Patient Pull Fields

All of the Patient pull fields pull from information on the Patient tab of the Patient ability. If a specific field is not noted, the name of the pull field is the same as the name of the field in the Patient tab.

  • Last Name: Patient's last name

  • First Name: Patient's first name

  • Middle Name: Patient's middle name

  • Name: Patient's full name (first, middle initial with period, last name) as entered under the Patient tab, as one pull field

  • Maiden Name: Patient's maiden name

  • Nickname: Patient's nickname

  • Prefix: Patient's prefix (plus a period). For example, Mr., Mrs., Ms.

  • Suffix: Patient's suffix (plus a period). For example, Jr., Sr.

  • Street Address: Patient's street address

  • Suite/Apt#: Patient's suite or apartment number, as entered under the Patient tab

  • City: Patient's city

  • State: Patient's state

  • Zip Code: Patient's zip code

  • Home Phone: Patient's phone number associated with the Home phone pop-up button as entered in one of the phone fields

  • Home Phone Extension: The extension information associated with the Home phone number record

  • Work Phone: Patient's phone number associated with the Work phone pop-up button as entered in one of the phone fields under the Patient tab

  • Work Phone Extension: The extension information associated with the Work phone number record

  • Other Phone: Patient's phone number associated with the Other phone pop-up button as entered in one of the phone fields under the Patient tab

  • Other Phone Extension: The extension information associated with the Other phone number record

  • Mobile Phone: Patient's phone number associated with the Mobile phone pop-up button as entered in one of the phone fields under the Patient tab

  • Mobile Phone Extension: The extension information associated with the Mobile phone number record

  • Birthday: Patient's DOB as entered in the Birth Date field under the Patient tab. It will be formatted based on the MacPractice Preference > Notes >Format Date As.

  • Birth Time: Patient's date of birth

  • Age: Patient's age displayed next to the birth date field.

  • Date of Death: Patient's date of death, as entered in the Alerts tab of the Patient tab

  • Cause of Death Code: Diagnosis code selected in the Cause of Death field in the Alerts tab of the Patient ability

  • Cause of Death Description: Short description of the diagnosis selected in the Cause of Death field

  • Race: Patient's race, as listed under the Race/Ethnicity tab. More race records can be added to this area, but the pull field will only pull the first item listed.

  • Preferred Language: Patient's preferred language

  • Ethnicity: Patient's ethnicity, as set in the Race/Ethnicity

  • Sex (M/F): Will pull M if the patient's Sex pop-up button under the Patient tab is set to Male and F if it is set to Female. If it is set to Unknown the pull field will be left blank.

  • Sex (male/female): Will pull either male, female, or unknown depending on what is selected in the Sex pop-up button under the Patient tab.

  • Is Male: Will display either T or F for true or false depending on what is selected in the Sex pop-up button under the Patient tab. T indicates the Sex pop-up button is set to Male and F indicates it is set to Female or Unknown.

  • Is Female: This pull field will display either T or F for true or false depending on what is selected in the Sex pop-up button under the Patient tab. T indicates the Sex pop-up button is set to Female and F indicates it is set to Male or Unknown.

  • Gender Pronoun (He/She): Will display either he or she depending on what is selected in the Sex popup button (Male will pull he and Female will pull she. Unknown will also pull she.)

  • Gender Pronoun (Him/Her): Will display either him or her depending on what is selected in the Sex pop-up button. (Male will pull him and female will pull her. Unknown will also pull her.)

  • Gender Pronoun (His/Her): Will display either his or her depending on what is selected in the Sex pop-up button.(Male will pull his and Female will pull her. Unknown will also pull her.)

  • Employment: Will pull a number representing selection in the Employment pop-up button. The first item in the list (Full-Time Student) corresponds with the number 0; the last item in the list (Unknown) corresponds with the number 7. If you want to have the text of the Employment pop-up menu selection displayed in the note, use the Employment (Text) pull field.

  • Employment (Text): Patient's employment status, as selected in the Employment pop-up button

  • Marital Status (S/M/X/D/W/P/U): Displays one letter representing the selection in the Marital Status pop-up button under the Patient tab.

  • Is Single: A true/false pull field that will display T if the Marital Status pop-up button is set to Single. If it is set to anything else, the pull field will display F.

  • Is Married: A true/false pull field that will display T if the Marital Status pop-up button is set to Married. If it is set to anything else the pull field will display F.

  • Is Marital Status Other: A true/false pull field that will display T if the Marital Status pop-up button under the Patient tab is set to any status except Single or Married. If it is set to single or married the pull field will display F.

  • Is Employed: A true/false pull field that will display T if the Employment status pop-up button under the Patient tab is set to Employed, Self-Employed, or Active Military. If it is set to Full-Time Student, Part-Time Student, Not Employed, Retired, or Unknown, the the pull field will display F.

  • Is Full Time Student: A true/false pull field that will display T if the employment status pop-up button under the Patient tab is set to Full-Time Student; if this field is set to any other option, F will be displayed.

  • Is Part Time Student: A true/false pull field that will display T if the employment status pop-up button under the Patient tab is set to Part-Time Student; if this field is set to any other option, F will be displayed.

  • Primary Relationship: Patient's relationship to the Primary on the account, selected in the "Relationship to Primary" pop-up button.

  • Secondary Relationship: Patient's relationship to the Secondary on the account, selected in the "Relationship to Secondary" pop-up button.

  • Account ID: Patient's account number, (excluding the patient number). For example, if a patient's full account number is 2-1, only the number 2 will be displayed.

  • Display ID: Patient's full account number, including both the account number and the patient number. For example, if a patient's full account number is 3-1, 3-1 will be displayed.

  • SSN: Patient's social security number as entered in the Social Security field under the Patient tab.

  • SSN Last 4: Last 4 digits of the patient's social security number.

  • Medicare Expiration: Patient's Medicare Expiration date. By default this field is hidden. In order for it to appear, go to MacPractice Preferences, then select Localization in the sidebar. Change the SSN pop-up button to Medicare. You will now see Medicare and Medicare Expiration fields in place of the SSN field.

  • Chart #: Patient's Chart #

  • Email: Patient's email address

  • New Patient Date: Patient's New Patient Date

  • Fee Schedule Name: Patient's default Fee Schedule

  • Provider ID: Provider ID (two-character designation in parenthesis following the provider name) of the provider selected for the patient. It is entered in the provider's User reference.

  • Provider Last Name: Last name of the provider selected for the patient. It is entered in the provider's User reference.

  • Provider First Name: First name of the provider selected for the patient. It is entered in the provider's User reference.

  • Provider Middle Name: Middle name of the provider selected for the patient. It is entered in the provider's User reference.

  • Provider Title: Title of the provider selected for the patient. It is entered in the provider's User reference.

  • Office ID: Office ID (two-character designation in parenthesis following the office name) of the office selected for the patient. It is entered in the Office reference.

  • Office Name: Office name of the office selected for the patient. It is listed in the Office reference, but can only be changed by the MacPractice Accounting Department.

The following pull fields are only available in MacPractice DDS:

  • Hygienist ID: Provider ID (two-character designation in parenthesis following the provider name) of the Preferred Hygienist selected for the patient. It is entered in the provider's User reference.

  • Hygienist Last Name: Provider ID (two-character designation in parenthesis following the provider name) of the Preferred Hygienist selected for the patient. It is entered in the provider's User reference.

  • Hygienist First Name: Provider ID (two-character designation in parenthesis following the provider name) of the Preferred Hygienist selected for the patient. It is entered in the provider's User reference.

  • Hygienist Middle Name: Provider ID (two-character designation in parenthesis following the provider name) of the Preferred Hygienist selected for the patient. It is entered in the provider's User reference.

The following pull from the Follow-Up or Recall tab in the Patients Ability > Patient. Pull fields tied to Follow Up 1 (or Recall 1) will pull information from the first recall in the tab. Follow Up 2 (or Recall 2) will pull the second item, and so on.

  • Follow-Up/Recall Last Follow-Up/Recall: Last Visit date of the patient's Recall/Follow-up (found under the Recall tab in MacPractice DDS, and the Follow-up tab in all other products). If there is more than one follow-up/recall entry, it will pull the most recent past date in the Last Visit column.

  • Follow-Up/Recall Next Follow-Up/Recall: Next Visit date of the patient's Recall/Follow-up (found under the Recall tab in MacPractice DDS, and the Follow-up tab in all other products). If there is more than one follow-up/recall entry, it will pull the soonest future date in the Next Visit column.

  • Follow-Up/Recall Frequency: Frequency of the patient's Recall/Follow-up (found under the Recall tab in MacPractice DDS, and the Follow-up tab in all other products). If there is more than one follow-up/recall entry, it will pull the soonest future date in the Next Visit column.

  • Follow-Up/Recall Type: Type of the patient's Recall/Follow-up (found under the Recall tab in MacPractice DDS, and the Follow-up tab in all other products). If there is more than one follow-up/recall entry, it will pull the most recent past date in the Last Visit column.

  • Follow Up/Recall 1-8 Type: Lists the Follow-Up/Recall Type

  • Follow Up/Recall 1-8 Last Visit: Lists the Last Visit date associated with the Follow-Up/Recall record

  • Follow Up/Recall 1-8 Frequency: Lists the frequency (in days) associated with the Follow-Up/Recall record

  • Follow Up/Recall 1-8 Next Visit: Lists the Next Visit date associated with the Follow-Up/Recall record

  • Follow Up/Recall 1-8 Notes: Lists any notes associated with the Follow-Up/Recall record.

The following pull from the Patients Ability > Insurance tab:

  • EPSDT: If the EPSDT checkbox is checked, it will pull a 1; if it is unchecked, a 0. EPSDT stands for Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment.

  • Family Planning: If the Family Planning checkbox (found under the Insurance tab) is checked, it will pull a 1; if it is unchecked, a 0.

  • HIPAA Release: Pulls in the selection from the HIPAA Release pop-up button 

  • HIPAA Release Date: Pulls in the date entered in the HIPAA Release Date field

  • Custom 1-8: Pulls patient's custom entries located in the Patient's Ability > Patient > Custom tab. The first entry listed on the Custom tab would pull to the note using the "Custom 1" pull field. The second entry listed on the Custom tab would pull to the note using the "Custom 2" pull field, and so on.

  • Alert 1-8: Pulls the patient's alert entries located in the Patient's Ability > Patient > Custom tab. The first entry listed on the Alert tab would pull to the note using the "Alert 1" pull field. The second entry listed on the Alert tab would pull to the note using the "Alert 2" pull field, and so on.

The following pull from the Patients Ability > Appointments tab:

  • Next Appointment: Date of the patient's next appointment; will be formatted based on the MacPractice Preference > Notes > Format Date As.

  • Next Appointment Time: Start time of the patient's next appointment

  • Last Appointment: Date of the patient's most recent past appointment; will be formatted based on the MacPractice Preference > Notes > Format Date As.

  • Last Appointment Time: Start time of the patient's most recent past appointment

  • Notes: Pull text entered under the Patients Ability > Notes tab

The following pull from the Patients Ability > Emergency tab:

  • Emergency Contact Last Name: Pulls from the Last Name column; will only pull from the first line entry on this tab no matter how many emergency contacts are listed.

  • Emergency Contact First Name: Pulls from the First Name column; will only pull from the first line entry on this tab no matter how many emergency contacts are listed.

  • Emergency Contact Phone: Pulls from the Phone column; will only pull from the first line entry on this tab no matter how many emergency contacts are listed.

  • Emergency Contact Relationship: Pulls from the Relationship to Patient column; will only pull from the first line entry on this tab no matter how many emergency contacts are listed.

The following pull from the Patient's Ability > Patient > CDA tab. In order to see the CDA tab, the MacPractice Preference > Localization > Use Canadian Claim Fields must be checked:

  • School Name: Patient's School Name

  • School Street Address: Patient's school's Street Address

  • School Suite: Patient's school's suite number; will only display data entered in the field

  • School City: Patient's school's city

  • School State: Patient's school's state

  • School Zip Code: Patient's school's zip code

  • Exception-Is Full Time Student: When Full Time Student is selected in the Patient Exception pop-up menu an X will appear in the note template. When the pop-up is set to anything else the pull field will be blank.

  • Exception-Is Disabled: When Disabled is selected in the Patient Exception pop-up menu, an X will appear in the note template. When the pop-up is set to anything else, the pull field will be blank.

  • Exception-Is Disabled Student: When Disabled Student is selected in the Patient Exception pop-up button on the CDA tab of the Patient tab an X will appear in the note template. When the pop-up is set to anything else the pull field will be blank.

  • Exception: Pulls the selection from the Patient Exception pop-up menu. The school name must be filled in or the pull field will not display anything in the note.

The following pull pull from the Patients Ability > Clinical tab > Smoking tab:

  • Smoking Status: Displays the text only of the patient's smoking status.

  • Smoking Status Updated: Date the patient's smoking status was last updated. This value is set automatically when the status is updated.

  • Smoking Start Date: Date entered in the Start Date field.

  • Smoking Quit Date: Date entered in the Quit Date field.

  • Cessation Counseling Offered: If the "Cessation Counseling offered" checkbox is enabled, yes will be pulled to the note. If this box is unchecked, no will pull instead.

  • Cessation Counseling Date: Date listed in the Date Offered field.

The following pull from the Patients Ability > Clinical > Vitals tab:

  • BMI: Pulls the patient's BMI (Body Mass Index)

  • BP Diastolic: Pulls the patient's diastolic blood pressure reading

  • BP Systolic: Pulls the patient's systolic blood pressure reading

  • Height: Pulls the patient's height

  • Respiration: Pulls the patient's respiration rate

  • SPO2: Pulls the patient's oxygen saturation

  • Weight: Pulls the patient's weight

  • Allergy Date Last Checked: Pulls the date of when the patient's allergies were last checked

  • Last Visit: Pulls the most recent procedure date in the patient's ledger.