Treatments Pull Fields

In order for the Treatment pull fields to populate the note must be created from an appointment. There are two ways to do this: dragging the patient's appointment from the Schedule Ability or the Appointments node in the sidebar to the template under the Note Template node; or by dragging the appointment to the Lists tab of the MacPractice drawer, and from there dragging item to the template.

Additionally, the treatment plan items must be tied to the appointment used to generate the note. This can be determined by checking the Appointment Date column in the Treatment Plan view of the ledger. If an appointment is associated in this area, the treatment information will pull to a note template. If more than one treatment is associated to the same appointment, only the most recently posted treatment will display or get pulled into the note.

  • Treatment Date: Date of the appointment

  • Treatment Code: Procedure code of the treatment item

  • Treatment Tooth: Tooth number associated with the treatment item

  • Treatment Surface: Tooth surface data associated with the treatment item

  • Treatment Quadrant: Area of Oral Cavity, as selected in the charge window. This field will pull a number based on the order of the Area of Oral Cavity list in the charge window. For example, if Entire Oral Cavity is selected, the template will print 1, if Maxillary Area is selected, the template will pull 2, if Lower Right Sextant is selected, the template will pull 16.

  • Treatment Description: Short description of the treatment item

  • Treatment Charge Amount: Total Fee amount of the treatment item

  • Treatment Insurance Amount: Insurance portion of the treatment item

  • Treatment Patient Amount: Patient portion of the treatment item

  • Treatment Allowed Amount: Allowed Amount of the treatment procedure

  • Treatment Write Off Amount: Estimated write-off associated to the treatment plan item

  • Treatment Discount Amount: Difference between the unit fee of the selected procedure originally established in the fee schedule reference and the discounted fee amount for this patient calculated based on the percentage entered in the Percent Discount (%) field on the Statement Information area of the Account tab of the Patient ability.

  • Treatment Status: Appointment status

  • Treatment Resource: Resource associated with the appointment

  • Treatment Diagnosis 1-4: Diagnosis codes associated with the treatment item (Diagnosis 1 will pull the primary diagnosis on the procedure, Diagnosis 2 will pull the second code listed, and so on)