Envelope & Address Label Form Pull Fields
Envelope and Address Label pull fields are to be used with the 'Avery Address Label' Form Type and will pull data onto paper form templates.
Envelopes/Address Labels
Address1 of Office: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Street Address' field located in References > Office > Mailing Address for the first Office Reference added to the database.
[Note: 1) This field is inaccessible and can only be changed or updated by the Accounting Department. 2) This field will NOT display a second Office Reference's data.]
Address1 of Record: This will display the Street Address of the record used to generate the form. A patient, or a list of patients will pull the patient's street address(es). A referral or a list of referrals will pull the referrer's street address(es), etc. This data will pull from the respective record's 'Street Address' field.
Address2 of Office: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Suite' field located in References > Office > Mailing Address for the first Office Reference added to the database.
[Note: 1) This field is inaccessible and can only be changed or updated by the Accounting Department. 2) This field will NOT display a second Office Reference's data.]
Address2 of Record: This will display the Suite Number of the record used to generate the form. A patient, or a list of patients will pull the patient's suite number(s). A referral or a list of referrals will pull the referrer's suite number(s), etc. This data will pull from the respective record's 'Suite' field.
City of Office: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'City' field located in References > Office > Mailing Address for the first Office Reference added to the database.
[Note: 1) This field is inaccessible and can only be changed or updated by the Accounting Department. 2) This field will NOT display a second Office Reference's data.]
City of Record: This will display the City of the record used to generate the form. A patient, or a list of patients will pull the patient's city(ies). A referral or a list of referrals will pull the referrer's city(ies), etc. This data will pull from the respective record's 'City' field.
City, State Zip of Office: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Zip Code' field located in References > Office > Mailing Address for the first Office Reference added to the database.
[Note: 1) This field is inaccessible and can only be changed or updated by the Accounting Department. 2) This field will NOT display a second Office Reference's data.]
Name of Office: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Office Name' field located in References > Office for the first Office Reference added to the database.
[Note: 1) This field is inaccessible and can only be changed or updated by the Accounting Department. 2) This field will NOT display a second Office Reference's data.]
Name of Record: This will display the First and Last Name of the record used to generate the form. A patient, or a list of patients will pull the patient's name(s). A referral or a list of referrals will pull the referrer's name(s), etc. This data will pull from the respective record's 'First (Name)' and 'Last (Name)' fields.
State of Office: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'State' field located in References > Office > Mailing Address for the first Office Reference added to the database.
[Note: 1) This field is inaccessible and can only be changed or updated by the Accounting Department. 2) This field will NOT display a second Office Reference's data.]
State of Record: This will display the State of the record used to generate the form. A patient, or a list of patients will pull the patient's state(s). A referral or a list of referrals will pull the referrer's state(s), etc. This data will pull from the respective record's 'State' field.
Zip of Office: This will reflect the data as entered in the 'Zip Code' field located in References > Office > Mailing Address for the first Office Reference added to the database.
[Note: 1) This field is inaccessible and can only be changed or updated by the Accounting Department. 2) This field will NOT display a second Office Reference's data.]
Zip of Record: This will display the Zip Code of the record used to generate the form. A patient, or a list of patients will pull the patient's zip code(s). A referral or a list of referrals will pull the referrer's zip code(s), etc. This data will pull from the respective record's 'Zip Code' field.