 'Use Canadian Claim Fields' checkbox MUST be selected from Preferences > Localization.]
School Zip Code: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Zip/Postal Code' field located in Patients > Patient > CDA.
[Note: The 'Use Canadian Claim Fields' checkbox MUST be selected from Preferences > Localization.]
Secondary Relationship: This will reflect the relationship as selected from the 'Relationship to Secondary' popup located in Patients > Patient.
Sex: This will display a numeric code reflective of the data selected from the 'Sex' popup located in Patients > Patient.
Male: 0
Female: 1
Unknown: 2
Sex (M/F): This will display an 'M' or an 'F' respective to having selected "Male" or "Female" from the 'Sex' popup located in Patients > Patient.
Sex (male/female): This will display "male" or "female" respective to having selected "Male" or "Female" from the 'Sex' popup located in Patients > Patient.
Smoking Quit Date: This will reflect the date as displayed in the 'Quit Date' column of the first status listed in Patients > Clinical > Smoking. This data will pull from the 'End Date' field located in the selected entry's Smoking Status Window.
[Note: The first smoking status listed is determined by the most recent smoking status entry or update.]
Smoking Start Date: This will reflect the date as displayed in the 'Start Date' column of the first status listed in Patients > Clinical > Smoking. This data will pull from the 'Start Date' field located in the selected entry's Smoking Status Window.
[Note: The first smoking status listed is determined by the most recent smoking status entry or update.]
Smoking Status: This will reflect the data as displayed in the 'Smoking Status' column of the first status listed in Patients > Clinical > Smoking. This data will pull from the 'Smoking Status' popup located in the selected entry's Smoking Status Window.
[Note: The first smoking status listed is determined by the most recent smoking status entry or update.]
Smoking Status Updated: This will reflect the date as displayed in the 'Start Date' column of the most recently updated entry listed in Patients > Clinical > Smoking.
[Note: The first smoking status listed is determined is by the most recent smoking status entry or update.]
Temperature: This will display the Body Temperature as found under the 'Temperature' column of the most recent set of vital signs entered in the Vitals t located in Patients > Clinical > Vitals. This data will pull from the 'Temp' field located in the selected entry's Vitals Window.
[Note: 1) Nonfunctional. 2) The most recent set of vitals is determined by the last record listed in the Vitals tab (most recent date entered in the 'Date Measured' field located in the Vital's Window).]
Weight: This will display the Weight as found under the 'Weight' column of the most recent set of vital signs entered in the Vitals table located in Patients > Clinical > Vitals. This data will pull from the 'Weight' field located in the selected entry's Vitals Window.
[Note: The most recent set of vitals is determined by the last record listed in the Vitals tab (most recent date entered in the 'Date Measured' field located in the Vital's Window).]
Work Phone: This will reflect the data as entered in a 'Number' field located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: The 'Number' field's adjoining 'Type' popup MUST be set to "Work Phone".]
Work Phone Extension: This will reflect the data as entered in an 'Ext' field located in Patients > Patient.
[Note: The 'Ext' field's adjoining 'Type' popup MUST be set to "Work Phone".]
ABN Number: This will display the ABN Number for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'ABN' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Additional Credentials.
CLIA: This will display the CLIA data for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'CLIA' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Claim Credentials.
DEA Number: This will display the DEA Number for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'DEA' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Additional Credentials.
DPS Number: This will display the DPS Number for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'DPS' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Additional Credentials.[Note: Nonfunctional.]
Eclaim Tax ID: This is a "True/False" pull field that will display an 'X' respective to having selected "Use Federal ID Number" from the 'Provider Tax ID on Claims' popup located in References > Users > Provider > Claim Credentials for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created.
[Note: Functionality is dependent upon pull field formatting. If formatted for "True" an 'X' will display when "Use Federal ID Number" is selected. If formatted for "False" an 'X' will display when "Use Social Security Number" is selected.]
Federal Number: This will display the Federal Number for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Federal' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Claim Credentials.
Form Name: This will display the Form Name data for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Name Printed in Box 33 HCFA' (DDS: 'Name Printed in Box 53 of Insurance Form') field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider.
Hospital Number: This will display the Hospital Number for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull form the 'Hospital' field locate in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Additional Credentials.
ID: This will display the User ID for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'User ID' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > User Information.
Name, First: This will display the First Name of the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'First' field located in the selected provider's User Reference.
Name, Last: This will display the Last Name of the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Last' field located in the selected provider's User Reference.
Name, Middle: This will display the Middle Name of the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Middle' field located in the selected provider's User Reference.
Name, Professional Title: This will display the Professional Title for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Professional Title' field located in the selected provider's User Reference.
Name, Suffix: This will display the Suffix for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Suffix' field located in the selected provider's User Reference.
National Provider ID: This will display the NPI Number for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'National Provider ID (NPI)' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Claim Credentials.
Other Number 1: This will display the Other 1 data for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Other 1' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Additional Credentials.
Other Number 2: This will display the Other 2 data for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Other 2' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Additional Credentials.
Other Number 3: This will display the Other 3 data for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Other 3' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Additional Credentials.
Other Number 4: This will display the Other 4 data for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Other 4' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Additional Credentials.
Other Number 5: This will display the Other 5 data for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Other 5' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Additional Credentials.
Phone: This will display the Phone Number for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Phone' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > User Information.
Phone Extension: This will display the Phone Extension Number for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Ext' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > User Information.
Provider Letter Head: This will display the Professional Title, First Name and Last Name of the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created; followed by the full address of the office selected from the 'Office' popup, also located in the procedure's Charge Window. This data will pull from the 'Professional Title', 'First', and 'Last' pull fields located in the selected provider's User Reference, and the 'Street Address', 'Suite', 'City', 'State', and 'Zip Code' fields located in the selected office's Reference.
[Note: The office fields are inaccessible and can only be changed or updated by the Accounting Department.]
Provider Number: This will display the Provider Number for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Provider' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Additional Credentials.
SSN: This will display the Social Security Number of the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'SSN' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Claim Credentials.
Specialty: This will display the Taxonomy Code for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Provider Taxonomy (Specialty)' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Claim Credentials.
State License Number: This will display the State License Number for the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'State License Number' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Claim Credentials.
Sub ID: This will display the Sub ID for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Sub ID' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Claim Credentials.
Title XIX Exception Code: This will display the Title XIX Exception Code for the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Title SA Exception Code Box 25D' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Claim Credentials.
UPIN: This will display the UPIN data for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'UPIN' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Additional Credentials.
Unique Number: This will display the Unique Number for the provider selected from the 'Provider Shown on Claim' popup located in the Charge Window of the procedure(s) tied to the selected claim at the time the claim was created. This data will pull from the 'Unique' field located in the selected provider's User Reference > Provider > Additional Credentials.