Primary and Secondary Guarantor Pull Fields
The Primary Guarantor pull fields will pull their information from the Primary tab of the Patients Ability. Secondary Guarantor will pull from the Secondary tab of the Patients Ability. If a specific field is not noted, the name of the field in the Primary/Secondary tab is the same as the name of the pull field.
Last Name: Last name
First Name: First name
Middle Name: Middle name
Maiden Name: Maiden Name
Prefix: Prefix
Suffix: Suffix
Nickname: Guarantor's nickname
SSN: Guarantor's social security number
SSN Last 4: Last 4 digits of the guarantor's social security number
Street Address: Street address
Suite/Apt #: Suite or apartment number; will display the data only
City: City
State: State
Zip Code: Zip code
Date of Birth: Guarantor's DOB
Age: Guarantor's age
Home Phone: Guarantor's phone number associated with the Home phone pop-up button as entered in one of the phone fields
Home Phone Extension: The extension information associated with the Home phone number record.
Work Phone: Guarantor's phone number associated with the Work phone pop-up button as entered in one of the phone fields under the Patient tab.
Work Phone Extension: The extension information associated with the Work phone number record.
Other Phone: Guarantor's phone number associated with the Other phone pop-up button as entered in one of the phone fields under the Patient tab.
Other Phone Extension: The extension information associated with the Other phone number record.
Mobile Phone: Guarantor's phone number associated with the Mobile phone pop-up button as entered in one of the phone fields under the Patient tab.
Mobile Phone Extension: The extension information associated with the Mobile phone number record.
Email: Guarantor's email address
Unless otherwise noted, the following fields will pull from the Employer listed in the Employers table of the Primary or Secondary tab. This information can be changed in the References Ability > Employers unless otherwise noted.
Employer Name: Employer's name
Employer Address: Employer's street address
Employer Suite: Employer's suite. This pull field will only display the information in the field, so if you want the note to say Suite 100, you will need to type that entire string of characters in the field.
Employer City: Employer's city
Employer State: Employer's state
Employer Zip Code: Employer's zip code
Employer Phone: Employer's phone number. This is defaulted in the employer's reference, but can be edited on a per-account basis under the Primary or Secondary tab.
Employer Extension: Employer's extension. This is defaulted in the employer's reference, but can be edited on a per-account basis under the Primary or Secondary tab.
Employer Group Number: Employer's group number. This can be edited on a per-account basis under the Primary or Secondary tab